Semua Bab His Hidden Heart: Bab 11 - Bab 20
38 Bab
Chapter 10
Hayden-When it didn’t look like he was going to calm down any time soon, I walked around the desk. Slowly resting my hand on his arm, I felt his muscles tense. Dominic stared at the door to his office as if he could burn a hole through it.“Dominic?” I whispered.Suddenly, his hand closed around my wrist, and before I knew what was happening, he pulled me onto his lap. Sitting across his lap, my hands rested on his shoulders. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked into his icy gaze.When his arms wrapped around my waist, he jerked me forward until our faces were a few inches apart. His body felt tense as he stared at me, and his gaze dropped to my lips. For the longest time, I thought he was going to kiss me. I didn’t know if I wanted him to or not, but I didn’t think I would push him away if he tried.“I will come back later.” Tristian’s voice snapped me out of my haze, and I scurried off Dominic’s lap.“I am going to go get something to drink.” I mumbled as I hurried out of the
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Chapter 11
Dominic-Going into the break room, I filled a mug with hot coffee and placed it in the microwave for two minutes. After it was heated, I grabbed the mug, not caring that the handle was hot to the touch. With a destination in mind, I left the breakroom.Arriving at the small office that Devon occupied, I shoved the door open without knocking. Her friends gathered around her on the couch while one bandaged her finger. Not long after I walked in, her attention shot up.“Dominic!” She jumped up with eagerness and rushed to me.I thought I had contained my anger, but the moment she grabbed my sleeve, I wanted to break every bone in her body. Grabbing her wrist, I shoved her other hand away. Holding her wrist up, I applied pressure and bent it backward.“You are hurting me!” Devon shrieked and tried to pull her wrist free.“What gives you the right to say that I am yours?” I glowered, gritted my teeth, and stepped forward to tower over her.“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Devon
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Chapter 12
Hayden-Over the next week, I busied myself with learning as much as I could. I read over file after file until I could almost memorize different contracts. It felt like a waste of time, but at least I pointed out a few issues I noticed.Dominic never officially assigned me to a task, which annoyed me. Every day, he would take me to work and take me back home, but it was the same thing every day. If things continued like this, I felt like I was going to go insane.For an entire week, my schedule consisted of waking up, getting ready for work, going to work, returning home, eating, getting ready for bed, sleeping, and then starting all over. I never left the office because after the incident on the first day, Dominic had someone deliver coffee and other drinks and food to me, or he would get it himself. I was supposed to be the assistant, yet he was the one assisting me.“Can’t I do anything else?” I asked Dominic after placing a file on the coffee table.“I don’t have anything for you
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Chapter 13
Hayden-A sound outside the door caught my attention. Devon fell to the ground just as the door to the conference room opened. Confused about why she fell since I never touched her, I looked up and saw Dominic enter. Now I knew. Smiling, I stepped over her and went to stand next to Dominic.“What are you still doing here?” Dominic asked, not bothering to look at Devon.“Don’t blame Hayden. She didn’t mean to push me. I was just trying to apologize for burning her with coffee last week.” Devon answered.“I wasn’t asking you.” Dominic kept his attention on me.“I thought I would clean up the conference room before heading back.” I smiled sweetly as I grabbed the sleeve of Dominic’s shirt and tugged on it lightly.Dominic grabbed the files and the laptop out of my hands. Looking over at Devon, I almost laughed when she tried to stand up and cried out in pain. Her hand flew to her ankle. For as long as I have known Dominic, I knew that the damsel in distress act wouldn’t work on him.“Cou
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Chapter 14
Hayden-“I revised the contract.” Dominic started as he slid a file across the table. “If you…” He stopped talking when Lexus slid the file back.“I didn’t come here to talk business.” Lexus was still staring at me, which made me a little uncomfortable.“If we aren’t here to discuss business, then there isn’t much for us to discuss.” Dominic began to rise.“Hold on a minute.” Lexus put his hand up and motioned for Dominic to sit down. “We used to be friends. I thought we could catch up and ease a little tension between us. If we plan to work together, shouldn’t we get along?”Dominic settled in his chair again, and I noticed his hands were balled into fists. I didn’t know what was happening between them, but it was apparent they weren’t on good terms. Looking across the table at Lexus, I couldn’t help but think he was up to something.“You’re right.” Dominic said through clenched teeth.“Great.” Lexus smiled and then waved his hand at the man next to him. “We can have a few drinks and
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Chapter 15
Dominic-Hayden bolted out of the elevator before I could stop her. With a heavy sigh, I caught up with Hayden and threw her over my shoulder. She struggled for a bit, but I kept a firm grip around her thighs.“You are going to be the death of me.” I muttered as I carried her outside.I alerted the lobby to have my car ready when we were in the elevator. It was parked out front with the passenger door open. Placing Hayden inside the car, I knelt to buckle her in. She resisted at first, but her movements were weak.After her seatbelt was secure, I shook my head and stood. She had never given me this much trouble before. When our parents were still alive and married, Hayden had followed me around, constantly trying to get me to talk to her. Whenever I told her to do something, she did it without complaint. Now, it was like she was a completely different person.Closing her door, I walked around to the driver's side. Looking over at Hayden, who had already fallen asleep, I stared at her
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Chapter 16
Dominic-“Close your eyes. It will be fun.” I said as I grabbed her waist and threw my other arm past her to punch one of the men who tried attacking again.“There isn’t any music.” Hayden complained as she closed her eyes.Pulling out my phone while spinning her around to swing my leg at one of the guys, I quickly played music from my phone. Hayden clung to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. Tucking the phone in my pocket again, I continued to swing her around in different directions.She laughed while I used my dance moves to fight against the men. It was a little difficult fighting with her in my arms, but I managed to keep them from touching her. Every so often, I would dip her low to dodge an attack.Hayden continued to laugh, which brought a smile to my face. It has been a long time since I have enjoyed myself. The attackers were slowing down now, their attacks becoming less frequent. Needing to end this quickly, before the song ended or Hayden opened her eyes, danced he
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Chapter 17
Dominic- When I woke up, Hayden was still in my arms, curled against my side, with her head resting on my chest. As much as I liked holding her, I wasn’t sure what she would remember about last night or how she would react. Carefully easing her off me, I slid out of bed.Hayden groaned slightly and rolled to her side. Covering her with the blanket, I let her sleep a little longer while preparing for the day. After showering and getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and went to the living room.The maid I hired to take care of the apartment was due to arrive this morning, so I didn’t worry about cooking breakfast. I went into my office and sat at my desk to investigate who the men who attacked last night were. Watching the security cameras, I didn’t see anything that could give me any clues.I picked up my phone and texted a friend to run facial recognition on the men. As soon as I put the phone on my desk, I heard the elevator in the hall ding, alerting me that someone had arrived. Rus
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Chapter 18
Hayden-“Are you serious?” I asked as soon as Devon left the office.“I am, but whether you can complete the task is up to you.” Dominic stood and extended his arm toward the door. “I will show you where your desk will be.”Leaving the office, Dominic led me across the open space, which was scattered with many workstations and desks. The desk Dominic led me to was near the break room, on the edge of the design team. The desks were facing each other in sets of four.The desk I was given was next to a girl around my age, who had Hello Kitty decorations everywhere. The desks were divided with privacy shields. Sitting at the desk, I flattened my hands on the cool wood, silently wishing that I would be able to keep my position and make this desk mine.“Stephanie, help her with anything she needs. I will leave her in your care.” Dominic spoke to the girl with Hello Kitty decorations before walking away.“My name is Stephanie. I am an intern here.” Stephanie extended her arm. “If you have an
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Chapter 19
Hayden-When I returned to work the following morning, there were only thirty minutes before the meeting. Thinking I had plenty of time, I grabbed the manuscript I had made notes on. Opening the drawer with the flash drive, I noticed it was no longer in the same place I had put it.In a panic, I began searching around my desk for the flash drive. I tried to remember if I had put it in a different place. When I thoroughly scoured my desk, I tried to relax. Even if the flash drive was missing, I could copy it again.Calming myself down, I sat at my desk and waited for my computer to turn on. Grabbing a new flash drive from the supplies Stephanie had given me yesterday, I plugged it into the computer. I didn’t have long to copy the information to the flash drive, as I had spent most of my time trying to find the original drive.“Is everything okay?” Stephanie rolled her chair next to me.“The flash drive I copied everything to is missing,” I explained as I searched for the file I had sav
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