All Chapters of His Hidden Heart: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
Chapter 20
Hayden-Over the next few days, I was busy finalizing everything for the book I was now in charge of since the incident with Devon stealing my work. Everything had been settled, and I was able to keep my position as a full-time employee. Not only did I work as a designer, but I also worked with the editing team.Everyone was treating me better, even those that were close to Devon. There was a rumor going around the office that anyone that messed with me would be killed. I thought Devon would be taken to the police station, along with her brother and Stephanie, but they all disappeared.I didn’t think they had been killed, but knowing that Dominic was in the Mafia, I couldn’t completely brush the possibility away. I felt it was better not to ask him personally, but I haven’t seen Tristan since the incident occurred. I considered not worrying about it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it.“Are you ready to go?” Dominic asked, walking up behind me.Pushing away from my desk, I spun the
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Chapter 21
Hayden-After changing our clothes, we returned to the auditorium to complete the graduation ceremony. Instead of sitting with Dominic and Tristan, I sat with the rest of the graduating class next to Lily. As they called out names to get on the stage and get recognition for graduating, I kept glancing toward Dominic.He was standing next to Tristan at the end of the row of chairs where I sat. It had only been two weeks since he had once again entered my life, but it was starting to feel as if he had never left. When I thought about it, he really hasn’t. In a way, he has always been there, silently protecting me like he is now. The only difference was that now I knew he was there.“Hayden Delaney.” My name was called.Standing up, I realized I missed Lily getting on the stage to collect her diploma. Walking toward the end of the row of chairs, I passed by Dominic. Tristan gave me a thumbs up, smiling at me, while Dominic retained his expressionless composure.Walking onto the stage, I
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Chapter 22
Dominic-“Any news?” I asked Tristan after we cleared out the auditorium.“We found Lily knocked out in a storage closet.”“I don’t care about her! I want to know what happened to Hayden and why she disappeared!” I slammed my fist against the stage as I stood before it.“We are still investigating, but we found a clue. Apparently, around the time Hayden was supposed to come off the stage, one of her professors told her that Lily wanted to surprise her with a gift. We have him being held until we can confirm his story with Lily. The school nurse is trying to wake her up.”“Anything on the surveillance yet?”“Nothing yet, but a team of hackers is trying to restore the monitors. I sent some men to try tracking her location.”Gritting my teeth, I tried to keep myself calm. If anyone was to blame, it was myself. If I had noticed sooner that something was wrong, Hayden wouldn’t be missing. I also should have brought guards with me instead of thinking nothing would happen to her around a cro
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Chapter 23
Hayden-“No!” I screamed as three of the four men started attacking Dominic.One after another, they hit Dominic. He didn’t resist or fight back. His eyes remained on me. The man with the knife stepped to the side of me, no longer holding the blade to my neck. I would rather him threaten my life than have his men attack Dominic.With each blow Dominic endured, it felt like my heart was breaking. The men found objects to hit Dominic with after a few beatings. One of the men used a steel bar. When the bar swung across Dominic’s back, he fell forward, catching himself with his hands.“Stop!” I cried as I tried to wiggle free of my restraints.“This is too much fun!” The man with the knife laughed like a lunatic.“Close. Your. Eyes.” Dominic spoke each word between each hit he received.Although I didn’t want to see him getting beat like this, I wasn’t going to look away. I was the reason he was getting hit like this. I needed to try to get free so I could save him.Struggling against the
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Chapter 24
Dominic-After I woke up, it took me a moment to understand where I was. Looking around the room, I understood that I was at the private hospital Hayden’s mother had set up for me and my father. Considering our line of work, we couldn’t afford to put our lives in the hands of a public hospital.As I looked around, I noticed I wasn’t alone. Hayden was lying her head on the bed next to me, holding my hand. I wanted to pull my hand away because she had a death grip on it, but I didn’t want to wake her.Reaching across with my other hand, I gently caressed her head. She stirred slightly and mumbled something but didn’t open her eyes. Smiling, I recalled everything she told me before I passed out. I can also remember hearing her voice when I was asleep.“Please forgive me. I should be the one lying there instead of you. If it weren’t for the fact I fell into a trap and was kidnapped, you wouldn’t be in this mess.” I had heard her say as she sobbed when I was asleep.That wasn’t the reason
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Chapter 25
Hayden-“Do you know how scared I was?” I asked.“I know, and I am sorry. I shouldn’t have pretended to lose my memory.” Dominic’s hand reached out toward me but didn’t fully extend as if he were hesitant to touch me.“I don’t know.” I whispered.Turning around, I planned to leave the room. It wasn’t because I was upset with him. It was because I was now embarrassed. I poured my heart out to him when I thought he couldn’t hear me. I cried miserably at his bedside, worried he wouldn’t wake up.“Hayden, please.” Dominic grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward him.Losing my balance, I fell back while turning toward him, landing on him and causing him to release a grunt. Thinking I hurt him and was pressing on his wound, I tried to get up. He wrapped his arms around mine, preventing me from being able to push myself off him.“I don’t want to hurt you.” I informed him as I tried again to get up.“The only thing that hurts is my heart.”“What is wrong?” I asked in a panic and tried to get up,
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Chapter 26
Hayden-When we returned home a few days later, everything felt awkward. Besides the kiss we shared at the hospital, we had little time to discuss things. Every time we tried to get close, someone would interrupt us.Now that we were home, I wasn’t sure if I should ask about our relationship or just let things happen naturally. This was the first time I had been anywhere close to a relationship, and I didn’t know how to act. It didn’t help that Dominic closed himself in his office shortly after arriving home.“Is everything okay?” Maria asked, setting a plate of fruit on the coffee table.Sliding my laptop off my lap, I scooted forward on the couch and leaned over to grab a grape off the plate. “I guess so.”“I can’t help but notice you keep looking toward his office.” Maria sat beside me on the couch.“I was just trying to figure him out.” I admitted before popping the grape into my mouth.“It will take some time but have patience. Dominic can seem a little harsh, but he has a soft h
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Chapter 27
Hayden-The following morning, I considered trying a different tactic because after acting cute last night, I couldn’t get a reaction from him. I cuddled him on the couch until it was time to eat, but instead of paying any attention to me, he resumed reading the novel I was writing.When he entered the kitchen to get the casserole out of the oven, I waited until it was safe and hugged him from behind while he was preparing our plates. He hadn’t said a word about anything I did other than tense occasionally. I had even sat on his lap while we ate, but he never said a word.Granted, he never shoved me away or anything, but he didn’t react much, either. There were a few times I thought I saw him smile, but when I focused on him, I figured I was imagining things. After we ate, he closed himself in the office again.I had returned to writing and then fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I was still asleep on the couch. Dominic had placed a blanket over me but stayed in his office for
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Chapter 28
Hayden-“Then what is it?” I asked.Stepping back, I thought I could escape him, but it was pointless. My back hit a shelf behind me, blocking me in with no way to escape. The container was lined with shelves, not allowing much room for movement, especially with Dominic standing between me and the exit.“It is better if you don’t know.” Dominic moved forward, caging me in, placing his arms on the shelf behind me.“Better for who?”Dominic didn’t answer me, but the way his eyes focused on my lips made me more interested in having him kiss me. My attention lowered to his mouth as my tongue darted out to moisten my suddenly dry lips. When his head began to lower to mine, my body betrayed my thoughts of having him kiss me.Pressing my hands against his chest, I shoved him away from me. I didn’t know who was more startled, me or him. Dominic’s eyes widened as he staggered back, and I stared at my hands. I couldn’t believe I had pushed him away, especially after I had been trying to figure
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Chapter 29
Dominic-Leaning forward with my elbows on my knees, I sat quietly for a moment. “My mother was an FBI agent.”“Okay? Why is that a big secret?” Hayden asked as she moved to sit on the step beside me.“It wouldn't be an issue if I weren’t in the Mafia.” I looked at Hayden and saw the confusion on her face. “The best way for you to understand is if I start at the beginning.”Taking my eyes off Hayden, I looked straight ahead, not focusing on anything. “My mother had been an undercover agent when she met my father. It wasn’t until after my father died that I learned the truth about how my parents met.”“Why did it take so long?”“After my father died, an FBI agent approached me and asked me to join the FBI. The man had worked with my mother and had kept an eye on us. When my mother went undercover it was to investigate my father, but she hadn’t found anything. They ended up falling in love, and my mother gave up her career to stay with my father.”Hayden rested her hand on my arm, and I
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