All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
250 Chapters
C'est La Vie
Linda’s POVAs Chris carried me towards the bedroom, my mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Part of me was screaming to stop, to gain control of the situation before things went too far. But another part of me–the part that still loved him, craved for every part of him, it craved his touch. It was urging me to give in to the passion that burned between us.The bedroom door closed behind us with a soft click, shutting out the world and leaving us alone in our own private sanctuary. Chris laid me down gently on the bed, his eyes never leaving mine as he hovered above me, his breath coming in ragged gasps. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair as I pulled him closer, craving the connection that only he could provide. Our lips met in a feverish kiss, igniting a fire that had been smoldering between us since the moment we first laid eyes on each other. His hands roamed over my body, leaving trails of fire in their wake as he explored every inch of me. I arched into his
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Back In America
Linda’s POVAs the car approached the airport, I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the journey ahead. My mom held my hand tightly, offering silent comfort as we navigated through the bustling terminal. My Dad was leading the way, he always tried to make sure that we were as relaxed as possible when we were traveling. He would often try to do everything so we would not have to do them. Checking in my luggage felt like a blur, my mind still reeling from the emotional whirlwind of the past few hours. Boarding the plane was not too smooth but my parents and I made our way to first class soon, settling in. As we soared through the clouds, I found myself lost in thought, reflecting on the events that had led me to this moment. The love, the betrayal, the heartache—it all seemed like a distant memory, yet it still lingered in the recesses of my mind, refusing to be forgotten. But amidst the pain and uncertainty, there was also a glimmer of hope—a hope that m
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A Talk Between Siblings
Linda’s POVAs Ben led me away from our parents, I could not help but feel a sense of apprehension mingled with curiosity. What did he want to talk to me about? Was he still involved with Fallon, or had he managed to break free from her influence?As we entered a quieter part of the house, Ben turned to me, his expression serious. “Linda, I need you to know that you have nothing to worry about. The moment Fallon let you go after you had helped her put the Kingstons behind bars, she had me sign a contract that I was free.” I scoffed, but it was more like one of relief. “Really?” I smiled. He nodded. “Yes, it is.” He laughed lightly. “I am no longer her puppet to be controlled. But I don’t think I would ever get over the fact that I am responsible for some dark things.” His smile faltered. His words reminded me that I too had some skeletons in my closet, skeletons that would have never been there if I had never met Fallon. But well, there was no changing of the past. What had happene
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A Quick Checkup
Linda’s POVThe pain intensified, sending waves of discomfort coursing through my body. I clutched my stomach, feeling a sense of panic rising within me. What was happening? Was it something I ate, or was it something more serious? Could this be the bullet? Gosh, my baby. Please god, don’t let anything happen to my baby. Right when I was about to let out a cry for help, the pain stopped. Just like that, it stopped. I was left breathing deeply, trying to calm myself. It stopped as if nothing had even been going on. What in the world had just happened?I had intended to take a long shower, but to hell with that! I needed to know if I was okay. I needed to know if my baby was okay. Had the bullet punctured something in me? Maybe an organ? The thought sent waves of fear inside of me. I quickly showered, grabbed a towel from the heated rack, and dried my skin and hair before stepping out of the bathroom. I got dressed and ready in ten minutes and then headed right out of the room. I
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A Gloomy Evening
Linda’s POVMy heart sank at the mention of the bullet. It was a chilling reminder of the danger that still lurked within me, threatening not just my own life but also that of my unborn child. “Is…is there anything we can do about it?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my mind racing with thoughts of surgeries and potential complications. The doctor’s expression softened as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “At this stage, surgery to remove the bullet could pose significant risks to both you and the baby,” He explained gently. “It’s lodged in a delicate area, and any attempt to remove it could potentially cause more harm than good.”I felt a knot form in my stomach at his words, a sense of helplessness washing over me. I had hoped for a solution, a way to rid myself of the looming threat of the bullet once and for all, but that was just a dead end. At least for now. I guess this gift from Mr. Kingston was not going anywhere no matter how hard I tried. The doctors
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A Vampire
Chris’s POVIt was quiet, way too quiet for my liking. I mean, I was someone who liked it when it was quiet, but not this type of silence.I think what I should be saying was that I missed Linda. She was gone, she was already out of the country.I could get on a plane right now and go to her, falling to her knees to beg her to forgive me. But I think that I had gotten the fact in my head that I could not force someone to heal when I wanted them to do so.As much as I hated to say this, she needed time. She needed time away from me. I think what felt more awful was not just the fact that she had left but the fact that I did not know when she was going to be coming back.It could be next week, or it could be next year. Or it could even be after five years. The fact that I did not know scared me, it gave me anxiety.Walking down the stairs and heading to the living room, my footsteps echoed in the empty villa. I still had not told the workers to come back to work yet. I wanted to be alo
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Time To Wake Up
Chris’s POVMy jaw clenched, anger simmering beneath the surface as her words cut through me like a knife. How dare she come into my home and behave this way?“Watch your mouth, Fallon,” I warned, my voice low and dangerous. “You have no right to judge me or my actions.” I chuckled without humor. She scoffed, her expression hardened. “And you have no right to treat Linda the way you did. She did not deserve that.” I was ready to pounce on her with a comeback but I took a few seconds to process her words. “I know,” I replied in a soft tone, a heavy feeling sitting on my chest. “But I swear to you, it was a mistake, one that I am paying for, so don’t you worry.” I flashed a dull smile at her. Her expression softened and she sighed, taking a few steps to me. “I know, we all…we all do stupid things from time to time. We’re humans, we’re not perfect, so of course, we make mistakes.” I nodded, taking in her words. “Sure,” I replied in a monotone. “So that does not mean that when we mes
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Coffee-Shop Talk
Chris’s POVEntering the cafe, I was immediately greeted by the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of conversation. The atmosphere was cozy and inviting, a stark contrast to the chaos of my own thoughts. Spotting Aunt Maze sitting at a corner table, surrounded by notebooks and pens, I could not help but smile. Despite everything that had happened, seeing her brought a sense of calmness to me. Making my way over to her table, I greeted her with a warm hug, taking her by surprise. “Hey, Aunt Maze. Long time no see.” LolShe returned the hug, surprise plastered on her features, but happiness soon replaced it. “Chris, dear, it’s been too long. How have you been?” She asked, her eyes running over me. I took a seat opposite her, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. “I have been…” I did not know how to tell her that my life had been a mess. There was just so much to unpack. “...navigating through some rough waters, to say the least.” Her smile faltered slightly,
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Chris’s POVAunt Maze’s gaze grew distant, lost in memories I could only imagine. “But I chose not to let his darkness consume me. I chose to carve out my own path, away from his shadow. It was not easy, Chris. Do you know what it’s like to denounce your own family’s name all because you hated what it was starting to represent?” I nodded. “I’m so sorry.” That was all I could say.She shook her head, some disappointment covering her features. “I remember asking you to join me to come here, to come to China. It was right after I had found out what your father had done to that poor girl’s family.”I swallowed hard, feeling ashamed. She was talking about Fallon. “Yeah.” My voice was small. “But I was young, what did I know?”“You were a teenager,” She replied, her tone hard. “But you were very much aware of what your father and his wife had been doing. But you were…” She sighed while shaking her head. “…you were just so hellbent on impressing him, earning his approval.”I twisted my mout
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My True Identity
Chris’s POVI took in her words, this meant some good news, to be honest. This meant that she knew what I had come to find out about. This meant that she knew about my real family. I had already made peace with the fact that my father was never going to tell me anything about where I was really from. I nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. “I know. But I can’t keep living this lie, Aunt Maze. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not, someone my father wants me to be.”It was much easier when I did not know that I was not a true Kingston, but now that I knew, I just needed to do something about it. She sighed, closing her notebook and setting aside her pen, her facial features weary yet resolute. “Very well. What is it that you want to know?” Wait, was she serious? Was she really going to tell me? I tried my best to hide my excitement and to keep a straight face. Taking a deep breath and steeling myself for what was to come, I tried to find the perfect question to ask
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