All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
250 Chapters
Where Is My Baby?
Linda’s POVAs Kirby’s voice cut through the conversation, a tense silence descended upon the room. Mr. and Mrs. Kingston turned their attention towards her, their expressions unreadable as they nodded in acknowledgment. “Yes, you can proceed,” Mr. Kingston said, his voice firm and authoritative. “We have important matters to attend to; like clearing our names,” He said as he looked directly at me. His wife remained silent, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of curiosity and detachment. It was as if she was observing a specimen under a microscope, or a chim in a zoo. Kirby nodded in response to her boss’s directive, her expression impassive as she turned her attention to me. With deliberate movements, she approached the metal chair where I was seated, her eyes set on me. Then she chuckled. “This is going to be so much fun.” She drew close to me, and then slowly took out her pistol.“What are you doing? We don’t want her dead, Kirby,” Mrs. Kingston chirped in as she watched the sc
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Some Time To Think
Linda’s POVI waited for an answer, I needed to know. Because how could the excess of blood be explained?“Mr. and Mrs. Kingston are not doctors, they barely know the difference between me doing the procedure for an abortion and completely something else,” Kirby explained, walking towards the wall by the door and leaning her back on it.“So what did you do?” I was intrigued. Honestly, it felt like I was still bleeding, but there was not much pain down there, so I was really curious as to what she had done.“I mutilated a part of your genital area,” She confessed. “I had to do something that caused a lot of blood, or some at least.”My stomach churned at her admission, a mixture of horror and disbelief blanketing me. “You what? You mutilated me?” I whispered, still processing her words. Kirby’s expression hardened, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made me shrink back instinctively. “I had to make it look convincing, Linda,” She replied, her tone devoid of emotion. “It
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Where Is My Wife?
Chris’s POVI was sitting on the couch, my heart heavy with worry and guilt. This was me. This was all my fault. If I was just going to be better, if I was going to be a better husband and would have stood up for her in front of my family, then maybe all of this was never going to happen. Depression had already set in. I was already in China, in my mansion. But it was empty. The maids were there, the guards were there, but my wife wasn’t. I had already reported her missing, I had been all over the city, trying to find her. I had checked all her favorite spots but there was no luck. I also happened to find out that my parents were released on bail. They had won the case. I honestly felt a bit good that they were at first, but after finding out that my wife was missing, I knew that it was my father’s doing. I confronted him but he played it off smoothly, he said that he had no idea and that he had never even seen Linda in person in his entire life. But he was here in China. His wif
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Some Progress
Chris’s POVFallon’s tone shifted instantly, her voice becoming more serious. “They called you? Are you sure?” She did not even give me a chance to reply before she shot another question. “What did they say?” I hesitated for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts amidst the chaos of emotions swirling inside me. “They said that they have Linda and that if I ever want to see her again, I have to do whatever they say.” There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before she responded. “Did they make any demands?” I wished that they did, I really did. I shook my head, even though she could not see it. “Not yet. They just said that they’d be in touch.” Fallon let out a sigh, the sound heavy with frustration. “Alright, Chris. Stay calm, okay? We are going to figure this out. But you need to let me handle it from here. Do you understand?” I scoffed. How was I supposed to just fold my arms and sit while my wife was being possibly tortured somewhere? “Yeah, no, that is not happeni
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A Lone Wolf
Chris’s POVAs I neared the location indicated on the GPS, my anticipation grew, mingled with fear and determination. The address led me to a very fancy part of the city, which threw me off a bit.Why would Linda be held in one of the many high-rises around this area?You see, the location was not specific, it just told me the block of where the call came from. But either than that, I was left with nothing substantial. I had to find a way to get more information, there were so many high-rises here, how would I know which one to go to?As I reached a traffic light, I slowed down and waited for the red light as people crossed the crosswalk. Then my phone made a small buzz. It was on the empty seat next to me. I reached for it and took advantage of the wait. Looking at the screen, I saw that it was a new message; one from the kidnappers! Adrenaline shot through me as I looked at the message. There were no words, only a picture. And the person that was in the picture was my wife. Gosh,
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The Kidnappers
Chris’s POVWith the cover of daylight and the hustle and bustle of the villa’s activities, I made my way through the compound. I couldn’t believe that I was doing this. I was a well-known CEO, I should have people to do things like this. In fact, I had people that did things like this for me. But no, I wanted to do it. I wanted to be the one to save my wife. I headed to the fancy building from the back, making sure that I was not seen. My heart was racing but I was being very careful and being driven by one thing: getting Linda out of here. When I reached the building, I started to hear voices. My aim was to find a way to enter and that was what I did when I used the back door, walking into the very fancy hallway that soon led me past the kitchen area. I don’t think there were guards in the house, but there were a few maids who were busy doing what they were being paid to do. I was already wearing a suit so I think I fit easily into the scene. So instead of being suspicious, I s
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Drops Of The Truth
Chris’s POVAs we walked down the hallway, Hunter kept stealing nervous glances in my direction, as if he expected me to lash out at any moment. And to be honest, part of me wanted to. In fact, I knew that I was going to, but I needed information first. So I forced myself to maintain control, to hold onto my anger until I had all the facts. Then I would unleash it on whoever was responsible for my wife’s disappearance.Finally, we reached a quieter part of the villa, away from prying eyes and listening ears. Hunter turned to face me, his expression solemn. “Chris, I know this looks bad,” He began, his voice heavy with regret. “But there’s more to it than you realize.” I crossed my arms over my chest, my patience wearing thin. “Then enlighten me,” I said sharply. I was proud of myself for how well I was controlling my emotions. “Because right now, all I see is you knowing where my wife is and not wanting to tell me.” “I…I don’t know, man, I swear,” He replied, not missing a beat.
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Trouble, Oh, Trouble
Chris’s POVAs I drove, my mind stirred with plans and strategies. I needed to approach this situation carefully, ensuring that I did not tip off my father before I had a chance to confront him directly. And I knew just the person who could help me gather the information I needed. Arriving home, I wasted no time. I headed straight to my study, locking the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number, waiting impatiently as it rang. “Hey, Chris, what’s up?” The familiar voice on the other end. “Jack, I need your help,” I said, my tone urgent. Jack was an old friend, someone that trusted to do some dark things. He also happened to owe me a favor, and now it was time to cash in. “Of course, man. What do you need?” Jack replied, his voice much more serious now. “I need you to dig up everything you can on my father,” I said, my jaw clenched with determination. “I need to know where he’s been, who he’s been meeting with, everything.” There was a small pause on the other
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Meghan's Return
Chris’s POVMeghan’s laughter echoed through the phone, sending a chill down my spine. “Oh, Chris, sweetie, you really should have listened to me,” She taunted. “But since you seem a bit slow on the update, let me spell it out for you. I have decided to take matters into my own hands.”My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the news anchor report on the scandal, detailing our tumultuous relationship and the impending fatherhood of my child. This felt like a nightmare. This was going to affect not only my marriage and my life, but it was also going to take a huge toll on my career and reputation. This was pure sh*t!“Did you really think that could walk away from this, Chris? Did you really think you could make me move without me making one in response? I warned you, and you now, you’re going to dance with the consequences.” Her voice dripped with malice. “And your boyfriend? He would know about the child, he would leave you,” I said, still trying to make sense of the situation.
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Chris’s POVIt was the next day and I had just come from a run to try to clear my head. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked into the compound, my sports clothes were drenched in sweat and I was tired. “Good day to you, Mr. Kingston,” The gardener greeted me, and I nodded his way, flashing him a small smile. But I felt weird, I felt like he knew. I felt like he knew about the Meghan thing on the news or via the internet. Whether he had heard it from his family or friends, the fact remained that I felt like he knew. And now, maybe he was judging me. Meghan had ruined my reputation and painted me as one of the biggest mistakes I had made in my life. I picked up my pace, wanting to get into the villa as quickly as possible, but without raising eyebrows. When I finally walked into the huge house, I let out a breath that I had not realized that I had been holding. Thirsty, I headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. When I reached there, I opened the cabinet to grab a gl
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