All Chapters of Club Voyeur Series (3 Books in 1): Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
Bk 2 - Chapter 12 - Then, Shopping
NataliaWe stopped at the front desk to sign in. They assigned us some sticker badges to put on our shirts for our walk to the elevators and up to the third floor. Quinn's door was slightly ajar but I knocked quietly anyway. She was sitting up in bed watching the TV. that was hung on the wall. The sound was off but it was scrolling the words across the bottom since the closed-caption option was enabled. Probably so she didn't disturb anyone, as I could see beyond the curtain that she had a roommate on the other side of the room.She turned her head to look at me as I stepped up to the side of the bed and asked her how she was feeling. I was worried about her and I could feel my forehead wrinkle as I looked at her. I tried to smooth out my expression. She seemed smaller in that bed and I noticed some bruising around her throat, but her voice sounded better when she answered."I feel fine. I just wish they would let me out of here already." She complained."Has the doctor been in yet?" I
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Bk 2 - Chapter 13 - The First Item on the List
DanielOur ride home was mostly in silence. I had a lot I wanted to say, questions I wanted to ask but they were the kinds of questions you ask someone you are getting to know. The kinds of things you would ask a girlfriend. And I wasn't comfortable with that line of questioning right now. We had avoided personal issues so far. Our conversation at lunch had been light. I had teased her a bit to get her mind off of her sister. She tended to brood on things and I didn't want her doing that today. She was going to be my slave and our contract terms were going to start tonight.I'd been edging her all day. Lazily, slowly building on the lust I saw in her eyes. I'd been working her up to the finale, getting her comfortable with me. I even got her to admit that she trusted me. I hoped that was true because she was going to need to trust me later when I took her down to the club.I loved watching her blush and pout. She was a little bratty at times today but totally yielded to me when I calle
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Bk 2 - Chapter 14 - The Wall
DanielAs I settled myself on the couch across the room, I watched the object of my current obsession. Her face was stoic but it was her eyes that interested me. She appeared terrified and it pleased the dominant nature in me. I let my gaze run over her like I hadn't done in the apartment. The criss-cross pattern of the teddy drew lines all across her torso, leaving bits of skin exposed all over. The dark areola of her nipples were just barely showing beneath a metal stud directly in the center of each breast. I noticed how the lines converged at the apex of her thighs and the urge to hide her away reared up in me again. Her neatly trimmed bush hid the folds of her pussy but the thin straps didn't cover anything. They only enhanced her beauty.I looked around the room and noticed several men making their way over to her. I forced myself to stay seated. They wouldn't touch her as she was clearly taken but she was on show now. She wanted to be seen, naked, in public and this was the way
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Bk 2 - Chapter 15 - A Visit in the Night
NataliaI lay in the huge bed alone not finding sleep. I replayed the whole day, then just certain parts of it. Then, just the part where he said he was to go jerk off. Jerk. Off. I mean really, did he have to say that? My mind tried to conjure that scene. Daniel taking his dick in his hand as he worked it until he came. I sighed and my thighs were sticky with my own arousal. I had made him angry, so I guess he was making a point. He said he had been hard all day. How did I not notice that? Naive sure, completely oblivious? Um...Wow. A couple of times he had adjusted his junk and I guess I thought it was just a guy thing. Something they just do but he'd been aroused by me. He wasn't going to be with other girls while we had a contract. It made me a little giddy.I tried to remember everything on the list but it was a lot. I could go get it off the counter but I didn't want to run into him. I needed this time alone with my thoughts. He'd given me an orgasm tonight. My second. Both withi
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Bk 2 - Chapter 16 - Mixed Messages
NataliaI woke up to the smell of sausage cooking. I wanted coffee but first I went into the bathroom and did my business. I looked into the mirror over the bathroom sink, expecting to see myself differently this morning. But I looked exactly the same. Maybe my eyes were brighter, a knowing look now that I had a bit of experience pleasing the man in my life. My throat hurt a little but I relished it. Daniel came to me last night, came in me.. To use me for his pleasure, sure, but he'd already pleasured me twice. I was happy to return the favor.I changed out of my pajamas and put on a pair of shorts and a v-neck shirt. He said we were going shopping and I wanted to be comfortable. I headed out of the bedroom and saw him in the kitchen. His back was to me, his sweatpants hugged his fine ass. He had a tattoo on his right shoulder but I couldn't tell what it was at this distance. He turned to move to the fridge and saw me standing there,
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Bk 2 - Chapter 17 - Office Drama
DanielI loved living in South Florida and really couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world. I had some relatives in Georgia, ironically near where Natalia was from, though I hadn't told her that. I'd traveled there and other parts of the country throughout my life. I'd even been overseas once, years ago, as a kid on vacation with my parents when they were still together. But nothing compared with the sun, balmy breezes and beaches of my home town. Yes, I was born and raised here. My mom still lived here and I was pretty sure I'd die here.I knew every pot hole in every road, from here to the county line. So I made quick work of the trip to the grocery store and back in good time. I pointed out businesses and places of interest to Natalia as I drove. I dominated the conversation and tried not to think about this morning. I gave her two new rules to follow and I wasn't comfortable with one of them, but I had no choice. I have to remember she's my slave. Not my girlfriend. She
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Bk 2 - Chapter 18 - Punishment
NataliaI was so bored. Daniel had told me not to do any housework but I was sorely tempted to start dinner just to have something to do. I found a book and tried to read like he told me. The book didn't hold my attention, though. My life has been much more interesting lately than some crime novel. My whole life had been boring before I met him. I hadn't realized it while I was living it. After meeting Daniel , it was like I was living in color now, but my previous life had all been black and white.Watching my dad die had been brutal. At the end, he could barely shuffle to the bathroom without help. His body had been riddled with cancer that had spread. He was weak and in pain. My life had been on hold. I wasn't like Quinn. I couldn't leave him or my mom like that. I'd done everything I could to help but I hadn't lived. Maybe that's why, when the opportunity arose, I got the hell out of there. I needed a change. This new life I was living was most certainly a change. I was elated, eag
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Bk 2 - Chapter 19 - Bad News
DanielAnother item off the list. But fuck, that was intense. Insane. Natalia was so much more than I had imagined. I had just given my virgin slave her first punishment but I had felt it too. It had been torture to spank her. Especially since I had set her up. I felt more than a little guilty, but her red ass had me wanting to fill her sweet pussy. The need to run my cock up inside her was so great, I'd rushed out of the bedroom. My dick was in my hand before I even made it to the guest room. I jacked off needing relief immediately. Streams of cum landed on the carpet, the world went dark for a minute. The old joke about jerking off too much and making you go blind ran through my mind. Now I get it.I stripped down and got in the shower. I soaped up, the warm water calming me. I stroked my dick, cleaning myself off, but Natalia was ever present. I worked my shaft, stiff again like always when she was near. I moaned. She was fucking everything. She thanked me for her punishment and ask
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Bk 2 - Chapter 20 - Meeting Honey
NataliaI showered and dressed in twenty minutes. I picked a dark greenish blue shirt that complimented my skin tone. It had a v-neck collar and paired it with some stone-washed jeans with a few rips in the knees. I bruised my hair out and left it down. I put on minimal makeup, just some mascara and would put on some lip gloss after dinner. I put the tube in my pocket.When I went back out to the kitchen, the savory pie I had made was sitting on the stove top, cooling. My tummy rumbled so I wasted no time plating our food. Master was still sitting at the kitchen island, scrolling through his phone this time. I put a plate in front of him and he grinned at me."This looks and smells divine. I haven't had this meal in a long time. My mom used to make this for us when I was a kid." It was nice to hear him talk about himself. I wanted to know more."Were you an only child?" I asked as I sat next to him."I have a sister. She is married and lives here in town. I'm going to be an uncle again
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Bk 2 - Chapter 21 - Club Drama
DanielShit. Brandt fucked the fuck up. We didn't talk about every aspect of our lives together. He was my best friend but we hadn't hung out lately. Mostly due to him meeting Honey / Sweet Girl. I noticed the collar on her neck tonight and knew they had taken it to the next level. I didn't know when that had happened but it was glaringly obvious that it was before last night. I wasn't going to talk to him about his new situation while we sat inside the club, but knew he would tell me eventually. So I had just let the night play out. Now he was chasing after her and he probably needed my help.I grabbed Natalia's hand and we weaved our way through the crush of bodies that had arrived while we watched the show. I had planned to take her upstairs and knock another item off her list but Brandt needed me."I'm going to let you into the stairwell." I fished my keys out of my pocket. "Go straight to the apartment and lock yourself in. I have to see if Brandt needs my help." I put the keys in
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