All Chapters of Club Voyeur Series (3 Books in 1): Chapter 81 - Chapter 89
89 Chapters
Bk 2 - Chapter 22 - More
NataliaI fucking hated swallowing cum but I'd do it for him, my Master. It stuck to the back of my throat and I wished for a glass of water to wash it down. I wanted to please him so I said nothing. I was so fucking happy that I was able to make him lose control like that. I pushed aside my discomfort as he pulled me back onto his lap, his dick soft now and still out of his jeans. I didn't have any other dicks to compare it to but his was beautiful. The piercing winked at me, still wet from my mouth. I had thought I would feel discomrt from it but it was smooth and cool. I learned to keep it off my teeth tonight, remembering the feeling of it bumping against my throat. It was so fucking hot. I wondered what it would be like inside me. The ache between my legs reminded me of the emptiness I felt. I wanted him to fill it, desperately.Daniel settled me on his lap and started rubbing my back. His hands went under my shirt and I arched into him. I loved his hands on my body. A soft moan
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Bk 2 - Chapter 23 - B.C. and the List
DanielI woke up early and went to get the paper. I wanted to keep an eye on any developments with Michael Campo and the body in the marsh. I never mentioned to Natalia that I thought it was strange that he had disappeared and a body appeared at the same time. But the headline confirmed it. Body in marsh identified, it read. Top story, above the fold. Michael Campo was dead. Murdered. No suspects.Well, I could think of two suspects, but Natalia hadn't left my side since the first day she came to the club and she had only arrived the day before, probably staying at her sister's, though I had never confirmed it because it hadn't mattered. Then there was Quinn, but she had been in the hospital all that time.Who else might have wanted him dead? He was obviously an asshat of a Dom but did someone else think so too? The article was low on facts, just going over what the first article had said about a early morning fisherman finding him floating. Natalia's only other family was her mom who
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Bk 2 - Chapter 24 - Telling Mom the Truth
NataliaI finally broke down and called my mom. We had come straight to his workplace but Daniel had gone to an office next door for some paperwork or something and I decided to finally tell her. I had called to check on Quinn earlier but you know all that patient privilege stuff they didn't tell me much. I asked the doctor if there was any chance she might choose to stay longer voluntarily. He just indicated it had been talked about but no decisions had been made. They would let her know I called.When my mom answered, she was in a tizzy. She just found out I hadn't been to work in a few days because she had stopped at the store where I had worked. Next, she had gone to my apartment but someone else was already living there. I got an earful of complaints before I got a word in edgewise."Mom!" I interrupted her. Daniel had come in at that moment and looked at me quizzesically. I had never used that tone with him and I didn't expect to as long as I was a slave.I sighed and softened my
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Bk 2 - Chapter 25 - Dungeon
NataliaI stepped into Master's VIP room, or dungeon, as he called it, for the second time since I'd agreed to be his slave. I looked around and noticed things I hadn't before. First off, everything was black. The walls, the cabinets, the bed, the sheets, even the chair in the corner. There was a black curtain hanging on one wall. I realized that it must be covering a window. I shivered as I thought about Master's question. Did I want people watching while I was at my Dom's mercy? It was one thing to be strapped to a wall, but the sex act itself? The Dom in that room had been fully dressed as if he had no intention of even fucking her. What did he get out of it then? There were so many nuisances to BDSM and I felt that I hadn't even learned half of them."Nadu position." Master said, voice commanding. I remembered this from that first day. So much has happened since then. I got on my knees, ass on my feet and legs spread, hands down on my thighs, head down and I waited. I was in the re
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Bk 2 - Chapter 26 - Three Little Words
DanielI am in Dom space now. I had to be to do what was necessary, to play this next part. I had my possession right where I needed her and I was going to use her. I wasted no time unzipping my pants and pulling out my hard, pierced cock. I grabbed the back of her head, pulling her hair as I moved my slave, (mine!) forward until the tip of my dick hovered near her mouth."Beg me for it." Oh, fuck, yes, I was so ready for her to please me."Master, please put your cock in my mouth. Gag me, use me. Come down my throat, " She begged so prettily.I tapped my piercing against her full lips. She opened wide for me, then I shoved myself all the way in with no resistance. The heavy ring banged against the back of her throat."Take it all. I want to feel the back of your throat with every stroke," My other hand reached between us and I rubbed her pussy lips, but it would receive no pleasure from me, not now, not yet."Fuck, Slave. So wet and dripping." I reached further back and pressed agains
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Bk 2 - Chapter 27 - The Hidden Window
NataliaI woke up with my alarm clock the next morning in Daniels' bed like I have for the last few days. He had dressed me in my robe and brought me back to the apartment late last night. I groaned as I rolled over to turn off the alarm. I was so, so, sore pretty much...everywhere. My shoulders and thighs ached. I blushed, even though I was alone, when I thought about the soreness in another intimate place. I hopped up quickly when I thought of that and had to go sit on the toilet for a little while. The discomfort had been well worth it though, for both of us it seemed, a small smile graced my lips. I only had one virginity left.As I showered, I replayed the evening. Master cuffing me, securing me to that device and the caning. That shit hurt but also turned me on like nothing else ever had. His bites. I rubbed my shoulders. I could feel the bruised skin there. I pressed on the spot and my nipples hardened. Yep, I liked all of that. I felt the welts left from the cane. Remembered th
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Bk 2 - Chapter 28 - Strong Emotions
DanielNow what to do with her? She stood before me, naked. I could see welts and bites on her beautiful skin. I had marred her flesh and I wasn't ready to do it again. Her ass needed some recovery time too, but she needed a punishment."Spread your legs, hands behind your head." I adjusted her slightly after she did as I asked."This is the inspection pose, Slave. You need to remember it.""Yes, Master.""How are you feeling after last night? Are you sore?" I said conversationally."I am sore, but in a good way, Master. Except my butt feels raw and aching." As she said this I went to a drawer and got some cream, then I walked around her eyeing every mark. I kneeled down behind her and put some cream on my index finger."Bend over and stay still," I told her. She hesitated slightly, it was a compromising position to be in, so I waited a moment before I demanded, "Now."She slammed her hands onto the floor quickly but had to spread her legs to brace herself. Perfect. Her asshole was red
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Bk 2 - Chapter 29 - Girl Talk
NataliaI'd been on my hands and knees for hours now. Master had given me a few breaks throughout the day, but fuck I never wanted this punishment again. His bare feet were in the center of my back. I don't think this was comfortable for him, mostly because I suspected he was trying not to put all his weight on me.My head was pointing toward the door so anyone that passed by could see my face. And it was a lot since it was time for people to start clocking in and the time clock was past Master's office down at the end of the hall. They all looked in as they went by, waving and greeting my master. Then they gawked at me again on the way back down the hallway. Ugh.No one asked what was going on. I mean we were in a sex club and I was a collared slave. I guess it is obvious that I was being punished, so yeah, humiliation, checked off the list. At this rate, we wouldn't need three months to have finished the check list. We'll be done by the end of the month, maybe. Would he still want me
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Bk 2 - Chapter 30 - Chaos
DanielLater that night, we made dinner together. After dinner we watched movies on the couch. I had Natalia snuggled in my arms. It felt good, right, just the two of us chilling out like a couple. That thought gave me some pause. What if I asked her to be my full-time girlfriend and part-time slave? I would always want to dominate her in the bedroom but this? Tonight? I didn't want to think about her being my slave or checking off any item on that BDSM list. I just wanted her right where she was. No expectations of sex, although I would definitely be fucking her if we weren't waiting for the birth control to kick in. I was just happy being with her. Happy. Now there is a loaded word. When was the last time I was happy in this way? Not since I was a kid, maybe?I looked down at her collar. I was never letting her out of my sight without it on her neck. She was mine. Some aspects of our lives, well, I owned her and everyone needed to know it. She was my possession. I thought about leash
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