All Chapters of In The Loving Arms Of My Secret Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
Chapter 41
Evelyn's povI didn't force myself to say anything else and just allowed my body to relax in his warm arms, Then when I finally relaxed a little bit his scent filtered into my senses. I had smelt him before like other times but there was something different about him now "something" that was so alluring I wanted to my nose into his chest but right now I could barely even move so I just remained in his arms like that until we finally got out of the woods and he placed me in the back of the car so that I would be able to stretch out my aching limbs.Even though I was more than relieved to see him I was also confused. How did he find me? I didn't tell anybody where I was going and I tried to make my exit with Kelvin as unnoticeable as possible, but somehow he had easily found me though it had taken some time I was surprised but as my mouth opened up I struggled to find the right words to say, to ask, to ease my mind from the tension then there was a scent that was also distracting me.He
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Chapter 42
Evelyn's pov “Come on princess, we just want to have a little fun with you. Why are you trying to make it so difficult for us? You think you are too good for us?!”That night I had a terrible nightmare it brought me back into that Forest again completely helpless and being chased down by those rogue wolves. They were not giving up at all even as I ran so quickly that leaves trickled into my flesh and script against my skin but I was not going to allow him to take advantage of me but before I knew it, I lost my balance tripping over a rock and then landing square on my face. I scrambled up to my feet but right when I had done so, it was already too late. I was surrounded left and right. The leader of the rogues had a self-satisfied smile on his face as if he couldn't be any happier and then he came down his palm ready with a heavy slap that went across my cheeks leaving the imprints of his filthy fingers on my face and then he spattered me for thinking that I could actually escape th
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Chapter 43
Evelyn's pov The words escaped my mouth before I could even think of holding them back and by the time they were already out I had to face the consequences of them it wasn't as if he was going to strangle me for saying such a thing but I had never expected it, the shock passed through both of our faces as we stared at each other for the longest time in silence and then he broke it with an awkward cough. “You have to be mistaken…” he said in a tone that I couldn't recognize in his voice at all. Despite what I just said, he was still holding me gently but I noticed that there was a stiffness now in his movements as he tried to nudge me towards the bed but I refused to lie down as my body remained stubbornly upright.I had already said it and for some reason, I was also being prompted through the courage to move on with it to continue to press on because I couldn't deny this feeling. It had been described to me in a million different ways while growing up. They told you that when you
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Chapter 44
Evelyn's pov I don't know how I was even able to eventually force myself to sleep. Maybe because I could not bear to turn around and to see that look in his eyes. I don't even know how to describe it. I wouldn't say that he was absolutely disgusted but he didn't look particularly pleased. It was as if the night could have turned out any other way for him and it just happened to dive into the worst possible scenario. My fingers had buried themselves into the bed sheet until I was afraid that they would tear red through the fabric and I had to relax more out of tiredness than the willingness to sleep. I had fallen into slumber again. Nobody got to choose their mate. That was something that I learned at a very young age; it was something that would come to you like a tsunami. A full force that was so powerful and so overwhelming that it would completely take over your world before you even realized it and it would have you spinning out of control there was no way that you could possibl
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Chapter 45
Evelyn's pov My expectation of seeing him immediately pulled up in my chest and then I waited with my fingers finding their way into the bed sheet again and sinking in but however the expectations that I had were soon flushed through the drain when I realized that the person that just walked into the wardroom was not actually him but the doctor. I had never been so utterly disappointed before and I almost openly wanted to cry out when I saw the doctor but I had enough self-control to hold myself back from doing that and instead, I forced myself into his smile and a more orderly composure greeting the doctor who didn't return my smile. She didn't look like she was angry at me or anything in particular but she seemed to be deeply worried about something as she came to my side. She asked me the usual routine questions and I answered all of them but I noticed that her eyes were in touchingally avoiding me. She seemed to be looking at every other thing in the room except for me as if she
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Chapter 46
Evelyn's pov When I arrived at the Packhouse everybody seemed to be too surprised to see me. It was almost as if they had thought that I had gone on some kind of long journey and then I realized that I had actually been missing yesterday since I didn't tell my husband to inform these people that I had actually gone into the woods and I had made sure that my whereabouts was as vague as possible to the servants it made me realize that maybe this was why they doctor didn't want to trust me so much and I had actually beginning to lose control.I was already aware of the influence that my stepmother was holding along with her ability to manipulate and control others this would obviously make people to agree with her and to side with her in situations that they shouldn't and of course, this was one of them but I didn't have time to start pointing fingers I wanted to know where my husband was and so the first guard that greeted me at the entrance of the Packhouse I immediately demanded for
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Chapter 47
Evelyn's pov For a moment it looked as if the glass of wine that was in her hand was immediately about to fall and shatter out but she somehow managed to keep her grip on it and then she forced an unnatural smile on her face before placing the glass on the table next to it was the glass that also belonged to her lover my ex Alex who was also looking at me with surprise, his eyes incredibly wide but not wider than my stepmother.She was really hoping that her hard twisted plan had worked out and she would never have to lay eyes on me again. Maybe she thought that I would be so embarrassed and ashamed that I would not even dare to show my face.“Oh, Evelyn you're here.” She spread out her arms like a mother and then told me that she was so surprised that I had returned from my trip and she didn't expect me to return so quickly.We were the only ones in the living room so I told her to drop the act because it was making me sick.Before I would have her punished for what she had done I w
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Chapter 48
Evelyn's pov He didn't look like he was about to comply to my demand anytime soon instead he turned around to my stepmother and seemed to signal her something with his eyes, she immediately got the information and she ran out of the room before I could grab her and I turned my anger over to Alex for allowing such a thing to happen. He could have just sat down there and continued to make himself like decoration which was all he was good for after all.He had thrown away everything we had just so that he could sleep with my stepmother so it wasn't as if shame or pride was something that mattered to him the only thing that mattered was getting his way, now that I think about it, it made him a really good match with my stepmother both of them were perverts who had no sense of shame at all and did not even understand the reason why they were supposed to feel shameful for all the things that they had done. Alex looked at me and I was about to go after Quinn but he held on to my wrist tight
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Chapter 49
Evelyn's pov As I expected I found my stepmother in her bedroom trying to adjust. She pretended as if she didn't notice that I was in the same room as her and while her pretense almost seemed believable I was fully aware that she knew of my presence in the room with her and it was obvious from the way her shoulder taunts then after a while they seem to relax.I didn't want any time beating around the bush so I told her that I was here to discuss with her but however I had to keep a few distance the safe distance was obviously not for me but for her own sake because if I decided to get any closer to her then she was definitely going to regret it and she was going to wish that she had never met me at all.“What did you want to discuss?” She asked, pretending like she didn't know why I was here.I told her in a very strange voice right now that if she decided that she was going to keep on playing games with me I wouldn't just care about the consequences I would come over closing the dis
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Chapter 50
Evelyn's pov He gave me a look as if what he had done and the reason for it was so incredibly obvious that it couldn't be overstated or even didn't need to be stated at all. That it was something that was supposed to be known like a universal fact but I wasn't really sure I had a few suspicions, of course, he always sees my step-family from day one and he found all of them deployable but I didn't think that he would go so far as to publicly beating up my step brother knowing his position.Even if it was something that I didn't respect I know that if his mother was able to pull all of the right strings then he would actually be able to get my birthright which was something that made him problematic enough and despite my own will next to see him as a member of the royal family it was something that I had to begrudgingly accept as a threat and something that had to be taken care of and I wonder if it was because of my absence that made him feel like there was nobody to hold him back so
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