All Chapters of Fated is overrated: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
210 Chapters
Chapter 0171
Lola POV Didn’t get marked - yet. And considering the fact that Zane and I were on good terms, it’s not fair either. I grab his hand and squeeze it gently, before saying “I will mark you too, Zane. I just want it to be more special, and I would prefer it if you were conscious. It’s not like I can g
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Chapter 0172
As I rake my eyes over their godlike bodies, my p*ssy clenches when my gaze pauses on the bulges they are sporting in their hospital gown and pants. I shake my head in an attempt to clear myself from my lustful haze, as I would indeed like to know how this thing would work. I clear my throat, before
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Chapter 0173
Zane POV I can see the color is starting to drain from Lola’s face at mom and dad’s reaction. I have to say I am confused as well, I knew they were both team Lola all the way, so why are they reacting like this? I can see Lola visibly shrinking back, as neither of my parents are saying anything yet
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Chapter 0174
Zeke POV I can tell she is affected by my comment, not just by the smell of her arousal, but I can feel her desire through our bond now. I absolutely love how a mate bond works. And in this case, it works like an aphrodisiac for my own desire. It takes all my strength to hold back from taking her o
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Chapter 0175
Lola POV I can feel the storm of insecurity, doubt and anxiety brewing within Zeke through our bond. I wish I could feel what Zane is feeling right now too, although I am unsure he is in a better state than Zeke is right now. I know my dad didn’t mean to make Zeke feel bad, he is just testing the w
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Chapter 0176
Zane POV I almost choke on my own saliva when I hear her say we are coming with her. TO HER ROOM. Not only can I not believe that she wants us in her room, I also can’t believe she just shared that with her father and brother openly. I feel heat creeping up my cheeks, and I have to keep my wanton t
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Chapter 0177
Zeke POV ‘Did she… did she really just say that?’ I link Zane, thinking I must have misinterpreted somehow. There is no way Lola just invited us to shower with her, right? I look over to Zane, who seems to be dumbfounded as well. His mouth is still agape, when Lola pulls away from us completely, an
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Chapter 0178
Zeke POV She squeals slightly when I pick her up, as she probably had not expected that. As I am walking back to her bed, I notice she is staring at me intently. I wonder what is going through her mind right now. Does she regret it? She chuckles, before saying “stop worrying Zeke, geez! What will i
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Chapter 0179
She then moves her other hand to my c*ck and wraps her hand around it, as starts moving her hand up and down, all the while still looking me directly in the eyes. It’s sexy as f*ck and I’m sure if we hadn’t just had our little shower adventure, I would already be on the verge of exploding. When she
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Chapter 0180
Lola POV As I start to wake up, the first thing I notice is that I am uncharacteristically OK with actually waking up. It’s a well-known fact that I am not exactly a morning person by now, but I wake up surprisingly content. I open my eyes slightly and see that my room is dark, there is no light at
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