All Chapters of Dark Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
This last week has been interesting. It took a couple of days, but I feel back to normal. Ruari has been the best. I was hesitant about staying here in the pack at first, but everyone welcomed me with open arms. Sofyia has become a good friend, and she has introduced me to a few of the others that she hangs around with. A couple of the girls spit out snide remarks or they ignore me, but I know it is because they are jealous. I have more or less moved into Ruari’s room.  “Fuck, that was brutal.” Tarryn huffed.
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We stood there staring at the house while my dark princess said something in I do not what language to make all those damn poisonous plants go dormant. None of the guys wanted to go near the damn place and I could not blame them. We watched as the plants withered down to nothing. You would still feel the power floating in the air to keep the property safe.  “Okay you all you big bad wolves are safe now.” Aerian giggled. 
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I had a feeling that this uncle was not well liked here. I looked at Ruari, but he told me that he would explain later. Cora practically sneered when she was telling Mark and Ruari this uncle called. I could hear Mark growling while he was on his phone. I am guessing the talk was not going well.  “Well?” Ruari asked. 
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I was on the phone as soon as I heard where Sofyia’s cousin, Navyda and her friend disappeared from. I knew Navyda lived in the same city where the vampire king, Dorian, had his kingdom. I know that dad had asked him to keep an eye on Navyda and her family. I was not surprised he picked up on the first ring.  -Navyda was taken along with a friend four days ago. She went to the movies with one of her other cousins and her friend. After they left the movies the two girls told her cousin they were meeting friends at a bar for drinks. The girls never made it. Me-
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Eivor, Fredrik and Dorian followed me back and into our room as I placed Aerian down on the bed. I knew they would. I also knew they wanted to ask more questions but held off. Dr. Lewiston was waiting for us when I walked into my room. Mother was also there to help if needed. The three of us stepped out of the room as Dr. Lewiston checked Aerian. It did not take long before the door to our room opened.  “Our Luna is fine. She has no wounds that I can see. There are a few spots where there are some red marks which I have a feeling will turn into bruises.” Dr. Lewiston told us.
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I rolled over burring my face into the pillow that my head was currently lying on. I let out a cry when I did this. I felt the bed dip behind me which made me freak out a little. The last thing I remember was being in a car and then running through the forest with Benny. Shit, Benny, I need to find him. I tried to get up, but someone was stopping me. I began to fight until I felt the soothing tingles tickle my skin.  “Hey, my dark princess take it easy.” Ruari whispers.
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I raised my arms above my head doing a full body stretch. It felt like my entire spine popped which felt strangely good. I rolled over to snuggle up to my personal heater, but his side of the bed was empty. The sheet were still warm which meant he had not been gone long. I sat up looking around. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when the bathroom door opened releasing a cloud of steam into the room. Ruari walked out with a towel wrapped around his hips. I watched a drop of water slide down his chiseled chest. I had the sudden urge to lick that drop up or maybe I just wanted to lick him. My eyes snapped up when I heard him laugh. I am sure my face was red as fuck. 
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Navyda and Samaeya were released from the pack hospital about an hour ago. I showed them to rooms in the pack house. Niro told me to put them on the beta floor. I think he wanted Navyda around family which is understandable. We were waiting for them and Niro to come to Ruari’s office. I rolled my eyes when Ruari pulled me into his lap. I should not be surprised. Fine, it is not like I do not like being in his lap. His arms are around me while his massive hands are resting on my thighs. Niro walked in with Navyda and Samaeya behind him. They each took a seat as Ruari shifted behind me. “Navyda I am glad to see you are ok
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I smiled as I hung up the phone. Aerian was probably still raging. I had just told her that she needed to dress up because I was taking her out. We had been out on a lunch date but that was it. I hung up before she could ask what she should wear. I linked mother telling her that I was taking Aerian out and asked her to help her get ready. I am sure I will hear it when I get home, but I know once she sees where I am taking her, she will forget about being pissed at me. I went back to work. I had to come into the office. I had a few meetings that had already been rescheduled a few times. It was fine. Uilleam was with me. He still had not talked with Navyda yet. I let out a groan as the last meeting finished. I was leaning back in my chair.
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I was the first one to wake up the next morning. Locke was still passed out in our shared head space. I staggered into the bathroom. I was still naked as I looked in the mirror. There on the side of my neck a mark was starting to form. I looked up to see Aerian standing behind me. I could see my mark starting to form on the side of her neck which made me smirk. She was wearing one of my shirts which ended just above her knees. She looked damn good in my shirt. I could feel my cock starting to twitch as I watched her walk up behind me.  “What happened?” I asked.
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