All Chapters of Dark Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 33
33 Chapters
“Do not even think about giving me that look. That shit does not work on me my dark princess.” I told her. “I would never do that. I know that look does not work on my big, strong alpha.” she said. Her voice had taken on a sultry tone as her fingers scraped down my chest. One caught
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I once again looked up at the ceiling hoping some unseen deity would be watching. Clearly luck was not on my side. This is only day two of this long weekend and I already want to run out the back fucking door screaming. I am not sure what I was thinking when I decided that picking up two extra days was a good idea. Tarryn and Laveena had also picked up these last two days as well. We had a couple of our servers out with the flu. One of our cooks was also ours, that is why I was here. There was no one else to cover and since I am the boss it was my responsibility to find coverage and since I was unable to find coverage, I had no choice but to work.  
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Daniel and Savannah had woken up early this morning. Aerian was still asleep from working last night so we had them shower, eat and relax most of the day. Niven was able to find some coverage so that Aerain could have tonight off. She was exhausted from working these last three nights. I had noticed that the parking lot was full these last three nights. I was glad to see the place full, but I knew my dark princess needed a day off. Niven reminded me that we had decided to make these two nights by reservation only so they should not be as busy. The chef that was supposed to work the previous two nights had gotten sick, was back and was more than happy to take these two nights. I had let my dark princess sleep, but I had come up to check on her a couple of times. This was one of those times. I began to freak out a little when I did not find her in our bed, but when I heard music coming from the bathroom, I knew she must be bathing. 
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