All Chapters of A SECOND CHANCE FOR BULLIED LUNA: Chapter 91 - Chapter 93
93 Chapters
VIKTOR“Alpha!”I turn towards the sound to see one of my wolves running to me, as well as the strange looks the humans give him at his shout.“Alpha,” he gasps as he reaches me.“What the hell is wrong with you?!” I snap at him, even as I bring Jhenelle's swing to a standstill. “Don't you realize there are humans around us? Why are you shouting like that?”“My apologies, alpha. It is just…”“Just what?” I demand.“One of the alphas… the missing ones, the ones that you went with to the coalition…”“What about them?”“One of them has been found. He was being chased and he crossed into our territory.”“Where is he now?”“At the pack clinic. He was in bad shape.”“I see. Thank you, Smith. You may return.”“What is wrong, Louis?” Jhenelle asks as he walks away, her intelligent eyes fixed on me.“It is…”“Adult business?” She asks with a pout. “I am not stupid you know. You can tell me things.”“Of course, you are not,” I say with a smile. “You are an intelligent girl, mature for her own a
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DOMINIC “Welcome back, Alpha,” the wolves greet me as I storm into my mansion. “Where is Clarisse?” I demand as I head towards my study.“The Luna is at the training fields,” one of them responds. “Hmm. Tell her I am back.”“Yes, alpha,” he says before disappearing from my side.LouisaLouisa is alive.And strong.The leader of the Coalition.“Hah!” I scoff out as I take my seat beside the deskJust what are the chances of that happening?A wolf less, pathetic creature being the leader of a pack of savage mutts.What has the world turned to?And for the fact that all those gathered wolves had fallen for her ruse.PatheticWhat do I do now?Thanks to that bastard, Viktor, my plans have not only been completely destroyed, but I have also been completely humiliated No one, not even a single soul had stood up to him after he had thrown me out of the window Is that how they all see me?As some pathetic wolf that does not deserve their respect or sympathy.If any of them had gone throu
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ROWAN“Of course, it is fucking Dominic again,” Viktor mutters as he paces away from Alpha Donald. Andre had to leave. Apparently, something urgent had also come up.“It is always him. Why can't the guy just take a fucking chill pill?!” he continues to rant.I snort a little laugh at that.Dominic?Chill?That is ridiculous.“You think this is funny?” He asks as he turns towards me with an incredulous look on his face. “The man knows about him!” He says pointing at the man on the bed, who is staring at him with wide scared eyes.How can a wolf be so… ugh.“No,” I say as I approach him. “It is not funny. It's Just… you saying Dominic should take a chill pill is like saying a snake howls. Impossible. He is always so uptight and unbearable.”“Well, you have got that part right,” he mutters.“But,” I continue. “I don't think he knew about this, at least when he was here.”“What do you mean?”“I mean, if he had an alpha in his hands why didn't he mention it?” I ask before turning to Alpha
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