All Chapters of A SECOND CHANCE FOR BULLIED LUNA: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
ROWAN.“Please,” I say as I turn towards the mansion’s entrance. “You must have had a long trip. Simone here will lead you to your rooms to freshen up.”“Thank you,” one of them says, the tall, blonde one, Maxwell, I think. “We will do that.”“You sure have made this place your own, even if you didn't build it,” the shortest one says. Sven.“Did you build yours?” I ask.Contrary to popular belief, most territorial packs were not built. In fact, long before we had become more civilized, our predecessors had fought physical combat for the right to retain land.Once the other was dead, the land was yours, well until another one rose to challenge you for itSo, none actually built their pack, it was won and claimed by blood.“Yo-”“We were just following the old traditions, that is all,” I continue. “If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with your ancestors, not me.”“Damn, Sven, the last one murmurs quietly. “I think she just owned your ass.”“Oh, piss off you.”I see Vikto
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ROWAN.Viktor and I exchange a quick glance before I turn to the wolf.“Thank you, Carla,” I say before plucking Jhenelle off him and handing her to the wolf. “Can you make sure she gets to her teachers and ensure she remains there this time?”“Yes, Guia,” she says with a bow before leaving the room.“So much for that shower,” Viktor remarks.“I can have them delay it so you can have one,” I tell him.“Nah. There is no point in delaying. Let's get this show on the road,” he says as he walks out.I take one steadying breath before I follow.The dining room is designed with the same atmosphere as the rest of the mansion.Rustic elegance.The walls are painted a clean creamy white that creates a warm backdrop for the rich, dark wood of the furniture.A sturdy table made from solid oak is set in the middle of the room, with legs fitted with silver ornate etchings.The chairs are matched with the same design bit, with cushioned seats and curved backs, that helps make it more comfortable to
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WARNING: SLIGHT MENTION OF RAPE AND TORTUREROWAN“Don't growl at me,” I say with a lazy drawl. “It doesn't do shit.”“Cool it, Sven,” FIN tells him before turning to me. “Can you explain what you mean by that?”“I am saying, you packs are not the saints you claim to be. Honorable, just, fair.”“Yo-”“Many, and by many, I mean most, If not all of us here, in this coalition are all victims of your packs.”“How dare you?!” Sven snaps as he rises to his feet. “How dare you disparage the packs. We are noble. Honorable. Not some fou-”“You do realize,” Lisa cuts him off. “My dear Alpha, that rogues didn't become evil or twisted when they were outside the pack. They became that way inside it. It makes you wonder, what would cause a noble, honorable wolf to descend that far, doesn't it?”“What did you mean?” Fin asks“I am saying that usually people are quiet when a weak or the destitute are abused and it is only when those same tortured souls lash out that they become evil. No one says a wo
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DOMINIC“What do you mean, he can't see me?” I demand from the sorry excuse of a wolf standing in front of me“Exactly, what I said. Alpha Maxwell, is not available to see you now.”“Did you tell him I was here, and that this is about the safety of all packs?”“No.”“Well, why the hell not?!”“Because he is not available for that. I really don't know how else to say this to you. He is not around. He is not here.”“Do you expect me to believe that?!” I growl at the fucker through the barred gate.“Alpha Dominic,” another wolf calls as he walks up to the gate. “I am Liam, the beta of this pack.”“Finally, someone with sense. Tell your Alpha I want to see him.”“Like my subordinate said, the alpha is not available, I urge you to come back another time.”“How dare you talk to me like that? Is this how the Grange pack is taught to look down on others? If you didn't have the security of this gate, I would kill you where you stand for the disrespect.”He stares at me for a few shocked second
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DOMINIC.For a long second, I stare in shock at Clarisse’s crumpled and still body on the floor, totally fearing the worst.It is the sight of blood that kicks me into motion.“Clarisse!” I exclaim as I hurry towards her body, lifting her head to see her eye closed. “Clarisse! Come on, babe. Please open your eyes.”I try to shake her awake a few times and that is when I notice the blood.A lot of it.Pooling underneath her.Oh, goddessPlease, please not our baby.I lift her in one swoop and race through the mansion, out the door and across the pack to get to the pack clinic.“George!” I roar as I burst into the building, panting and frantic. “Where the heel is George?!” I scream at the stunned and foolishly staring attendants.A few of them scatter, hopefully to go in search of him while two others rush over and wheel over a hospital bed.“Alpha,” they call as one gesture towards the bed, urging me to put her on it.“Get me George!” I growl at them, too scared to let her go.Oh, what
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ROWAN.“…Good. Now x squared plus two x squared is equal to what?”I watch as Jhenelle scrunches her face in concentration before slamming her little hand on the table“Three x squared?” She answers.“Very good!” I exclaim with a smile. “See, this isn’t so hard.”“Ehn, I still don’t like math, though,” she retorts.“Well, you are going to have to learn to like it, because you are going to do a whole lot of calculations when you grow up.”“Do I have to?” She whines at me.“Hmm, yeah. It is apart of being an adult.”“Ugh, you guys don’t seem to have a lot of fun,” she pouts“What do you mean?” I ask.“Well, everything is always so complicated with you all. I don’t think I will enjoy being an adult,” she responds.“We have our good sides,” I defend.“Really? Like what?”“Walk, for one. We don’t have to do assignments all the time,” I reply with a little snarky tone. “And, we get to do things on our own rules. No more bed time curfews and no one forcing us to eat our veggies.No one tells
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VIKTOR.“Hey, Lisa,” I call as I catch her around the bend of the stairs.“Alpha,” she greets with a smirk.“Don’t start,” I groan at her.“Couldn’t help it. What do you need?”“Have you seen Rowan? I can’t seem to find her anywhere.”“Have you checked the gazebo? You know she and Jhenelle do the homework there.”“Right. Totally forgot about that. Thanks,” I say before heading out of the mansion towards the back.The pathway leading out of the mansion is laid with field stones, weathered and worn, like they have been here for ages. Lining the paths are wildflowers and green shrubs with their leaves rustling in the breeze while the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, like nature’s own perfume.The pathway leads me through a groove of trees until I come across a small clearing where a gazebo is nestled in its center, surrounded by different colorful wildflowers. The wood is a warm, honey brown color, that makes it even more charming even though
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VIKTOR.Hot damn.She is … kissing meRowan is kissing me.Of her own accord.I am too stunned to move, too scared that if I do, she will break it off, say that it was a mistakeThis is the first time we have kissed, no.But it is the first time she has initiated it and boy, that make me giddy with joy.“Am I doing something wrong?” She asks as she pulls away to stare at me.“What?” I gasp out. “Why would you ask that?”“Because, you are just sitting there, like stone.”“Right. My apologies,” I say before pulling her back to me, this time a very eager participant.My lips crash onto hers, mouth open as my tongue slips easily into hers.She is more than receptive and soon, we are both battling for dominance, two dominant wolves unwilling to give in.Somehow in the midst of that dance, I mange to pull her fully onto my laps, her legs straddling me.The sun dress she is wearing have risen up to her thighs, allowing my unfettered access to her soft suple skin, which I can’t help but grip
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VIKTOR.That little, worthless, spineless, excuse of a man!Who does that?!Who goes ahead to rape a woman because she is weaker than you?Because you didn't want her?!You rape her and then you killed her?!What kind of-Just how demented is that bastard?!I mean, I knew he had issues, I just didn’t think he was certifiably insane.A complete and utter babe and disgrace to this world.Oh, I will kill him.I will break his entire bones and bathe in his blood and I will laugh while doing it.“Uh, are you okay?”I look over at Lisa to see her staring at my hands. Looking down, I see that I have already smashed mug in my fist and it’s now bleeding.“Damn it!” I curse as I head to the sink, shaking out the sheds as I let the cold water run through the wound.Within seconds, the gash has closed.“Viktor?”“He was her alpha!” I snarl. “And her mate! Two reasons to protect her and he… wow. I have never wanted to kill someone more than I want to kill him right now. What kind of person is he?!
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VIKTOR“Don’t go! Please, don’t go! I don’t know when you will come back again!”I smile down at Jhenelle as she holds on tightly to my leg, a stubborn frown clear on her faceMaxwell chuckles as he walks past us, heading to the car.“Good luck with her,” he mutters. “I know from experience that grip is a hard one to get out of.”I look over at him and watch as he gets into the car, Sven and Fin already waiting in too.“Come on, Jhenelle,” Rowan says as she crouches down to look her in the eye. “He is going to come back.”“You don't know that!” she snaps in returning, her hands tightening even more on my leg.I bend over and lift her into my arms, raising her to my face level.“Sweet heart, I am not leaving you for good,” I tell her as I peck her forehead. “I just need to go take care of some adult stuff and besides, your mother will come visit me soon and you can come with her.”“Really? She asks with a wide eyed look before glancing at her mother who nods in affirmation with a small
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