All Chapters of Secret Desires: Daddy's Temptation: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Reuniting With My Best Friend
*Grace*The weekend flew by in a dream-like state. It was more than I could ever have hoped for–more than I had ever imagined it would be. It felt like I was living someone else's life for a moment. Those had to be some of the best days of my entire life. Getting to spend it with David, away from the prying eyes of society, finally free to express our feelings openly, forgetting about everything and everyone back home for a while.We had walked by the beach while holding hands, enjoyed the sunset in a romantic atmosphere, had sex countless times, and still, I didn't feel like I'd had enough. I wasn't ready to return home yet and face reality and the consequences of our relationship.In our hidden escapades during Sarah's wedding, the imminent threat that someone would eventually find out about us was always over our heads, but this time, it wasn’t there. It had been just David and me, deepening our connection on a whole other level. The sea and the sky were the only witnesses to o
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Chapter 32 : Sleepover
*Grace*"Your place is as cozy as ever," Sarah said, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings of my quaint apartment. The contrast between my simple home and her luxurious lifestyle was obviously a stark reminder of the rich-poor divide that separated us into entirely different worlds. Yet, Sarah never seemed bothered about it. If anything, sometimes it seemed like she felt more at home in my apartment than her own house."Thank you," I replied, forcing a smile. "Make yourself at home."As Sarah kicked off her shoes and settled onto the couch, we began to catch up. The conversation flowed effortlessly, allowing me to temporarily forget the weight of the secrets I carried. In these moments, it felt as though nothing had changed between us—as if the complexities of my relationship with David were merely a figment of my overactive imagination.I was desperately clinging to the notion that perhaps Sarah would understand the intricacies of both our feelings, especially considering
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Chapter 33 : Soul Wracked
*David*I was already sleeping when Grace texted me last night. But waking up to her text got me worried, to say the least. I was sure Sarah hadn't discovered anything during their sleepover, otherwise Grace would have let me know. She might have just felt overwhelmed, having Sarah there with her, having to keep the secret hidden from her.I could understand it. And I hated to put her through this. And my daughter.My heart raced as I paced the lavish living room of my penthouse, each step sinking into the plush carpet beneath my feet. I decided to call Sarah and invite her over for dinner. I could prepare her for what Grace and I had to say before Grace arrived. This way, Sarah wouldn't be surprised by the both of us at once. Before I had the chance to call her though, the phone vibrated in my hand, jolting me from my thoughts. A message preview from Victoria flashed on the screen, and I hesitated before swiping it open, my stomach twisting with unease."I warned you, but
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Chapter 34 : Shattered Bonds
*Grace*The faint glow of my phone screen lit up as it vibrated on my desk. The sudden interruption startled me, causing me to sit up straight with a racing heart. David rarely called me during work hours, which got me on edge immediately."David?" I said as I picked up the call."We have a problem." His voice was low and hoarse, as if he had been silent for a long time. "Sarah found out about us. She stormed out of my apartment, completely devastated. We had a huge argument, and I'm afraid she's coming for you next."My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to make sense of what he said, each word sinking its claws deeper into my chest. The heaviness of reality weighed on me like an anchor, dragging me down into the depths of guilt and fear. The moment I had dreaded since our forbidden romance began had finally arrived.Swallowing hard, I tried to piece together my thoughts, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. Fear crept up my spine as I envisioned Sarah's wrath, her pain piercin
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Chapter 35 : Old Family Feud
*David*The anxiety gnawed at me, a relentless beast that refused to be tamed. I paced the length of my penthouse, clutching my phone as if it were a lifeline. Grace hadn't responded to any of my messages or calls since our last conversation, and Sarah had shut me out too. Their silence was deafening, leaving me with a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach.I couldn't calm down until I knew what had transpired between them. Was my daughter alright? Was Grace? Why didn't she respond? My thoughts raced, each more terrifying than the last. I thought about getting inside my car and going after them, but I knew that was probably going to make things worse.I had never seen Sarah that distraught in my life. I couldn't stop blaming myself, and the guilt I was feeling was threatening to swallow me whole.The night dragged on, and eventually, it claimed me–I succumbed to a restless slumber, gripping my phone tightly, hoping for some word from either of them.Morning light crept into
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Chapter 36 : A Heart in Turmoil
*Grace*Days slipped by like sand through my fingers, each one more agonizing than the last. The fight with Sarah and the knowledge that I had single-handedly destroyed her relationship with her father weighed heavily on my conscience.My once-vibrant world had turned into a dull gray existence, devoid of joy or hope. Unable to focus at work, I called in sick, seeking solace in the sanctuary of my apartment. I became a prisoner inside my own home, trying to pretend the rest of the world didn't exist.Yet, even the silence within my apartment mirrored the desolation in my heart. The television played on, its sound reduced to a mere murmur, as if even the inanimate objects around me sensed the gravity of the situation.I wrestled with the haunting memories of my actions, grappling with the consequences that rippled through the lives of those I cared about. David's persistent calls went unanswered, each ring of the phone a stab to my already tattered heart. To shield myself from f
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Chapter 37 : Family Support
*David*I leaned back in my leather chair, my fingers tapping rhythmically on the mahogany desk as my thoughts wandered to the one person I was dying to see. Despite the argument with Sarah and the uncertainty the relationship with my daughter held at that moment, my yearning for Grace only intensified with each passing day. Her laughter, her touch, the way she looked at me with those piercing emerald-green eyes–they haunted me relentlessly. I found it nearly impossible to focus on anything else, my heart aching with concern. How was she doing? Was she safe? The fact that I didn't know only served to heighten my anxiety.Grace's avoidance and silence only deepened my frustration and sense of powerlessness. I had tried reaching out to her numerous times, leaving voicemails and sending messages, but each attempt was met with an eerie void. The distance between us felt like an insurmountable barrier, and I couldn't help but wonder why she had suddenly stopped answering me.I need
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Chapter 38 : I've Missed You
*Grace*I stood by the building's entrance, watching as my parents' car disappeared from sight. They had come and gone faster than a blink, but I was so grateful that I had managed to get their visit. It made me feel at home, like I needed to be reminded that I had people who cheered and loved me no matter what.Now, I was alone again, but my mother's words echoed through my mind."Love can withstand any challenges." Was she right? Could the love David and I shared endure the obstacles we faced? My heart ached as I thought about Sarah, our friendship shattered by my love for her father.I wished she could see that and try to understand us. Was I being unfair by thinking like that? Was that selfish of me?My phone rang, surprising me, and I knew it was David before even glancing at the screen. He'd been calling relentlessly these past few days, desperate to get a hold of me. But I hadn't felt ready to talk to him until now. In reality, I was dying to hear his voice. To know how
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Chapter 39 : Love Confession
*Grace*We left the coffee shop, walking side by side towards David's sleek, black sports car parked outside. The charged air between us seemed to thicken with each passing moment, the tension and desire intermingling like an intoxicating brew. As we approached the car, David opened the passenger door for me, and I slid into the leather seat, my heart pounding in anticipation. The smell of his cologne intoxicated my senses as soon as he closed the door and rounded the car, and I took a deep breath, trying to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest."Thank you for agreeing to talk to me. It means more than you know," David said softly as soon as he sat in the driver's seat and started the car.His words were sincere, and for a moment, I allowed myself to believe that maybe, just maybe, we could rekindle what we once had.His hand reached out to mine over the gear and he gently squeezed it, his fingers warm against my skin. The gesture was tender, but caused me to swallow har
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Chapter 40 : A Bitter Pill to Swallow
*David*The scent of aged leather and paper filled my nostrils as I sat behind the heavy oak desk in my office surrounded by documents and contracts that seemed to have no end. But as much as I tried to focus on the words before my eyes, my mind wasn't having it.My body still tingled from the sex with Grace the previous night, and my brain was occupied with memories of her moaning and squirming beneath me. She fitted so perfectly into my arms–it felt like she was made for me. Finally having her in my arms again felt like a dream. After being ghosted for days, I had started to believe she would never talk to me again. I was convinced that my days with her were over, only the memories of our time together lingering behind for me to hold onto.Yet, yesterday renewed the hope within me that what we had wasn't lost. Finally confessing my love for her made me feel more alive than ever. It gave me a determination to fight for her that, just a day ago, was threatening to disappear and
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