All Chapters of Secret Desires: Daddy's Temptation: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 Chapters
Chapter 41 : A Night Out
*Grace*I had anticipated his call, my heart fluttering erratically every time my phone chimed. But David's voice never came through the other end, leaving me to ponder in an unsettling silence. Had our night together been a goodbye for us? Or was he simply too consumed by his busy life, unable to find a moment to reach out to me? That had never happened before, David had always found the time to call me, but what did I know? Maybe he was too busy. Or maybe I was just trying to find excuses for his disappearance.Doubt gnawed at me, clouding my thoughts and dampening my spirits.Determined to shake off the cloud of uncertainty that loomed over me, I threw myself back into work with a fervor that left my colleagues wide-eyed. My extended absence had left a conspicuous void, but thankfully my boss hadn't taken any drastic actions and fired me."Grace, you've been working nonstop," Maria, one of my co-workers, remarked as she entered my office that morning, concern etched onto h
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Chapter 42 : Board Meeting
*David*The conference room was already buzzing with tension as I walked inside, a palpable energy prickling my skin and making me suddenly nervous. I had summoned a select group of individuals—employees, stakeholders, and trusted family members—to gather at this crucial meeting, aimed at facing the looming threat of the Reynolds' hostile takeover.Among those present were my sister and her husband who had returned to the country after several months away, just in time to be present for the board meeting, and their presence provided within me a sense of solidarity and reassurance. It had been a long time since I last saw them, but having them now here, supporting me, meant more to me than they probably knew.My mother, on the other hand, wasn't invited. I made sure the meeting was as confidential and secretive as possible since I didn't want her meddling into things and making them harder than they already were. Her penchant for turning any situation into a chaotic ordeal was the
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Chapter 43 : A Shocking Visit
*Grace*The workweek had kicked off to a bustling start, with the anticipation of an upcoming event filling the air. My heels clicked against the polished surfaces as I stepped through the hallowed halls of the museum and headed to the kitchen, a place that had become a haven of sorts in the chaos of the day.Around me, colleagues chattered excitedly, their voices blending into a symphony of activity that resonated throughout the ancient building. The very walls seemed to absorb their enthusiasm, and for a moment, the weight of my personal turmoil lifted.In the kitchen, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted me like an old friend. I filled my cup to the brim, hoping the caffeine would work its magic and jolt me out of my melancholic stupor. As I sipped the rich, steaming liquid, I observed the vibrant buzz of the museum staff. It was infectious.Returning to my tasks, I carefully arranged the informational brochures for the upcoming event on the welcome desk. Each
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Chapter 44 : Threats in the Shadows
*Grace*Caught off guard, my mind raced to comprehend why David's mother would be lingering in my building's entrance, claiming we needed to talk. I didn't even try to guess how she got my address. I assumed something like this was a piece of cake for someone like Margaret Anderson.Her imposing figure and her piercing blue eyes were fixed on me, making my blood run cold as I took a few more steps towards my building. Dressed immaculately in a tailored black suit, Margaret exuded an air of authority that was impossible to ignore.The cold air stung my cheeks and my heart beat erratically with anticipation and fear. The world seemed to pause around me, a silence enveloping the space between us. The distant hum of the city outside only served to heighten the tension that crackled in the air, and I had to clear my throat to utter a coherent sentence without looking like a scared kitten."Mrs. Anderson... I-I didn't expect to see you here," I stammered anyway, failing to hide my inse
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Chapter 45 : The Razor's Edge
*David*Stepping into the conference room that fateful morning felt like walking into the lion's den. My heart drummed a rapid beat, echoing in my ears, as I zeroed in on the man seated across the table.William Reynolds–my longtime business adversary and the thorn in my side that had plagued me for decades."You know, Anderson," he said as a greeting, a tight smile on his lips and his eyes glinting with malice. "I never expected to be summoned here. I must say you have surprised me."His words were laced with sarcasm, a dagger aimed directly at my heart. It was as if fate had conspired to intertwine our lives in the cruelest way possible–through our children. When I accepted Sarah's wedding to his son, I could never have foreseen the twisted turn of events that would bring us to this point.As I took my seat, I couldn't help but feel the weight of decades of rivalry settling between us. "Surprises keep life interesting, William," I quipped, attempting to diffuse the palpable te
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Chapter 46 : Viper's Venom
*David*Coming into an agreement with William put me in a very good mood. I still wasn't completely confident he'd keep his word, but his lawyer did contact my office as he said he would, and the process to buy Sarah's shares back was already on-going.Now, I felt like I could finally breathe. There was still a lot to fix in my life–Sarah being the top priority–but I had also neglected Grace these past few days while I tried to solve the huge bomb my daughter had dropped on my lap.I felt guilt when I got Grace's message asking how I was doing. I should have reached out to her, at least told her I was okay. I said I was going to call her, but I hadn't, and I could see why she would be worried.As soon as I could, I made sure to reply to her text, telling her I'd call when things were solved, and now that they seemed to be, I was planning something for her. Something that would show her how much I appreciated her support and patience throughout this whole mess.The fact that Grac
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Chapter 47 : Reconciliation
*David*As soon as I finished planning my upcoming weekend with Grace–assuming she'd be free and willing to go along with my plans–I decided to head home. After the confrontation with Victoria, I started feeling emotionally drained and my head was pounding like hell, so I felt like I should just go home for the rest of the day.I got home before sunset and headed to the gym to work out. Maybe exhausting my muscles and body would make me sleep a bit better tonight. I hadn't been sleeping well lately, and I was eager to have a tranquil night of sleep for a change.The sudden sound of the doorbell ringing made me almost jump out of my skin. I got out of the treadmill, grabbing a towel to wipe my sweat as I headed to the living room. I wondered who knew I was home already. I hadn't contacted Grace yet, so there was no way it could be her. Right?My heart pounded in my chest as I reached for the doorknob, deep down expecting she had come to surprise me and I would be able to see her
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Chapter 48 : Willing to Forgive
*Grace*Needless to say that the following days after Margaret came to my building to threaten me were awful. Especially after I read David's answer to my text message. I didn't reply to him, of course–too scared to do anything and have Margaret on my doorstep again quicker than a thunder.For the thousandth time that week, I found myself rambling through my mind, trying to decide what to do. I spent the next few days as if my relationship with David was over. Because that's what it was, right? There was no way I could continue fighting for this love when everyone around us seemed to want to break us apart.I was being weak, I knew that. I could almost hear David's voice telling me to be brave, that our love was worth fighting for… My mother's words replayed in my mind over and over as I tried to convince myself that I should just ignore Margaret and live my life as I pleased.What would happen if I did that though? I would be lying if I said I didn't consider the implications be
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Chapter 49 : Together At Last
*Grace*I stood by the window of my living room, staring out into the darkened streets below as I grappled with my emotions. My heart swelled with hope and happiness after Sarah's unexpected acceptance of my relationship with David, yet Margaret's chilling threats overshadowed my newfound joy. A knot tightened in my stomach, churning with doubt and fear. Could I ignore her warnings and choose to stay by David's side? Was he strong enough to protect us from his own mother's venomous wrath?As if summoned by my thoughts, my phone vibrated with an incoming call. The screen displayed David's name, my heart skipping a beat at the sight. He'd been silent for days, handling what I now knew were business issues. I felt anxious to answer his call, not knowing how to address him yet, but I was dying to hear his voice for so long, I couldn't simply not answer him now."Hello?" I answered hesitantly."Grace," his voice was a mix of urgency and anxiety, "can you let me in? I'm downstairs.
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Chapter 50 : Love and Vulnerabilities
*Grace*David’s tongue danced with mine, making me moan against his mouth as he pinned me to the wall of my living room. "I missed you so much," I repeated against his mouth, my fingers instinctively threading through his hair."Me too. I couldn't sleep without you all these days," he replied hungrily, his arms pulling me closer, his gaze so intense that made my knees weak. His mouth found the curve of my neck and he began to place soft kisses against my skin, making me unconsciously tilt my head, granting him better access.David slid his hands up the sides of my body, softly grazing over my curves as his lips continued their path down my neck. When his fingers slipped under my shirt, finding me completely comfortable and loose without a bra, I flinched under his touch, preparing myself for his next move. He groaned against my skin, his tongue continuing to caress my neck as he took each breast in his hands, kneading them gently and brushing his thumbs across their sensitive
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