All Chapters of Reclaiming My Broken Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
131 Chapters
Chapter 121: Silver Wolf
Astrid’s POV“Stop blaming yourself for it,” Nova suddenly spoke beside me, breaking me from my thoughts. “It wasn’t your fault. She was the one who approached us and said those mean things first. She was clearly asking for a fight.” I turned my gaze back to the view outside the window when I finally realized what she was talking about. “I’m sure she did it on purpose. She deliberately provoked you to make you lose control. It was obvious that she was trying to make you look like a bad person in front of your father. In the end, her plan backfired,” Nova continued talking. I sighed and lowered my gaze to my fingers. “It’s normal for her to feel that I’m a threat, Nova. As someone who grew up without a father, I will never know how it feels like to grow up with one. Asha had experienced that, and now she’s feeling that her father is slowly slipping away because of me. It’s normal for her to do such things. I only wish that her fear won’t become true.” Nova momentarily stopped what
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Chapter 122: Unilateral Law
Drystan’s POVA sense of belonging and relief washed over me as I approached the well-worn trails leading into the heart of my home. It has been a long journey, and now I finally found myself gazing upon the familiar territory of my Pack. Suddenly, the lazy smile on my face was wiped away when I noticed that the landscape beyond our Pack’s borders had changed. For some reason, tents had sprung up around, ruining the natural view of the Pack. Aside from that, there are also multiple unfamiliar faces going around as if they are legitimate settlers in the area. I stopped the car and went out to face them. Of all the places where they could stay, they have gathered just inches away from my Pack’s borders, adding a threat to our Pack. Before I could fully process these unexpected changes and speak to them, their faces suddenly lit up when they recognized me. “It’s Alpha Drystan! He’s here!”“Alpha Drystan is here!”I stood just outside my car with confusion written all over my face un
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Chapter 123: Refined Woman
Giselle’s POVI sat on the balcony, the warm afternoon sun dappling on my face as I bent over my sketchpad. A small smile played on my lips as I delicately guided the paintbrush across the paper, coaxing the vibrant hues of a delicate orchid to life. With each gentle stroke, the petals unfurled on the page, their delicate leaves and subtle gradient of colour emerging under my skilled touch. I lost myself in the rhythm of my movements, the brush dancing across the surface, creating a serene and beautiful image. But as time passed by, my smile slowly faded, replaced by a furrowed brow and a growing sense of dissatisfaction. With a frustrated huff, I pressed the bristles of the brush against the paper, covering the entire drawing with black pigment. “Luna, it was so beautiful. Why did you stop?” The omega beside me asked, who was also one of my attendants. “I don’t like it. It doesn’t look like an orchid at all. It looks like I am drawing chives,” I rolled my eyes as I sat b
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Chapter 124: An Affair
Giselle’s POV“Luna, please don’t be angry. It’s bad for our future Alpha. I promise you, what I have is a piece of good news,” The omega who just arrived spoke with a wide, infectious grin spread across her face. “Just speak!” I snapped at her in annoyance, making her cower down. After recovering herself, a small, imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial murmur.“Apparently, the Nightsong Pack is on the receiving end of a lot of hate right now,” she revealed, a glint of something almost akin to satisfaction flickered in her eyes. I raised an eyebrow at her. “And how is that possible? People were just desperate to meet Alpha Drystan and form an alliance with him last time. How come their heart changed quickly? Are you sure that your sources are correct?”“Luna!” her eyes widened with hurt when I doubted her. “It was Alpha Killian’s most trusted source that had told me. I will never give you the news that I
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Chapter 125: Scandalous Rumor
Alpha Theron’s POVMy face flushed with rage as I bolted upright, slamming my fist down on the sturdy wooden table with a resounding crack. The Warrior in front of me visibly flinched. He lowered his head submissively after he had delivered the most outrageous report that I ever heard. My lips thinned as my chest heaved with rapid and shallow breaths. “This is preposterous!” I roared in anger. How could those people easily believe this kind of rumor? Who would even come up with it? My heart burned in anger just at the thought of it. “Alpha, please don’t get angry at me, I’m just delivering the news that I heard,” the warrior spoke in a small voice without looking at me. Upon hearing his voice, my piercing gaze turned back to the cowering warrior who cowered even more. “I-I’m sorry, Alpha,” he swallowed hard, unable to meet my gaze. I just sighed, containing my anger in. It’s unfair of me to direct my anger to him when this is not even his fault. I shouldn’t blame him for his re
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Chapter 126: Dignified Stranger
Astrid’s POVI closed my eyes as I savored the earthy, floral scents that wafted through the air as Nova and I strolled through the winding garden garden Path of the Shadowfang Pack’s manor. Instead of a Packhouse, they call this place where their Alpha lives as a manor instead because this is his personal home. The Shadowfang Pack is located on two conjoined mountains with a lake in the middle. Despite their unique and difficult landscape, they were able to build big structures in their area, and they are even able to plant gardens as wide as this. I smiled as I admired the various flowers planted in the area, which I couldn’t name because I lack knowledge when it comes to flowers, and gardening and plants entirely. I just knew that it must have took them a lot of effort to cultivate such healthy and lush plants especially in this difficult are that they have. Flowers like this, don’t usually grow on rocky soil at the steep mountain grounds. For them to grow like this, it has to
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Chapter 127: Half-Brother
Astrid’s POVMy brow furrowed in bewilderment when I heard his name. No hint of familiarity or recognition crossed my face after he had mentioned that his name is Andros. I’ve been the Silvermoon Pack’s Luna for so many years and I’ve met many special and important people as one, but I’ve never heard the name “Andros” my entire life. As my Luna, it was my job to widen our Pack’s connection and meet new people. “Andros” is a name that was never in my list. He said I should know who he is, but his name doesn’t even sound familiar to me at all even though it’s a pretty common name. “You,” he spat, the words dripping with contempt. “You should know me.” he fixed me with an accusatory glare. He must have felt offended that his name didn’t gain the reaction he expected from me.My mind raced, struggling to make sense of this confrontation. I don’t know him, nor do I know why he harbors such hatred towards me. Has he mistaken me for someone else?However, he knew what my name was. “I’m
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Chapter 128: Father’s Mistress
Astrid’s POVFinally, I understood why he is so indifferent and hostile towards me. It turns out, he is Alpha Theron’s son, and with that he could do whatever he wants in the Pack without any consequences. He had the rights to confront me in a hostile manner inside of his own Pack. “Now tell me, are these rumors I’ve heard true?” He asked me with an accusatory glare. I fell silent at his question, without knowing what answer to give him. Should I tell him that I am his half-sister? Clearly he doesn’t have any idea about this. Alpha Theron hasn’t told him anything yet so why should I tell him my real identity? This is something that Alpha Theron should have done, and maybe he hadn’t done it because of a reasonable explanation. A hard truth like this is something that Andros should find out from his father and not from her. “Well?” he pressed, his tone laced with a hint of desperation. “I need to know Astrid. Have you been deceiving me all this time?” Andros questioned, his expres
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Chapter 129: The Real Affair
Astrid’s POVI lowered my gaze when the atmosphere turned a hundred degrees lower when Alpha Theron arrived. I felt suffocated as tension grew between the father and son duo, both contesting each other with a hard gaze. Both of them share the same strong personality, both were refusing to back down from each other. I steeled myself, preparing for the inevitable explosion between the two commanding figures. Just like Nova and I who had done nothing wrong, the guards who had been moments away from dragging me away, cowered visibly at Alpha Theron’s sudden appearance, their grip on my arm slackening at the ALpha’s anger that was pointed towards it.“What’s the meaning of this?” Alpha Theron thundered, his voice echoing through their stillness. “Unhand her at once!”The guards, their faces pale with fear, quickly released Astrid, taking a step back as Theron advanced towards them, his powerful presence commanding their complete submission.Andros, however, reacted very differently. As h
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Chapter 130: Sister
Astrid’s POV“Why didn’t you tell us that you’re coming. If you had said something, we would have prepared ourselves to face you,” Alpha Theron spoke with his broad shoulders slumped slightly. Andros felt a surge of angry confusion, his brow furrowing as he realized the implication. “So you’re saying that it was my fault then?” he accused, his voice laced with a bitterness he had never before directed at his father. “If only I had told you I was coming, you could have prepared yourselves?” Andros repeated. The young man’s chest heaved with the weight of his emotions, the betrayal he had felt at the rumors now compounded by the realization that his own family had been keeping this truth from him. “I rushed back here because I was worried, because of those rumors I had heard,” he spat, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of hurt and indignation. “Haven’t you thought that this wouldn’t happen if you had just told me about this before this rumors started growing?” Alpha Theron’s expres
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