All Chapters of Never Divorce a Secret Billionaire Heiress: Chapter 91 - Chapter 97
97 Chapters
Chapter 93: Freedom III.
“Hi, I understand you’re Bridget.”My father’s voice is as warm as an indoor fire. Bridget’s voice is cold as ice from the shock as she nods and responds, “Yes, that’s…. That’s me. It’s an honor to meet you Mr Elcot. I’ve heard so much about you.”My father smiles warmly at her and the sound of whirring distracts all three of us for a while. My father’s wheelchair rolls of its own accord to the entrance of the mansion and stops there. I help him over and he sits.He has to exercise his legs, and they’re strong enough for a thirty minute walk, but he’s still chairbound. I’ll have to speak to his doctor on that.“I’ll leave you two to speak in private. I think your friend had a lot of questions, Antonia. I’ll be at the table.”I smile thankfully at my father and turn to find the look of shock in Bridget’s eyes has deepend. My father’s chair wheels him away, and the minute he’s far enough Bridget descends on me with questions.“That was Damien Elcot, wasn’t it? THE Damien Elcot?”I nod a
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Chapt 94.
For the duration of the lunch, Bridget does nothing other than speak to my father.I can tell tthat she’s still shocked by all that has happened. I think she’s more than surprised to be honest. I think she’s astounded, and mayb a bit hurt that i didn’t tell her of this earlier.I expected her to react like this. I realise i’ve been expecting a lot of things lately, and none of them good. I do that thinking if what i have expectd finally happens, i might not feel so bad. I do that thinking if what i have anticipated comes, i’ll be a little less hurt.I don’t think that’s working here.“Will Antonia live here now?”At the mention of my name, i’m pulled out of my thoughts and i look blankly at the other two peopled seated at the table. My father’s eyes are searching mine, and i can telll he’s also wondering what’s wrong.Bridget has been warm and welcoming of him. I did expect her to grab a fork and threaten my father while directing the pointed edges at him. I also expected her to rail
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Chapter 95.
Bridget’s pov.I feel like the worst person on the planet.I stare at Antonia even though i always knew something like this would happen.Call me crazy, but i wasn’t lying when i said i knew Antonia was someone special.I met her for the first time in high school. She was the silent type. Antonia has alwas been the kind of person to think first and act later.A twinge of guilt rocks me to my core, so deep i feel something bitter at the back of my throat. I know i’m not lke her, and during our early years, it made other girls despise her. Antonia was bright, and studious, and pretty. Antonia was everything they were not.I’ve always known she was a very special person, and now she has a father that can prove that.“Is something else going on Bridget?”The dreaded question leaves Antonia’s lips and floats into my ears. I swallow, and chuckle in what i hope is an easy going, well mannered way. I never learnt how to chuckle. I only know how to laugh… well. I ask, “Why would you think anyt
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Chapter 96.
Antonia’s pov.Bridget is more like herself after our little talk in the kitchens. I should be happy.More than happy even, i should be ecstatic. I should be smiling in happines at myself. At tthe fact tthatt i was the one who was able to sense something was wrong with my friend, fix it, and then get her back to her usual self.I should be proud of myself, except pride is the opposite of what i feel.I feel so ashamed.Bridget was so honest with me back there. She showed me the reason why i have and will always have her s a bestfriend. She was so accepting of the fact that i was keeping something from her, and something this huge too for that matter.Much more than that, she told me she’s always known i am special, and i believe that, because she has never given me any reason to doubt that.She’s always been my rock.Always been the most constant, most special person to me, though we aren’t related by blood. Just friendship.My friend asked me a question, and when i should have been
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Chapter 97.
~Malachi.~It’s been seven days since Antonia left the hospital.Seven days since i agreed to letting her go because it portrayed a better judgement.It’s been seven days since i learnt the reason she’s become so bold too.Seven days, and i see her name on every broadcast and every billboard i drive past.Antonia was never someone i could trap down. I should have known that.But in seven days she’s shown me she only allowed herself be trapped. She surpressed herself because of me.~ Antonia’s pov.If anyone told me my life could change further in the span of one week, i would have told them they were liars and they were just trying to make me feel special.Right now, i do feel special, and these past seven days have been nothing short of a dream.The room of investors applaud softly as i get up and when i look at them, there’s one joint thing i see in their eyes. They’re fucking impressed!I always knew i was picking up one thing or the other whenever i attended Malachi’s meetings. I
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Chapter 98.
My sthomach begins to turn the closer we get to the industrial district of the city.I can understand that Malachi ignoring me has struck more than a nerve in just me alone, but going out of my way to get him to notice me feels like a bit of a stretch doesn’t it?I can’t even blame Bridget for this because i am the one who began moping about this in first place.I thought my phone would be blowing up with calls by the end of the first day. I did ask my father not to get the media involved, so maybe that’s a reason i haven’t heard from the man who kept me captive in a hospital for days.I know i am lying to myself though. Malachi has heard of this.Theree’s no way he wouldn’t have. I’ll just have to make peace with the fact that he does’t care, and that is funny, because i had thought he would.I don’t know why i expected him to.I just thought he would. Trust Malachi to retain his pride and composure though. Maybe it’s time i startd having some.“He won’t be in the meeting.”The words
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Chapter 99.
I enter the room full of big men in their expensive suits.The audience is slightly differrent from what i have become used to. Usually i’d be facing a table of middle aged men, but that isn’t the case here.I’m facing a slew of men much like Malachi, or Tieran.Bridget curses under her breath, because the intel we just received was correct, which means what is coming next is also known to us, and it’s a shame really.Skye always manages to ruin the nicest things.I take my seat and Bridget takes hers. I insisted on her being in this meeting with me because i thought i would have to face Malachi somehow.I didn’t want to do it alone.This isn’t Malachi, but it’s close enough.“You’re late.”Cerebrus Thorne. Owner and founder of CB distribution. Acting CEO of the company too. He’s intimidatiingly handsome, but i know someone who’s gone under the knife when i see one and he has, more than once. Enough that it’s noticable.“We were held back a bit. Please accept my sincerest apologies.”
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