All Chapters of Deceived by the Delta: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
Chapter 11 - Sharing the news
Daisy -  I pull up to the pack house at Rival River minutes later, having driven a little too fast around the twists and turns the roads make us take to get to each other and I am jumping out of the car before I realise I haven’t undone my belt. The force of being held into the car by the belt stops me and I hasten to undo it, frustrated when I can’t get the damn button to click and release me.Finally free from the damn car, I race through the pack house, up the stairs and slide to a halt outside the Alpha suite. I don’t bother to knock, they know I am coming, I throw the door open calling out to Jack and looking around the spacious sitting area with the small kitchenette in the corner.Jack appears in the doorway leading to their room and I stride over to him quickly, peaking around his broad chest
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Chapter 12 - Do-Over
Cassie -  “I want pups with you,” I can sense him now, finally, and I am hit with the realisation of the guilt he feels because he thinks I am unhappy with the news. “I love the idea of carrying your pup,” I reassure him quickly.“But, your emotions, they disappeared and when I found you with Tara you were unresponsive, you wouldn’t look at me, you wouldn’t speak, it took me having Daisy come by for you to utter a word” the hurt in his words rips me in half.“I’m so sorry, I never meant to block my emotions from you, I didn’t even know that was possible until I realised I couldn't feel you anymore, I was in shock, and I will admit, a little upset, but not because I am pregnant, because of the timing, if Ace wasn’t still out there, a risk to every s
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Chapter 13 - Back to the mountain
Author POV -  **Mark's anger melted away into sorrow quickly when he realised that his actions had caused his mate to feel rejected, that was the very last thing Mark ever wanted. He knew his actions would cause Brian pain, and he had regretted it, but he had had to keep him at arm's length for his own good, he was trying to protect Brian from the fall out of a mission gone wrong and from the heartbreak of possibly losing his mate. It had all been for Brian that he had behaved as he had, he was desperate for Brian to understand now.** “Please, Brian, don’t ever think I don't want you, I do, I love you, you are perfect for me” Brian scoffs at that but Mark continues, “You are, I did it all to protect you, you weren’t there Brian, you have only heard of all he did, you were not there to witness it as I was, I felt
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Chapter 14 - Outnumbered
Author POV -  Mark and Brian take up posts at opposite ends of the small camp while the others set about getting food and sleeping bags set up. Aria and Tasha set about gathering dry wood for the fire, Harry gets out the sleeping bags and Keith moves to help him lay them close to the fire. Georgina silently moves to take the food from the bags and Eric disappears, returning quickly with water to boil.Everyone settles in for the night, knowing none of them will sleep well with the threat so close to them. Brian and Mark share a look as everyone settles down, and an understanding flows between them as they both acknowledge that the pull of the bond has strengthened since Mark opened up to Brian, letting him see a side of himself that not many others have ever known even existed let alone seen. Their want for one another had grown, but they both knew they would have
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Chapter 15 - Heading to Forest Haven
Daisy -  After driving for 10 hours straight I decide it is time for a break, time for me to pull over and get a couple of hours sleep before continuing on my journey, I am a little over half way there now and though I could continue driving I want to not look like a tired old hag by the time I arrive. Plus I need to stretch my legs, shower and get some sleep as I am not sure how long my initial meeting with the Alpha will take. So pulling into a seedy looking motel I make my way to the reception with my fingers crossed that the rooms are not as grim as the rest of the building. When I get to the reception I find a cute little old lady sitting behind the desk knitting, she hands me the key to the room and lets me know when breakfast will be served, I plan to be long gone by that time so that I arrive at the pack at a reasonable hour. After I check in I head
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Chapter 16 - Prisoners
Brian -  After dropping all of us down that strange chute that was hidden in the caves, the bastards that were taking us to what I assume is the camp where Ace is staying, hit us all in the head one by one, I know this because I was the last to be knocked out, Mark was still out cold from the earlier attack so they didn’t need to hit him, I’m not sure I could have handled that, as it is I could have sworn I saw him flinch when they hit me the first time. I have a feeling he is faking, that he is pretending to be unconscious, but to what end I have no idea. I just prayed we would all make it out of this alive, I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to the others, if I had trusted my mate they wouldn't even be here.I don't know how much time has passed and because I was knocked out I have no clue where we are, how we got here or how
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Chapter 17 - Complications
Cassie -  Jack and I spent the rest of the day together basking in the news of our impending arrivals. He had a few things he needed to take care of in his office, but he grabbed what he needed and we headed up to our suite. We spent the afternoon snuggled together on the sofa, Jack working his way through his paperwork and me watching some awful reality show, laughing at the idiocy of humans willing to put themselves through such torturous events for 5 measly minutes of fame. Now it is late evening and we are heading down to the main floor to join the pack members for dinner. Moving from the sofa I experienced a little headrush and had to take a second before everything settled back into place, Jack sensing my unease olds my shoulders until it passed, which it did quickly, thankfully. As we get to the top of the last flight of stairs a spasm wracks my body and sends me hurtling down the stairs, gravity rippi
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Chapter 18 - Elsewhere.
Author POV -  While Cassie is being rushed to the hospital by her concerned mate, Jason is steeling himself against the bond that pulls him to his Luna. Though he is concerned about her, having seen the fall but being too far away to help in anyway, he knew she would not want the attention to remain in her, so he had decided that though his bond with his Luna was calling him to be by her side, he knew that Jack was there and that the best place for him to be, was in his office where he could continue to await news from Brian and the others regarding their mission. This had been Jack’s instructions to him before and he was sure that the importance of this mission would mean that Jack wanted him to keep following orders.Rubbing his temples in an attempt to ease the tension building behind his eyes, his thoughts turned to his other abused
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Chapter 19 - What’s he up to?
Author POV -  Brian had been right, Ace was not the type of person to allow others any control when he was present, in fact at the moment that Maddie instructed Mark to be let out of the cage for questioning Ace was out on a scouting mission of his own and this time he had learnt from his previous mistakes. This time he had a witch helping him. The witch in question was one he had stumbled upon and saved one night while out trying to gather wolves for his army. For he had decided that if Alpha Sven could replace him as the new heir then he would form his own pack and he would take back Twin Lakes and Cassie, and anything else that he desired. To that end, he had stumbled upon the witch, in a weakened state and she had convinced him that if he helped her, she would in return offer her services. Ace had been reluctant, he hated the weak, he hated their dependency on others, but having a wi
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Chapter 20 - Destined
Daisy -  I am currently waiting at the gated entrance of Forest Haven pack-lands for the Delta to come meet me. I have decided to climb out of the car so that I am more clearly visible to all of the warriors that I can sense running the perimeter. I know how it is, running the borders, so I want to be as open and visible as I can be to ease their minds. They will be able to tell by my scent that I am not a rogue this way. If I had stayed in the car they may view me as a threat and that is the last thing I need, drama before I even get on their land.I can feel myself starting to get jittery, I hate staying still, and I hate waiting for others. But I manage to contain my fidgeting while I wait. I know getting agitated will only make me snappy and a snappy me may not be something that a pack that doesn't know me can tolerate. I know my flaws, I
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