All Chapters of Deceived by the Delta: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Longing
Author POV -  Daisy woke up to the sound of giggles and a smile stretched across her face before she was even fully awake. Sitting up Daisy was able to see a smattering of blonde hair peeking over the sofa that was a part of the room Carly had given her yesterday. After it had become clear to them both that none of the ranked members of the Forest Haven pack were going to be able to meet with her, Carly, Jamie and Daisy had spent the afternoon exploring while Daisy explained the situation back home to Carly. Carly may not have been a wolf, but her understanding of pack laws and traditions gave Daisy some insight into what needed to be done within Twin Lakes to help them heal and grow after the destruction Ace had wrought upon them all. Spending time with Jamie had been no hardship either, his cheeky smile and inquisitive nature had had Daisy in love
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Chapter 32 - Good news
Daisy POV -  Stepping out into the early morning light, I suck in a deep breathe, feeling the freshness of the day fill my lungs as a shudder of energy passes through my muscles. It is so beautiful here, so peaceful, the energy that flows over the land resonates with me. But lovely as it is here, and as much as I feel I belong, in those brief moments I am myself, I can’t help but feel eager to return home, my brother needs me, and so does our pack. It is weird, there is something here, I can feel it, like it wants me to be here, and it makes me want to be here, but in the moments when I feel completely in control I can’t help but wonder what it could be that is making me have these mixed emotions. It is almost as though Carly has spelled me. Cast some kind of spell on me or slipped me a potion to make me want to stay, but, lovely as she is, I can’t imagine thatshe would
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Chapter 33 - Meeting with Alpha Nick
Daisy -  “So now what?” I asked excitedly, wondering what the plan was now that Ace was in our custody.“I'm holding him here until we get to question everyone, the rest were taken to Rival River to be held as the prison there is larger, then we will try him and punish him,” he stated simply.“At least he isn't a threat anymore, we can all sleep easier knowing he is locked up, who have you got guarding him?” with us being so new to the pack we were still trying to determine who we could trust and who sympathises with Ace.“I've got a rota going, Jack sent over some of his guards and I have placed people I'm not sure about, from our pack, inside the prison, with him, then people I do trust are s
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Chapter 34 - Alpha Nick
Daisy -  I hear murmured voices, deep voices, male voices, and what sounds like a door closing follows and the room goes silent, moments later the door swings open fully and a ginormous hulk of a man stands before me. He is at least 6 foot 7, maybe 8, and is built like a brick sh.., well a really large person. His face is hard, lined in a way that depicts anger and frustration, he looks terrifying, and I can sense by his aura that he is the Alpha I have been waiting to meet. I lower my head in recognition hoping he isn’t really as angry as he looks. “Ah, Beta Daisy, yes, come in, come in,” he says in a jovial tone, and peeking up I thankfully note that the lines marring his face have retreated.“Thank you, Alpha,” I reply, lifting my head and me
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Chapter 35 - Notes
Daisy - “You will join us for dinner tonight?” Alpha Nick asked as I crossed the threshold of his office back into the hall I had entered through.“Of course, I would love that,” I replied honestly while Lucy continued to whine in my head, she seemed to perk up a little at our words though. “Wonderful, I will let Carly know we usually sit down to eat at around 8 pm, we will send Jamie down to find and collect you around 7.30 if that works for you? We plan to eat in our private quarters tonight, so Jamie can show you the way, we try to eat as a family once a week at least, it gives us a chance to reconnect and discuss anything in a more casual setting away from the hubbub of the eating hall.” As Alpha Nick explains their reasoning for some private time, I realise that this is another little tidbit of information that m
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Chapter 36 - Going to Dinner
Author POV -  With thoughts of who her mate might be and what it would mean for her that he lives so far from her home, she decided to go ahead and finish rewriting her notes, and having finally, successfully shoved Lucy deep into the recesses of her mind she focused on the task at hand. When she finally sat back, having finished, she glanced at the clock at the exact moment a knock came at her door, she had finished just in time it seemed. Jamie came bursting through the door before she could even utter a sound to permit entrance and bounced his way to her where she sat at the lovely desk the room provided her with. A grin spread across her face at the sight of him, knowing full well that Carly would have chastised him for ‘barging’ in the way he had.“Monster!” she greeted Jamie playfully as if his name were Monster. 
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Chapter 37 - Mate!
Daisy -  My heart and my head screamed, the problem was that they were screaming two very different things. My head was screaming at me to run, to run as quickly as I could as far as I could, but my heart… and my wolf… were screaming at me to move further into the room, to round the corner that obstructed my view, to get a look at the man destined to be my soul mate. I am so torn, I don’t know what to do. I do know that I need to do something, I need to make my decision, but how can I? How can I decide whether to step forward or backward? How do I choose between my brother and my mate? On the one hand, I have wanted a mate for as long as I remember, on the other hand, how can I trust that the Moon Goddess truly gave me the perfect man? How can I risk finding him and having to move here? I love it here, I do, but I need to be with Dave right now, he needs me, and I need to know that I&helli
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