All Chapters of The Beta's Betrayal book three in The Alpha's War Series : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Chapter ElevenLostHe wrapped his hand around her jet black hair. A loud hair raising growl erupted from Jace as he struggled against the chains he was now in. Knox stood in the middle of the hall, his hand dangerously close to Nora’s neck as the other yanked her head back. He could hear the wolves surrounding the pack hall. The rest of Cross River inside and kneeling, mostly women and children. What he had not expected was that moonlight and Red Woods would bring their armies. He snapped his fingers and Angela scooped up Hannah and Mick did the same to Jessica, forcing them to their feet and placing a blade to their throats. Knox dragged Nora by her hair to the center of the hall, a blade on his hip.“Let them in.” Knox announced.Soldiers at the door pulled the doors open and in charge the dark red wolf, a bright red wolf, and a dark gray wolf. Jace recognized all three of them. He tensed up if Asher did anything a bit rash he could lose Nora, they could lose them all.“Asher!” Jac
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Chapter Twelve
Chapter TwelveFate“Damn it. Come on!” Ronan said in frustration as he pressed down hard on her chest.She hadn’t been under water that long. Pax was whimpering inside of him like he was losing a part of himself. It was driving Ronan insane he couldn’t think. He pressed down hard, he felt a crack knowing it was one of her ribs. He paused, going to give her a breath. He pinched her nose and went to place his mouth over hers. Water hit him in the face as she began coughing. He reacted quickly, rolling her onto her side. More water poured out of her as she coughed. She began to struggle, trying to sit up.“Hey, hey easy.” Ronan said, helping her sit up.“Breath.” He said quietly to her as she winced, taking a breath in. He knew she had to hurt from how hard he had been pressing on her chest. He knew there had to be some ribs broken. He watched her slowly breathe. She didn't realize it but she had leaned back into him. Her body was shivering from the cold. Although he was wet, the amoun
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Chapter Thirteen
Chapter ThirteenCold“Jace.” Nora whispered from her cell, she just wanted to hear his voice. “Nora?” His voice carried down the long hall of cells. She instantly felt relieved. He was in here with her. She let her breath that she had been holding in.“Are you ok?” Nora called back to him.“I’m just fine. You?” Jace smiled hearing her voice made him feel instantly better.“I’m fine, we will figure this out. I am here, Jessica, and Hannah are here. The wolfsbane affects them more than me. They’re ok but weak. Asher and Zeke?” Nora asked moving closer to the bars but not close enough to touch them.“They’re here. Asher made himself pass out from trying to get the chains off of him and Zeke tried letting did the same.” Jace said, his voice frustrated.“Are you ok?” Nora almost whispered, she was afraid something was wrong.“I’m fine.” Jace grumbled.“She’s got out.” Nora said, wanting to tell Jace that Mallory had gone to get help, that she got out of there in time.“Good. She’s stro
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Chapter Fourteen
Chapter FourteenHopeHe groaned the smell of earth and dirt invaded his nostrils. He began coughing up pieces of mud and grass. Rolling onto his side he felt pain radiate through him. He opened his eyes staring up at the forest trees. The moonlight was the one light in the darkness. He tried sitting up. The world spun as throbbing pain pulsated at the back of his head. He reached up his fingers touching the top of his head and something warm and sticky like syrup was there. He brought his hand to the front of his face. His hand was stained red. His vision was blurry as he waited for the world to stop spinning.“Alpha.” Adam sent through the mind link.There was nothing. Silence. It was like when a phone line was dead. You picked up but there was no dial tone.“Dad.” Adam tried to mind linking his father, sometimes Alpha would disconnect but his Dad would never.No answer.“Mom!” Adam tried to mind linking Sarah.“Anybody?” Adam linked the higher ranking wolves.“Adam?” Wyatt’s voice
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Chapter Fifteen
Chapter FifteenCellHannah groaned starting to come too, pulling Nora away from the bars. Her mind going to caring for her. She was taking the wolfsbane hard. She must have never been exposed to it before. Nora touched her forehead. She was getting warm. She frowned, she needed to talk to someone. “Hello!” She shouted into the darkness,trying to get a guard or someone's attention.“Nora?” Jace’s weak but voice came down the hall to her.“I’m ok. I need someone for Hannah.” Nora said to him quickly.“Hello! Hey!” Nora shouted louder and then began knocking her chains against the bar.“Nora, you can’t let them know how you're holding up.” Jace whispered back quickly. He was worried that if they knew she was resistant to wolfsbane that they would do something worse. It affected her but not as badly as others.“Well I can’t just sit here.” Nora said back, still taping her cuffs and chains against the bars.“Act weak!” Jace said in an angry voice.“What’s going on in here!” A new voice
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Chapter Sixteen
Chapter SixteenWolf“I need a medic. A real medic not ours. Get me who's in charge of Cross River’s medical.” Ronan sent out a mindlink to Kai.“Yes Beta.” Kai sent back.He pulled the shirt down over his head just as he heard the bathroom door click open. She walked out of the bathroom, her eyes catching a glimpse of his bare chest and stomach. She felt a tingle run through her, the thought of running her hand down over them made her feel flush as she tried to look elsewhere. Her mind went to them sitting on the bathroom floor herself naked in his lap. The way his mouth felt on her skin. She could feel her cheeks getting hot.“You ok?” Ronan asked her, seeing her walk slowly out.“Yeah, it just hurts now.” Mallory said walking out into the room more trying to chase the thoughts of him away.“I have someone coming to look at you.” Ronan said his face studying the way she moved.“I’m fine really.” Mallory said moving out of the bathroom doorway.“You're getting looked at.” Ronan said,
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Chapter Seventeen
Chapter SeventeenScheming The summer air hit him in the face with a warm humid slap. He didn’t know if it was the air or the rush of not knowing what to do but it made breathing so much worse. He didn’t know what to do. He was trying to come up with some plan, anything to get her out of here. His whole body was tense, stomach knotted with the thought of Knox finding out. He had never cared about being doomed to not having a mate. He thought that he was the lucky one. No one to fuss or worry over, but now…now he had one and he wasn’t going to let anyone take her from him.“What’s my Beta up to?” Knox's voice chimed in Ronan’s head and Ronan winced at the sound of it.“What do you need?” Ronan sent back, he was always short with Knox so it wasn’t out of the normal.“I need your assistance at the Cross River Pack house.” Knox said not even paying attention to Ronan’s tone.“Now?” Ronan sent back.“Now.” Knox sent ending the mind link.“Fuck.” Ronan said out loud running his hand over h
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Chapter Eighteen
Chapter EighteenSeparating“I need to go to the bathroom.” Mallory announced moving off the couch. “Ok.” Kai said getting up as well.“Um, what are you doing?” Mallory asked, turning and glaring at him. “Coming with you.” Kai answered, shrugging his shoulders.“Um like hell you are. You stay here.” Mallory said, firming her stance to show how serious she was.“Beta said stick with you so…we’re going to the bathroom.” Kai said very matter of fact.“No. You can wait right here else we're going to have problems. He said keep me safe he didn’t say be a peeping tom and stalk me to the bathroom.” Mallory said forcely. “Fine, I'll be in the hall.” Kai muttered as Mallory stormed out of the room.The bathroom door slammed with such force it knocked a picture on the wall. She flipped the little lock on the door, her mind saying there! As she did but in reality she knew if he was a wolf, he could just break down the door. She walked over to the mirror looking into it. Her blue eyes staring
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Chapter Nineteen
Chapter NineteenWantAdam's stomach pitted in a knot as he moved quickly through town. He was heading for the dungeon. He knew that Knox would put them in the old dungeon versus the small holding cells they had below the pack house. He needed to be quick. He was going to get the message to Jace and then try to meet Mallory over at the hunters. Mallory. Her name bounced around his head. The way she looked at him with no recognition, like she had never known him. The small glimpse of hope he felt when she remembered a memory but then it quickly faded. She was supposed to be his forever. Even if her wolf never surfaced. Even if his wolf never called her name. It was supposed to be them versus the world. She was supposed to be his. He felt rage building up in his fire, the knot turning into this burning sensation that felt like it was going to erupt out of him. He needed to do something. Before he could stop himself his fist went flying into a nearby tree. A loud crack was heard as his k
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Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyCloseKnox shoves Nora along. She didn’t really understand what Knox had planned. It seems like Ronan did all the planning. She watched him walk past her, he looked lost. She wanted to ask where he was going. He left Mick laying on the floor in the dining room. “I’m trying to decide what to do with you.” Knox said over his shoulder. “Ideas?” Knox smirked looking back at her. “Let me go?” Nora smiled back brightly. “Funny.” Knox grinned. He suddenly changed direction and started heading back towards the dungeons. Nora rolled her eyes at him. She was wondering if she could make it if she ran. He didn’t look really fast. She looked around her surroundings looking for guards and pack members of his.She slowed down trying to put distance between them. They were so relaxed from some who had taken over another pack. He did not have a patrol going. He was either too confident or stupid. Her eyes settled on the woods. She could make it. She shifted her stance. Once she go
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