All Chapters of The Beta's Betrayal book three in The Alpha's War Series : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 Chapters
Chapter One
Chapter OneIt beginsHer screams echoed down the hall. Matt threw his hands behind his head as he paced. He glanced over to Lilly who was rocking in the chair. He gritted his teeth and knew her thoughts mimicked his. “She's gonna be ok." Logan said, grabbing the back of Lilly's chair to make her stop rocking." She will be fine.” Dante said his tone is not as strong as Logans.“I can't listen to that anymore. Let me know when she's ok." Lilly said getting up and rushing out of the hospital door. Matt glanced at Logan confused before following Lilly out. Dante rubbed Sarah's shoulder feeling her need for comfort. They were all waiting and they were all scared."Lilly!” Matt called after her.Lilly stopped short, not saying anything. Her back facing Matt as he felt her overwhelming feeling of fear." She's strong, she's going to get through this. She's - “Matt, I'm pregnant. I don't know if I can do that.” Lilly blurted out." Really.” Matt said trying to mask the happiness in his v
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Chapter Two
Chapter TwoGatheringNora bit her lip as she strangled her pinky finger in her hand. She glanced at the clock, the council members and a small amount of their pack’s were filtering into the grand hall. After a quick meet and greet the council members would go to the office and discuss issues and plans for the future. Where was her daughter? She was in the back office pacing the floor. “If you break your finger I am going to be upset and if you dare chew off your bottom lip I am going to be very..very.. Sad.” Jace whispered into her ear coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her into him. “Where is our daughter?” Nora sighed, closing her eyes and letting Jace’s present comfort her, even though her stomach was twisting inside of her. “She will be back. She might have her mother’s stubbornness and flight risk attitude but she holds her father’s responsibility in her.” Jace smirked. “Ohhh so all her bad behavior is my fault and nothing to do with
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Chapter Three
Chapter ThreePanic “Allies and friends, I am so pleased to see us all gather together. It has been twenty years. Twenty years of peace and working together. Cross River welcomes you all to eat, drink and be merry.” Jace’s lip curled up as he said the last sentence.“The council members will proceed into discussions as the rest of you all enjoy yourself.” Nora spoke after Jace with the same smile resting on her lips.Her eyes looked out over the crowd. Asher leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of Hannah’s head. Nora smiled bigger. She was so happy when the girl had stumbled onto Red Woods lands. She was a rogue hungry, frightened, and lost. She was now an incredible Luna and someone Nora cared for. Logan stood from the hunter's side, crows feet now living in the corner of his eyes. Even more so when he smiled. Zeke, now completely silver, moved through the crowd. Grayson was now Alpha of Black Sand. Chadwick never recovered from the damage Kip had caused him. He passed away in h
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Chapter Four
Chapter FourLock Down “Some one saw?” Knox asked as Ronan caught up to him. “No.” Ronan said with a shrug. He wasn’t sure why he was lying. He knew she had seen him. She locked eyes with him from across the field. There was something, something about her. He wouldn’t have even stopped what he was doing but he felt this pull. When he looked over he saw her ice blue eyes. She was miles away from him but he knew the color of her eyes. He chalked it up to his wolf zoning in on her. “You sure?” Knox asked again, looking at him confused. “There was some commotion. Someone may have found the body but I didn't care to stop.” Ronan said nonchalantly. “Do you care about anything?” Knox smirked as he nodded to the small group of men they had brought with them. “No, not really.” Ronan grinned, the men began moving out. “Good. It’s one of things I enjoy about you.” Knox laughed. “Glad to be of service.” Ronan said sarcastically as he began following behind the men. Knox took his p
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Chapter Five
Chapter FivePatrol“We’re waiting on orders.” Matt said tugging on Adam’s arm who was peering too deeply into the forest. “Yeah I know.” Adam said, his voice full of anger. “Chill out.” Matt said, shoving him lightly. Adam whipped around his eyes glowing, his body shaking; he wanted to fight something. Needed to get this anger out somehow. “Watch yourself.” Matt smirked, his eyes daring him as Ryker pushed forward. “Sorry.” Adam said quickly, he didn’t mean to take it out on Matt but he was so angry. Angry with himself for letting her get her. Angry that he snapped at her, angry at her for thinking so lowly of herself. He clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding against each other. “It’s not your fault.” Matt said quietly as he watched the rest of the patrol coming out of the forest. Adam just gruntted his response, his eyes fixed on the large gray wolf that was moving quicker than the rest of them. Adam felt his stomach sank slightly. A chocolate brown wolf flanked it’s side an
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Chapter Six
Chapter SixWaitingRonan watched them move through the tree line. He smirked, his hand twitching at his side. He recognized the young man leading them. He was the one in the clearing with the girl with long flowing jet black hair. His mind kept wandering back to her. The moment their eyes locked he felt something.“We should tell Alpha, they are getting awfully close. “ Clay sent through a mind link, his eyes studying the group of men.“No, it’s fine.” Ronan answered shortly, he suppressed his wolf's instinct to come forward.“If we are caught it wouldn't be fine.” Clay said sharply back.Ronan turned quickly grabbing Clay by the throat. Within seconds Clay was pinned to the ground. It happened so quickly and was almost soundless. Clay’s eyes widened as he realized he was on the ground. “Beta I am sorry…please.” Clay whispered his hand covering Ronan’s hand asking him to stop.“If I say it’s fine, it’s fine.” Ronan growled.“Yes Beta.” Clay whispered, nodding.“If you're worried, ta
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Chapter Seven
Chapter SevenNegotiation“I Hope all your packs are well. I understand the need to leave. Your homes come first. To those who have stayed to resume the Alpha Council Meeting we will only be discussing matters that obtain only to your packs and not all as wolf kind.” Nora said, looking out over the room.Zeke, Asher, Douglas, and Grayson had stayed behind. Polly, Shea and Logan left. Polly and shea because they were the furthest and Logan needed to get back to the hunter. He felt what Nora had felt. Something was coming and he needed to prepare. His eyes were remorseful as he left. “Mallory…Before we get started did you see anyone or anything?” Zeke asked quietly, hsi mind caught up in thought.“Zeke, we have asked her.” Jace said almost defensively.“Alpha, It’s fine.” Mallory said being proper to her father in the formal setting.“Alpha Zeke, I did think I saw one man. He was across the clearing. For some reason my mind thought him to be a rogue but there was something more to him.
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Chapter Eight
Chapter EightChaosNora’s face hit the table as she sank to the floor. Landing on her back her eyes shot open. She was staring in the brightest pair of ice blue eyes. His hand on her face, his dark eyebrows in a frown as he tried to hide his concern. She smiled at him, putting her hand on top of his. Then as if she remembered it all. She jolted up right.“Fire.” She said looking to Asher who was still in a mindlink.“Fire?” Jace asked, confused. “Red Woods is under attack, send help. Asher, he needs to get out of his panic/fear trance.” Nora said, walking over to him.“Dante.” Jace said his eyes looking across the room to him.“On it.” Dante nodded, rushing out of the room.“Matt. Logan’s hurt.” Nora locked eyes with him, fear flashing across them.“Fuck, I’m going.” Matt said, looking quickly at Jace who nodded for him to go.“Asher!” Nora yelled, shaking him.He didn’t budge. Jace growled coming to help her when he paused by Zeke. He was doing the same thing. His stomach sank.“No
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Chapter Nine
Chapter NineSirensRoan watched movement coming from behind them through the trees. He could hear slow steady walking. They were trying to move soundlessly as they approached them. Ronan motioned for everyone to stay in their hiding spots till he gave the command. The select few he had with them pressed into the shadows blending in. Night had fallen and they had been waiting there long enough. Ronan saw her blond hair ponytail swing behind her as she walked into their hiding air. She was pushing a woman in front of her. The woman had ropes tied around her wrist and her mouth was gagged. He knew looking at the ropes that they were drenched in wolf bane. He could see the red raw marks from it against her deep brown skin. She was in pain but she kept it hidden. Her chocolate brown eyes searched the area. Her clothing was covered in soot and there were pieces of ashes in her tightly curled dark hair. She had a power to her and Ronan knew right away this was someone's Luna and mate. He s
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Chapter Ten
Chapter TenRunNora’s hand hit the back door, her other hand gripping Mallory’s tightly. She peeked out before rushing out. If she could get to the woods she could get Mallory and herself out. Her plan was to escape and come back with troops.“Luna.” Matt’s voice chimed in her head as she crept towards the woods trying to keep her position lower, hoping the darkness will cover them.“Matt. Jace he’s surrendered. They have Jessica and Hannah.” Nora said his eyes locked on the heavily treed area in front of her.“Dante and I are rushing back. Asher is headed that way; he is in wolf form and feral. I’m on his tail. Get out and get to the hunters. Lilly will be waiting.” Matt said even his mind link sounded out of breath.“Mom.” Mallory’s voice came from behind her panic and it pulled her out of the mind link.Nora stopped moving and pulled Mallory behind her as three large brown wolves came out of the forest, eyes glowing gray, teeth snarling. Nora watched them slowly trying to surround
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