All Chapters of The Offer: Love Me - Hate Me: Chapter 1 - Chapter 4
4 Chapters
Finally Yours?
Danielle - 7 years agoI am in heaven.I am officially in heaven.Sighing, I watch Giovanni sleep. He is lying on his front, making me envy the pillow he is hugging with his muscular arms. The sun rays kiss his gorgeous face and his long black locks are sprawled over his face.I move my hand cautiously, caressing his locks out of his face, tracing his cheek with my fingers softly.‘Maybe I died,’ I think, making me pull back my hand.This isn’t possible. But the feeling of his lips on my skin, the heat of his body, and the amazing soreness I feel between my legs is more than real.This makes me realise that I didn’t in fact die of an overdose, but he is really lying in my bed.The man I had dreamed of an endless number of times, is really lying in my bed.I do a few kicks out of joy, scre aming into my blanket as I feel the happiest.I can’t remember the exact time I fell in love with him, as he has always been around. In fact, imagining my life without Giovanni in it would be totally
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Danielle - 7 years ago “I’m glad that you are feeling alright.” The man I call uncle is sitting at my hospital bed with worry still glazing over his eyes.My throat hurts as I move my dry lips to speak. “Thank you, zio.”“What were you thinking?” He whispers as he leans in, shaking his head. “Your father would have been absolutely destroyed by this.”My father.Like he cares for anything going on in my life. Marco Scamarcio isn’t a man someone like me would expect to find nearly crying at her hospital bed. But my father was one of his trusted soldiers, so I guess this gets me a bit of a special treatment.I don’t remember much of last night, but I remember that I took as many drugs as I could, breaking one of the rules Giovanni had imposed on me.I took them alone.Without even notifying him.I remember that I didn’t want to overdose. But of course, nobody believes me. Why should they?I simply wanted to drown the pain that I felt, cancel the feeling he left on my skin, and go out
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Where is my money?
Danielle - Present“Hey, are you even listening to me?!” Loredana kicks Roberto’s leg who is absorbed by something playing on Giovanni’s phone. At the impact, they both direct their attention to Loredana and Roberto snarls, “Yeah, we heard you, we‘ll be there too.”Giovanni just grunts in response and Loredana celebrates, clapping her hands. “Yay, that’s going to be awesome! Are we getting a lounge, guys?” Giovanni talks even if he is engrossed by his phone with Roberto again. “I’ll organize something.” I’m a bit jealous of Loredana who gets to speak to him in such a carefree manner while I can’t even remember when I got to talk to him normally. Usually, he just graces me with an annoyed frown or utters some deprecative comment.But I’m the creator of my own downfall as I left the territory for a few years just to return clean and feel brand new, just to be confronted with the guy who broke my heart years ago. He even came to pick me up from the airport. And from there it just g
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DanielleGetting in my car, trying to seem as unbothered as possible, I wave at my friends with a smile before we all drive away in our respective directions. As I arrive home, I park my car on the side of a field adjoining our house. Seeing the disgrace that we are, we live rather comfortably in a one-story house with a little bit of privacy, due to the fields that surround the house. It surely isn’t Buckingham Palace, but I don’t think we would be able to live in so much luxurious space rather than in a rat hole if it wasn‘t for the Bosses grace. He is granting my family this as well as a little pocket money as long as my father keeps his mouth shut in prison. My father was one of the territory’s high-ranked soldiers and would clearly dispose of some information that would have the Boss bathing in cold sweat. My brother, on the other hand, is a good for nothing. A little delinquent mastered in robbing people's houses and even a bank or two. But he is not particularly on the b
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