All Chapters of Legend of the Silver Wolf: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
114 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
He commanded and the word was sent out to the nearest Patrollers to bring the Luna back any way they had to. Katya had stopped running, her lungs demanded she rested and took in oxygen, she was weak from lack of food and her stomach growled right on cue as she panted hard. The snap of a twig nearby brought her head up sharply and she held her breath,'How the fuck had she heard that?'He mind asked even as she prepared to run again, then the huge wolves stepped out from the trees surrounding her, 'There must have been ten of the huge creatures at least .'Her eyes jumped between them not surprised when one of them shifted into human form, a naked human form, making her blush and turn away in embarrassment, Werewolves are brought up completely at ease with their bodies and being naked did not faze them like it did a human. 'You must come with us.'The naked man told her and she backed away,'No, no, I just want to go home,'She looked around wildly praying for help to appear from som
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Chapter Twelve
Artemis had run and ran eventually getting them back to Katya's apartment where she had shifted painfully back into her human form and locked the door behind her collapsing onto her bed and crying herself to sleep. When she woke up she showered and put on her clothes, well a pair of soft cuddly pjs anyway, then she raided her cupboards and threw together a delicious omelette before snuggling back under her duvet and sleeping again. Katya spent the next day eating and recovering, ignoring all the strange thoughts that invaded her mind, she heard the voices but ignored them, she was not a Werewolf. To keep herself sane she returned to college and her studies not noticing the strange looks she got from the 'Jocks' who ruled the campus. She was totally unaware of her scent, a powerful aphrodisiac that was sending an invitation to every available male who could smell it. Most of the college football and ice hockey teams were made of young wolves who attended the college so they could be on
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Chapter Thirteen
She knew it but kept on going letting her temper rise through her body, all her senses sharpened so sharply she could hear him breathing and knew the second he decided to leap and bring her down. Artemis reacted in a split second shifting her into her Wolf and side-stepping him so he landed in front of her. He spun around to face her his eyes glowing so dark they were almost black,'This is going to be fun.'He mind-linked her and she let out a growl somehow she needed to learn to keep them out of her head, 'Fuck you.'His deep chuckle sent shivers to her core,'Oh dear, even his laugh was sexy.'She thought finding herself irresistibly drawn to this stranger,'That's right my pretty little Wolf defy me, fight me, it will be so much more fun if you do.'His voice was so soft and commanding, hypnotic as he padded around her keeping his eyes locked onto hers as he spoke to her mind and her body,'Look at how your body is responding little Wolf, you want me.'She was falling into those
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Chapter Fourteen
The film was boring so he started kissing her and she happily kissed him back., thinking he was on to a sure thing the boy wasted no time his hand slipped inside her shirt and cupped her breast running his thumb over her nipple. She had jumped out of her seat and slapped his face then walked out of the cinema in a huff when she saw him in school the next day he had raged at her calling her a frigid bitch and a prick tease. It had taken more than a year before any other guy asked her out and he had taken her for a picnic and made sure it was in a secluded place not even bothering to hide what he wanted. As soon as they sat on the blanket he had brought he pushed her onto her back and kissed her hard pinning her beneath him, so she could not move. His hands were everywhere and she fought him as best as she could but he was much stronger than her and she was terrified he would rape her,'I'm going to teach you a lesson prick tease,'He snapped at her holding her down easily with one hand
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Chapter Fifteen
The film was boring so he started kissing her and she happily kissed him back., thinking he was on to a sure thing the boy wasted no time his hand slipped inside her shirt and cupped her breast running his thumb over her nipple. She had jumped out of her seat and slapped his face then walked out of the cinema in a huff when she saw him in school the next day he had raged at her calling her a frigid bitch and a prick tease. It had taken more than a year before any other guy asked her out and he had taken her for a picnic and made sure it was in a secluded place not even bothering to hide what he wanted. As soon as they sat on the blanket he had brought he pushed her onto her back and kissed her hard pinning her beneath him, so she could not move. His hands were everywhere and she fought him as best as she could but he was much stronger than her and she was terrified he would rape her,'I'm going to teach you a lesson prick tease,'He snapped at her holding her down easily with one hand
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Chapter Sixteen
She gave him a weary nod of the head keeping her head down and refusing to make eye contact and it saddened him he longed to explain and help her but they did not have time for that right now so he lay down in front of her,'Come on baby get on my back and hold on tight, I promise I will never hurt you.' Katya had given up, she knew she had no choice it was either this Wolf or the giant black one and he seemed very dangerous so she pushed herself to her feet and climbed onto his back. Lucas rose slowly feeling her wobble and then grip his fur tightly turning his head he mind-linked her,'You okay little Wolf?'She said nothing just nodded her head slowly and he took off through the trees heading for their Pack House and safety but he underestimated Katya's weariness they had not gone far when he felt her grip begin to loosen and he skidded to a stop as she fell forward barely conscious. 'Katya, wake up.'He ordered and she shook her head pushing herself back up but he had only gone
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Chapter Seventeen
Lucas woke up as dawn broke and the first pale streaks of daylight hit his eyes breathing heavily, ‘Was that just a dream last night?’He thought wildly remembering the visit from the Goddess in the early hours but then he noticed the silver necklaces, identical half moons that when fitted together made a whole silver moon glittering with diamonds. ‘Place this over her head just before you mark her Lucas, you are under my protection now, Wear them to let your Pack know they are all under my protection, that is why I named you the Moon Pack.’The Goddess whispered in his mind. ‘Thank you Moon Goddess. I will do as you bid’He bowed his head and her light infused him instantly he felt electricity sparking in his groin and the scent of citrus and sweet musk filled his nostrils. Katya was going into her first-ever Heat. It would be so intense because of the prophecy she would not understand what was happening to her and if she panicked and ran it would put her in grave danger. Lifting
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Chapter Eighteen
She was watching him closely forcing herself not to react to his nearness she wanted to leap on him and tear his clothes off and then in the next breath she wanted to tear his throat out. He was so close she could smell his cologne, it was a rich lemon and pine musky smell and it was doing things to her she was trembling with the effort of keeping her body still and not reacting to him,'Dear God why did he have to be so damn attractive.'She thought biting her bottom lip in a way that drove him crazy, he wanted to grab her and kiss her hard then suck that lip into his mouth and,'Oh fuck, he wanted her so badly the Haze was taking him over and he wouldn't be able to control himself for much longer.'He thought his eyes raking over her beautiful body hungrily ‘Haze?’She moaned softly,‘I don’t understand, I don’t, I can’t’Lucas acted on instinct his Wolf, Apollo could scent Artemis and both animals knew what they wanted unlike these dithering humans, he was going crazy with the nee
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Chapter Nineteen
Katya thoughts were tumbling around her head, she was very attracted to this man but she hardly knew Lucas, 'Jeez she had only met him yesterday, [It did not count all the times she had run from him in her nightmares] and to top it all he had kidnapped her and held her in handcuffs. She should have been afraid of him and his Pack but as he kissed her none of it mattered her whole body burned with lust for him he was a male and he wanted her and dear God she wanted him just as much. When he looked into her silver eyes he saw the need and her hunger. ‘What is this?’She demanded pushing him off her angry and horny at the same time‘Why am I feeling like this?’Her eyes were wild as she struggled to understand what was happening to her, unable to prevent herself arching up to meet his touch. He cupped her naked breast his thumb circling her nipple making her moan with pleasure,‘Don’t fight it Katya, let go, enjoy it, I will give you so much pleasure’His mouth closed over her nipple a
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Chapter Twenty
Katya followed him blindly, her mind telling her to fight this and escape him while her body telling her this was going to be a wonderful experience and she must not miss out on it. She was trembling so badly she kept stumbling but his strong arms were always there to catch her and help her guiding her forward with such tenderness she felt safe with him. They stopped in the centre of the dais and he held her tightly in the circle of his arms rubbing his hand up and down her back softly, nuzzling her neck and dropping soft kissed and nips along her shoulder making her shudder with desire,'Katya I want you.'He whispered pressing himself against her so it was impossible for her not to feel his hard cock pressing against her belly,'And I know you want me.'He went on letting his hand slide between her legs and stroking her wet slick pussy making her gasp and clutch his shoulders,'Oh God yes, yes I want you to but I can't do it here in front of all these people.'His large body was shi
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