All Chapters of Legend of the Silver Wolf: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
114 Chapters
Chapter One
Long ago, before the Human Species had evolved enough to overpopulate the planet, Wolf Packs roamed the earth in search of lands to settle into, with plenty of game to hunt, fresh water to drink, thick green forests to hide in and run through and a backdrop of stunning mountains to climb. The large valley with a silver stream running through its centre culminating in a large pool surrounded by flat rocks and stunning flowers was perfect for a Pack to settle and make it their own. This was no ordinary Wolf Pack, these were the first Immortals, a Species of Shifters and Werewolves, that dominated the local area and all the creatures that shared this habitat knew they had to defer to the Pack’s Alpha. A powerful Lycan who ruled strictly but fairly he was adored by his pack and respected by the other creatures that came under his protection he started a dynasty that can be traced back to this day. Sadly Werewolves do not reproduce as quickly as the human race, none of the Immortal Species
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Chapter Two
She had kept the cottage going, it was virtually self-sufficient and when he rode up she was in the garden pulling up weeds, 'Good morning Alexandra.'He stepped off his motorbike and walked toward her,'Good morning Uncle.'She replied coolly her hazel eyes watchful and wary as he approached,'Where is your Mother, I would like to talk to her.'He saw the pain flicker in her pretty eyes and then disappear just as quickly as she lifted her chin,'Mother has gone to be with the Goddess.'She was completely impassive, her words spoken without any emotion as she stared at him not blinking, the Alpha frowned,'What does that mean?'He asked stopping and looking around him searching for his sister,'You know what it means Alpha'She shot back at him chin up eyes flashing and he hid a grin, she was so beautiful and had her mother's spark of defiance,'Where is she?'He asked quietly and she pointed to the spot where she had buried her, the ground was flat and tidy and the only sign of the
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Chapter Three
She found herself obeying, her eyes heavy with exhaustion she drifted into a deep healing sleep and when she woke he had gone but she had healed. He kept an eye on her, she sensed him watching but rarely came to the cottage he protected her from afar. When it was time for her to become a fully mature Wolf he stayed in the shadows as she howled at the full blood moon her body taking the final step into adulthood. Only a month later when the Lycan came, Alexandra was sleeping when she heard the Wolves howling in the woods nearby, she crept to her window to watch. She knew the Alpha had required help with Hunters in the area, she had almost been caught by them twice, and it was only the Alpha's intervention, he killed the Hunters chasing her, that kept her free. He had called in the Lycans because they were so much more powerful than ordinary Werewolves and he had kept his side of the bargain wiping them out leaving the valley they lived in to return to its peaceful slumber. Alexandra kn
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Chapter Four
Time was racing on and he held her tighter showing without words the love in his heart and in return she wrapped her body around his giving him the comfort he craved. Cocooned in the warmth of their bed they settled locked together accepting what the fates had decreed and they allowed sleep to claim them one last time. When the Lycan awoke the sun was shining brightly in the morning sky, the eclipse had finished and the world was filled with light once more but not for him. The beautiful woman he loved so passionately lay cold and still in his arms, the prophecy had been fulfilled. Slowly he stood up out of their bed and laid her on the pillows for his maids with one last kiss to her cold blue lips he shifted into his Wolf the pain so deep he could only run and run. Straight through the dense forests and up to the top of the huge mountain that dominated their lands reaching the top he stood tall and tipped back his head the howl of pain and loss echoed across the Packlands as the dark
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Chapter Five
Katya grew up among the humans unaware of who she truly was, the human family she was placed with showered her with love, she had two much older brothers and they were very protective. She grew up into a precocious child, far more intelligent than her peers and stunningly beautiful, like her mother but with a wild temper that belied her angelic looks. At school, she excelled in every subject her bright inquiring mind held a photographic memory and she climbed through the years of schooling quickly, they never held her back, always encouraging her to reach beyond herself. The humans could not hope to compete with her she had no idea who she truly was, even her adoptive parents did not know her birth parents, the pretty older lady who had brought their little angel to them had asked nothing of them. They had longed for a daughter but after two boys it was impossible for their human mother to birth another child. She was heartbroken as she longed for a daughter, so when offered the gift
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Chapter Six
She thought almost crying with fear she wanted to pinch herself but she had fucking paws not fingers for God's sake shaking her head in her desperate attempt to escape her nightmare. Her running stopped abruptly as she stumbled forward through the shrubs into nothing, her feet scrabbling on fresh air as she tried to find purchase but found only empty air. She let out a startled howl as the ground beneath her had disappeared and she was falling into emptiness crying out as she struck tree branches and shrubs. Her body twisted and turned as she tumbled helplessly through the undergrowth, the four chasing Wolves stopped their pursuit at the sound of her frightened howls,‘Fuck, the ravine, she does not know the area, she's gone over the edge, she won't have seen it.’The huge blue/black Wolf veered to the right and raced towards the ravine praying she had not fallen to the bottom, the silence following that mournful howl was deafening and he felt panic rising in his chest, he could not l
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Chapter Seven
She was pacing in frantic circles, her head down as she shook it over and over again, her breath huffing out in short panicked puffs and the four wolves could hear her thoughts through the mind-link,'Not real, not real, this is not real, wake up Katya, wake up.'Carrick looked at Lucas worriedly, they both sensed her extreme distress she was very close to breaking point. They had to get her somewhere safe until she calmed down enough to listen.‘What are we going to do with her Alpha she is very close to breaking?’Carrick asked desperately,‘We are not far from the Pack House. We have to drive her towards it but we must make sure she does not go off on a tangent. Ben, Harry keep close on either side of her and if she tries to bolt head her off. We will keep her running for as long as we can she is very close to exhaustion. When we get her to the house I will take over and sedate her so we can get her inside the house into the room I have prepared for her. I have fixed locks to the d
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Chapter Eight
Lucas commanded and Carrick jumped forward growling at her, the Silver Wolf turned to face the Beta snarling and snapping at him, she was so tired she had gone beyond her fear. If they were going to attack her then she would go down fighting, she was not a coward, lifting her head she glared at the three wolves snarling at her and growled a warning her beautiful silver fur stood on end. She flattened her ears and bunched her hind legs ready to pounce backed against the wall she was ready to fight. Lucas saw his chance her whole attention was on the other three he nodded at Carrick who drew her attention again by darting forward throwing his weight against her and the two Patrollers moved in. Katya was like a whirlwind snapping at each of them as they approached her, swerving between them salvia dripped from her exhausted mouth giving her a rabid look as she squashed herself against the wall determined to fight until the end. Lucas knew he had to act quickly before any of them got hurt
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Chapter Nine
It was hours later when Katya finally stirred and opened her eyes, disorientated, with flashes of her crazy run through the forest at the forefront of her memories she sat up hastily and looked down at her body. Thank God she was human, naked but very definitely a human she had never been so pleased to see her hands and feet instead of paws,‘What a strange nightmare.’She thought a shudder go through her, it had gone so much further this time, the reoccurring chase had morphed into her being captured by Werewolves of all things! She lay back against her pillows chuckling wryly to herself,‘How ridiculous of me, of course, I am not a Werewolf for fucks sake they don’t exist except in the imaginations of movie makers.’ They were something her overactive imagination had plucked out of her irrational fears and belonged in horror films, not real life as if those huge beasts could exist alongside humans and no one knew about it she told herself. ‘They definitely were not real’She told h
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Chapter Ten
Young Werewolves who shifted for the first time always headed out for a run and when they returned they would be exhausted and starving, needing rest first and then lots of red meat to replace the energy they had expelled. Katya had been forced into her shift, a very dangerous thing to happen to a half-breed like her, and then she had been panicked into running for much longer than she should have. Her fall into the ravine and then the sedation had taken its toll on her body so they did not know how long she would sleep but they did know she would wake up ravenous.'Yes. Alpha it is all prepared and the Chef will cook it as she likes it, I seriously doubt she will eat it raw as we would.'Carrick grinned, the little Wolf had not even accepted her Lupine side eating raw meat was probably a step too far right at this moment even though it was the best thing for her. Lucas chuckled as he left out some clothes for her so that when she did wake up she would feel more comfortable, he was mo
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