All Chapters of Legend of the Silver Wolf: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
114 Chapters
Chapter Seventy Two
She had been preparing it for days and instead of making his entrance in an expensive private hospital surrounded by those who supposedly cared about her he was born onto a bed of soft bracken and moss surrounded by the most stunning nature to a silent uncaring mother. He was a strong healthy pup as befitted the Alpha Heir and as she rested beside him letting her body heal he did not cry instead he looked around the cave as if assessing this new world he had been forced into. A few hours later Katya stood and stared down at him feeling nothing somehow she wasn't surprised the maternal gene had passed her by she was very tempted to leave him there for the local wildlife to devour and go back to her old life. She could always tell them it had been a still birth, she was sure she could make it convincing enough and even headed for the cave entrance but at the last minute she could not do it. Looking down into eyes so similar to her own it made her smile Conri had those same eyes gently s
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Chapter Seventy Three
Lucas had to read her note three times before the words sank in, she was gone, his Mate, his wild, feisty, sexy Mate had gone and to his surprise he understood her reasons. Every word she had written was true, the Immortal World was a patriarchal society and it was going to prove a fruitless task for her to try to change that, she would meet with brutal opposition he had no doubts about that. Over the next few days he settled into a quiet routine, he rose early and trained hard for a couple of hours, then when his son woke up he fed and changed him before handing him over to Athena who had volunteered to care for him. She had told him simply that one more mouth to feed was nothing and she breast fed him alongside her own daughter leaving Lucas in awe of her mothering instincts. He could not help but feel a little resentful that his own mate had chosen to abandon her newborn to be raised by another woman even if he did understand her reasons. The Rogues from Damon’s Pack were assimilat
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Chapter Seventy Four
They had not finished with her though, a few minutes later four equally burly guards entered the small room and grabbed her again dragging her to her feet, 'You wanted equality bitch lets see how you survive when we treat you like we would a male prisoner.' Of course she was not treated equally, although she struggled she was no match for four males and they stripped her naked and threw her back onto the mattress standing menacingly over her, 'We're not finished with you bitch, while you are here you will learn your place and that is on your back servicing every male in this complex. If you do as you are told and we are satisfied with your progress we may allow you to live. It's going to be a lot of fun teaching you your place little firebrand but we'll soon have
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Chapter Seventy Five
He turned to the guards, 'Tie her to the bench and lets see how long it takes her to beg her Masters for forgiveness.' Katya sneered as he turned his back on her, 'Why did these stupid males always underestimate her?' She giggled and the guards took a step back from her, 'Knowing what her fate was going to be why on earth would this tiny female be giggling?' They looked at each other and then back at her and then Katya released her magic, 'Come to me, Earth, Wind and Fires,
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Chapter Seventy Six
She snapped and then did something that surprised them all she clapped her hands and all three of them became trapped in dark clouds that whipped around them held there by a strong wind. All three struggled but could not break free and they could only watch as she walked away from them, 'Go back to the Silver City, leave me alone because if you come after me I will destroy all of you.' Her eyes blazed into Conri's, 'You have chosen your Path Conri and as such you are no longer my son. Do not contact me again and never try to use the bond of our blood to bargain with because it no longer exists and I will kill you.'
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Chapter Seventy Seven
When both Wolves were sated and curled up together their humans stepped forward and took back control and Lucas knew Katya would not be as complicit as Artemis. She stretched, stood up and walked across to the cave entrance, 'I think I saw a river nearby and I need to bathe.' He was to astonished to say anything as she disappeared from his view, he jumped to his feet to follow her puzzled by what she was doing, after the intense intimacy of their Wolves he had hoped for just a little of the same thing. Katya did not understand her reaction either, all she knew was she was driven to bathe in the river and she paused on the riverbank looking into its depths. It was calling to her and with a last look over her shoulder at Lucas she walked into the deep green water not stopping as it became deeper and over her head she just kept going. It took her a couple of seconds to realise she was not drow
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Chapter Seventy Eight
She asked turning her silver eyes to the two men and frowning when she saw they looked perfectly normal standing on two legs, rubbing her eyes she looked again, 'Damn it that was a horrible trick to play.' She blurted out before engaging her brain, Midas chuckled understanding her puzzlement immediately, 'It was not a trick little Wolf.' He said walking towards her, 'Surely you know the myths of the Merkingdom and my people? We live in all the great Oceans and Seas but this Kingdom is the Capitol and my father is the Supreme Ruler. It is a well known part of the human myth that we can exchange our tails for legs is it not?' He sat on the sofa bes
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Chapter Seventy Nine
Then he motioned to his servants and they carried in an equally unconscious Princess Bella laying her beside Katya Neptune turned to his son, 'Do it.' With a look of utter distaste Midas got on top of Bella spreading her legs he closed his eyes then opened them and looked at Katya with an angry groan he thrust into the Princess taking her virginity and pounding her hard. Midas kept his eyes on the blonde woman as he fucked his true mate brutally hard it was the only way he could find his release and that was imperative for what they were about to do. With a grunt the Prince stiffened and then shot his seed into his mate then quickly rolling off her with a grimace. His father then placed his hand on Katya's womb and the other hand on Bella's using his magic he transferred the tiny life from one woman to the other then ordere
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Chapter Eighty
He was not going to refuse this new sexier version of his mate, they had always been adventurous sexually but now she wanted more and he was very happy to oblige. Katya knew she had to be clever or he would seriously cuff her to their bed to stop her joining with their fighters looking up at him she gave him a coy smile then crawled to the end of the bed on her hands and knees keeping her eyes on his. Lucas wasn't stupid he knew what she was going to do and his blue eyes turned navy with lust as she reached for the button on his jeans and popped it open then slowly pulled down his zip, 'I think you need to relax my Alpha, you are far to uptight and tense, you know I can help you with that.' As she spoke she had wrapped her small hand around his very aroused cock and tugged him free of his jeans, as he watched her hungrily her little pink tongue snaked acro
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Chapter Eighty One
As soon as she woke up she began to pace their room, she stretched warming up her muscles and then began to do press-ups, star jumps, and as many of the exercises from her training as she could remember. Of course, the staff told Lucas, she had been yelling at them all day when they tried to stop her so she really should not have been surprised when he stepped into the room late that afternoon, 'Katya, I see you are resting like we agreed.' She was sitting on the bed her hair in a high ponytail dressed in shorts and a t-shirt panting a little from the exercises she had just completed, 'We agreed I stay in the room for three more days, I have done enough resting and I am bored out of my mind so I am just finding ways to pass the time as quickly as possible.' Lucas frowned at her,
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