All Chapters of The Mafia’s Pet: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
Chapter 61
Diego Vanessa sits in silence during the jet ride home, nervously biting her lip and picking at her nails. The abrupt end to our honeymoon ignites a fury within me, she was finally beginning to be happy in my presence. Now, we're being thrust back into my world, and while it's familiar territory, I can't help but feel a pang of longing for her world. A world where we cuddle and talk for hours, make love on the beach, and simply slow down to savor each moment of the day together. After we deal with this stupid shit with her sister, I swear to myself that I'll make time to escape to her world. I want to create countless cherished memories with her and our future children. It's a promise I'll keep to us both. Once we land, I take her hand and lead her to the town car to go home. Charlie nods in the rearview mirror when he sees me, "Nice to see you again, Jefe and Mrs. Reyes." "Likewise, Charlie," I reply. It's good to be home...somewhat. Vanessa responds with a soft hum,
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Chapter 62
Diego "No!" Vanessa stands abruptly, gripping my arm. I turn to face her, noticing the intensity in her grey eyes. "You have to save her. She can't die because of me," she pleads, her voice laced with desperation for her snake of a sister. I almost scoff, but I hold the sound in. If she dies, it would only be due to her own stupidity. Shit isn't adding up. Viktor didn't want her due to her age, so why would he kidnap her now? I've been dealing with his bullshit for ten years. He wouldn't start a war like this. That means someone else took her and one of my men. And I have an idea who it is. "Load up the car. We have work to do," I command. The soldiers follow Leroy out of the room. Sal finishes the liquor in his glass, sets it down on the end table, then rises from his seat slowly. "I'll join you. Wouldn't want you doing anything foolish," he remarks with a chuckle. "Leo's right, she has you wrapped around her little pinky." With that, he follows Leroy out the front door.
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Chapter 63
Vanessa After Diego leaves, leaving me to be babysat by Danny and two other men, I storm off to my room. I'm pissed the fuck off. Not exactly at him, but at the entire situation. My sister could be getting tortured right now, and though I didn't know Luis well, I knew he spent the most time with my sister. Maybe he actually cared for her, and now they're on the verge of dying together. I can't lose my sister. She's the only family I have. Diego rescued us from that house together, and it's only fair we both live happy, fulfilled lives. If Viktor kidnapped her because he couldn't have me, how can I possibly sit here and wait for Diego to return? I have to do something. But what? I gnaw on my bottom lip, pacing back and forth as my mind races with possibilities. Hours seem to pass before the door swings open and Danny leans against the doorframe. "Are you going to eat?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "Diego said you haven't eaten since yesterday morning." I fight back a smile.
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Chapter 64
Vanessa "No. Danny promised Diego he wouldn't leave my side until he returns. Do you want to get him killed?" I retort, glaring at them. They glance at each other before the one trying to order me around grudgingly relents, "fine. Don't try any funny shit and stay where we can see you." Okay, asshole. But I nod obediently. "Of course. I just want to make sure Danny is okay," I reply with feigned sadness. As they carry Danny to the car, I trail behind, managing to keep the fake tears flowing. Once we're away from the estate, heading to where I assume the hospital is, I begin to wonder how I'm going to get to the location the man texted me. I still have forty minutes left, but I have no idea about the distance between the hospital and where I need to go. I can't drive, and with no phone service, I can't call an Uber or anything. There's only one other option I can think of. I just hope it works. Once we arrive at the hospital, one of the men take Danny inside, who stirs in
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Chapter 65
Diego "I'll ask once more...where the fuck is Celeste Reyes?" I snarl, my voice dripping with menace. After hours of torture, the poor bastard still hasn't cracked, but I won't stop until I get the information I need out of him. And then I'll still slit his throat for wasting my time when I could be home with my wife right now. "Para! Para! (Stop! Stop!)" He screams, tears streaming down his wrinkled face. We're in the middle of my stepmother's living room. I expected to find her when I arrived, but instead, I found him scrubbing blood from the floor. He claims he doesn't know where it came from, he was just ordered to clean it, but I know the fucker is lying. Celeste must be paying him a lot because we could've been done with this a while ago. But oh well. Despite Leo and Sal's assistance, we're not getting anywhere. At this rate, Luis and Alicia will be killed before we can find out where Nathan is keeping them. And Celeste knows where he's hiding. Finding her means
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Chapter 66
Diego I wipe my face clean, and order one of my men to drag his body outside and toss it in the desert somewhere where the animals can have a nice meal. Amongst this, I come to the stark realization that whether or not Vanessa betrayed me, she's fucking mine. And I won't let her get away so easily. She can run and she can hide, but I'll find her, even if I have to drag her back kicking and screaming. It's not like it's the first time. She has my ring on her finger, my collar around her neck...she'll always belong to me. Growing impatient with Nico taking too fucking long to call back, I decide to take matters into my own hands. "Leo, get Brian on the phone, now!" "This is her last known location. the phone is still there," Brian says, pointing to the computer where a dot flickers continuously on the screen. I should've put a tracking device in her. Why the fuck didn't I? I lean in closer. "This building looks abandoned. What was it before?" Sal glances over our sho
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Chapter 67
Vanessa I grit my teeth as Celeste presses another lit cigar against my skin. Despite blacking out from the pain in our earlier torture session, she merely splashed water on my face and resumed her merciless work. I'm starving and naked except for my collar, only because Celeste and Nathan couldn't get it off. I'm grateful for that, it's as if Diego is with me right now. My body is beaten, with cuts and burns everywhere. Let's just say my will to live has dramatically decreased in the last twenty-four hours. But I made a promise to Diego—that I wouldn't give up, that I'd do whatever it takes to get back to him. That's if they don't end up killing us both. Celeste casually places the cigar back between her lips, igniting it with a flick of her lighter. Clad in a cozy sweater and cardigan that somehow doesn't have a single drop of blood on them, she looks like a gentle, old woman, but she is anything but. Diego tried to warn me about her cruelty, but I had no idea she was this
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Chapter 68
Vanessa "She's so gorgeous, I didn't know you had a thing for chocolate. And those eyes," Nathan groans, making me gag. "Fuck. I can't wait to paint her skin with my cum." Diego, please don't watch this! I silently plead. With Diego on my mind, I manage to rip my face out of Nathan's grip. "Why don't you go fuck your mother and leave me alone, you sick fuck!" I spit out. He simply chuckles. "She's mouthy, I like her even more now. Diego, after you're dead, I might just keep this one for myself. The other one cries too much for my liking." Alicia. Emotion wells up in my throat. Have they been torturing her too? They haven't let me see her in person, but Nathan showed me a five second video of her sobbing in a room similar to this one. She looked unharmed, but who knows how long ago that was taken and what condition she's in now. Nathan rubs the head of his cock against my cheek, and I nearly vomit. "With this collar on your neck, I see he treated you like a little pampere
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Chapter 69
Diego I glare at Denis with disdain as I slowly stir my coffee with his detached finger. Sanitized, of course. With Brian's advanced technology, we were able to locate the van using the street cameras. We suspect it was either two or three men who abducted Vanessa but were only able to obtain clear footage of the driver's face. It took longer than I wanted it to, but we tracked the motherfucker down, and now at 2am, we're in his bedroom. He's securely tied to a chair while his two children are occupied in another room with Leo. I only brought Leo, Danny, and Leroy for this. The fewer men, the better since the house is located in the suburbs with other houses surrounding it. When I demanded his wife to bring me a cup of coffee, she begged me to spare her husband, but he didn't show my wife any mercy. Why the fuck should I? After, I sawed his fingers off right in front of her, her hysterical sobbing escalated into screams. Danny taped her mouth closed, so I wouldn't kill her
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Chapter 70
Diego "You see," I continue, the edge of my blade grazing her skin. "It takes a real piece of shit to be okay watching his wife get murdered right in front of his eyes. But it seems like you need more...motivation." I step away from her and motion to Leroy. "Bring the children in here," I bark. "Jefe?" His brows knit together in concern. Danny remains silent, but I can also see the worry in his expression. He won't speak on it because he's grateful I didn't kill him for what happened, but it wasn't his fault. I blame myself for not bringing her with me that day. Nathan was watching us, and pounced as soon as he knew she was alone. I know they all fear that I've lost my mind, and maybe I have, but they don't understand. Their families are safely at home, while my sister is in hiding for her protection, and my wife is being held hostage. "Now!" My harsh tone brooks no argument. Leroy exits the room briefly, returning with a small baby cradled in his arms, and Leo following
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