All Chapters of The Mafia’s Pet: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
Chapter 71
Vanessa I lay on the ground, numb and hollow, as Nathan takes from me for the third time today. Each assault leaves me too weak to resist. The first time he violated me, I bit his tongue as he forced it into my mouth, but the pain only fueled his aggression, making his next attacks even more brutal. The desire to end my life consumes me. I'm certain that a part of me has already died here, anyway. I feel so used; so contaminated. I keep thinking that just before we rushed back to save Alicia, Diego got rid of my birth control pills. What if Nathan ends up getting me pregnant? It's not like the disgusting creep has used condoms or even attempted to pull out. It's his sick way of marking me. You know, anything to make his mother happy. With his hot, harsh breath in my ear, he empties himself inside of me, his weight pressing down on me for what feels like an eternity until his breathing returns to normal. Please kill me already, I silently plead. All the hope I felt is gone,
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Chapter 72
VanessaNo. He's lying. Diego wouldn't do that! And then the realization strikes me like a bullet to the heart, stealing the breath from my lungs. That day on our honeymoon when he randomly asked about my mom...when he offered to put Mom's ashes in a bracelet...he must have known. He must have known all along. And he kept it from me. "W-Why would he do that?" I choke out. Nathan shrugs. "Perhaps he didn't want you to be angry that he's the one who prevented you from seeing your mother again. But if you ask me, he doesn't give a damn about you, Princesa." He passes me a photo from his pocket. I immediately recognize the back of Diego's head, and sitting across from him is a man in a suit with short, blonde hair. Glancing back up at Nathan, I furrow my brows in confusion. "Currently, your husband is meeting up with the Russian mafia for a business deal, knowing that his wife has been kidnapped. See, I guess with you out of the way, there's no longer bad blood between them."
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Chapter 73
Vanessa "What are you waiting for? Ride my big cock!" Nathan demands through clenched teeth. Grimacing, I gesture to the metal cuff around my ankle. "Sorry, it's kind of digging into my ankle. I know we both enjoy pain, but it's a little much," I say with feigned innocence. His eyes narrow, but he shoves me off him, reaching into his pocket to retrieve a key. After freeing my ankle, he orders me to get back on top of him. "You better ride it like you fucking mean it, or I'll take both your ass and pussy so hard, you'll need stitches after I'm done with you." Heeding his threat, I bury my rage beneath a mask of compliance as I bounce on his length, every movement rubbing my insides painfully raw. The lack of arousal is obvious as fuck, and I can feel Nathan's suspicion growing by the second. He's going to tell that I'm faking it. This plan is falling apart. And then I'll miss my opportunity and have to endure this nightmare all over again. Closing my eyes, I imagine Dieg
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Chapter 74
Diego "Diego, they kidnapped my sister-in-law. Of course I'm going with you," Camila protests. After finally telling her what happened, my sister appears on my doorstep dressed and ready in tactical gear. I don't know where the hell she thinks she's going though because if it's anywhere near Nathan and Celeste, she's got me fucked up. I fix her with a firm glare. "No. It's too dangerous." She glances behind me as my men scurry around the house, preparing to infiltrate Celeste and Nathan's hideout. A large, abandoned warehouse about an hour from here. Apart from Camila, my family are a bunch of slithering snakes, but I'm about to chop off their damn heads and leave them for dead in the dessert. "Good, looks like we're all set. I'll meet you in the car." She pivots on her heels to head to the driveway, but I grab her bicep, stopping her in her tracks. "You're. Not. Going." She returns my glare with equal intensity. "I wasn't asking for your permission," she snaps, tearing
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Chapter 75
DiegoSkillfully, four figures clad in tactical gear descend from the chopper's open door. Each one lands on the roof of the warehouse with practiced ease, their boots hitting the concrete with muted thuds. Damn. Obviously, Viktor is an ally worth having. Now that he isn't after my wife. Once Viktor is on the roof, a swarm of men emerge from the building with their guns drawn. I watch as Viktor draws his arm back, and hurls something towards them. The object hits the ground with a dull thud before erupting into a blinding explosion, engulfing the assailants in a searing wave of heat and light. Camila flinches into me, and as I hold her, I quickly check to make sure my damn eyebrows haven't been singed off. "Was that a damn grenade?" Danny asks in shock. "For fuck's safe, Viktor, no more grenades! I don't need my men blown up or risk the chance of Vanessa getting hurt!" I bark. Viktor snorts. "You begged for help, you don't get to dictate how I do it." Begged? He fuckin
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Chapter 76
Vanessa A sharp pang twists in my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs as I stand before my husband with Nathan's gun aimed at his head. He looks so worn out, so unlike the put-together man in a suit that I'm used to, like my absence has completely disrupted his life. But I won't be foolish enough to think that. Nathan showed me proof that Diego is perfectly fine without me. But why did he come? Did he regret his decision to let Nathan have me? I almost want to run into his arms and ask him to make it all better, but nothing will ever be the same between us. No matter what he says. I will never be the same. "Mama, it's me," Diego says softly, taking a cautious step forward. "Stay back!" My voice quivers, but I keep the gun steadily trained on him. He freezes instantly, scrutinizing me from head to toe. His gaze darkens as he observes every bruise and cut marring my skin. But what he doesn't see are the wounds on the inside, the ones that will never heal. After what I
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Chapter 77
VanessaOnly five days? It feels like I was locked in that basement for years. But that doesn't change the fact that in five days the person I was...the strong, confident queen at Diego's side...has vanished, never to be found again. The tears stinging my eyes finally fall, and with a shaky breath, I reveal the truth. "He raped me, Diego. So many fucking times. I'm ruined now, tainted. I understand if you'll never want to touch me again." Blue flames ignite in his eyes. "Is that what you really think, Mama? That I wouldn't want you anymore because that fucker touched you without your consent?" "The last time...I made him think I wanted it...and I..." My voice falters into a sob, choked by the guilt and shame that pierce through me like a knife. Diego's voice trembles with emotion as he pleads, "Please, let me help you." I shake my head violently, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to block out the sound of his pleading voice. After what Nathan did to me, I don't see a way I
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Chapter 78
Vanessa A shiver courses down my spine as a shadow crosses his face. "Fuck," he mutters before touching the inside of his ear. "Leo, I've got Vanessa. Have you found Sal?" The shadow deepens. "And?" After hearing Leo's response, Diego curses again, his features contorting with rage. "What happened?" I whisper, my pulse quickening with each passing second. Before he can answer, Danny shouts from the top of the stairs. "Jefe, we've wiped out everyone here. Brian said someone called the police, and they're on their way. We gotta leave, pronto." Diego turns to me, his eyes reflecting a mix of hurt and vulnerability. "Are you coming with me, Mama? Or do you want to make me hunt you down? A rush of warmth spreads through my chest. "I want to go home, Diego." His lips curve with a small smile. "Thank you," he whispers. With me still cradled in his arms, Diego carries me up the stairs, where a gather of familiar faces awaits us. Camila flashes me a wide grin, while Danny's us
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The Mafia's Queen Chapter 1
Diego"How's Vanessa holding up, Diego?" Leo asks, leaning against the door of my office.My gaze drifts to the window, where my wife sits on her usual bench, her figure small against the expanse of the garden. She stares out at the pond that I had built for her after she lost her sister nearly a month ago. Danny stands nearby, silently watching over her. She spends most of her time out there now while I stand by, feeling utterly fucking helpless as I watch the woman that I love drown in her grief and trauma. I'm at a complete loss. She barely acknowledges my presence. She recoils from my touch, refusing even the most simple gestures of affection. The only time I'm allowed to hold her is when she's ensnared in the grip of her nightmares, crying and screaming for my brother to stop hurting her. At this point, I'd give up anything to erase her pain, and bring her back to me.With my heart sinking like a lead weight, I finally respond, "She's not getting any better, if that's what you'r
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Chapter 2
Diego "I'm not hungry," Vanessa repeats in a monotone tone. Frustration and hurt bubbles within me, but I swallow them down, taking a deep breath to force myself to remain calm. "Vanessa." I slowly reach out, extending my hand to her, but she flinches away as if my skin is coated in poison. The action fucking stings, but I'm used to her rejection. "Can I at least sit down?" I ask, my voice tight with the desperate plea. I hold my breath, waiting for her response, until she finally nods, her movements stiff and reluctant. I settle beside her, allowing my gaze to wander out onto the garden. I may have hired the gardeners, but this is all her creation. The array of flowers remind me so much of the happy, carefree side she showed me during our honeymoon. That time seems like a lifetime ago. I don't even miss sex as much as I miss her willingly submitting and trusting me. "Mama, I can't help you unless you talk to me," I say quietly, "Or fuck, if you won't talk to me, will you at lea
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