All Chapters of The Billionaire Begs Me to Stay: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
11 Colin Asked Her Out
After enjoying a round of champagne at the bar, the trio felt the night was still young. Thus, they moved to a booth, ordering several more rounds of beer.Under the dim lights of the evening, Emily and Colin sat in the corner of the bar, seemingly detached from the boisterous laughter and the clinking of glasses around them.Colin shared stories about his life as an actor, and June recounted amusing anecdotes from her work in drama production. Meanwhile, Emily remained silent."Emily," Colin's voice was low and resonant, as he looked at her with a smile, "I think we should head home. It's getting late, and I'm afraid I won't be able to drive if we drink any more."Emily glanced at her watch. They had already finished work quite late, and now it was nearing midnight. She nodded, then looked over at June, who was clearly tipsy, her face slightly flushed, her gaze slightly blurred.Colin stood up, extending a hand to help Emily and June to their feet. His palm was large and warm, radiat
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12 Show Her Some Respect
Emily looked incredulously at the two men before her. They were acting as if engaged in a primal battle for her attention, the prize being a single date with her. A hint of amusement and resignation danced in her eyes. She could see the confidence etched on Colin's handsome face, as if her refusal was nothing more than a coy test.The other man was silent and tense, head bowed, hands clenched.Emily drew a deep breath. Her gaze sweeping over them with unwavering resolve as she firmly shook her head. "No, I cannot go out with either of you. I need to focus on my work." She tried to make her tone as firm as possible, hoping they would respect her decision.Issac, bluntly rejected, wore an expression of surprise. His eyes roved Emily's face in bewilderment, seeking loopholes in her words. "You're just a crew at the theatre, it shouldn't take too much of your time." His tone was filled with disdain, oblivious to the offensive context of his words.Colin laughed, waving his hand to interru
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13 Cici Showed up
The morning sun illuminated Emily and June's bedroom, rousing them from sleep with the shrill sound of the alarm clock. Emily groggily fumbled to turn off the alarm, rubbing her eyes vigorously. Meanwhile, June rolled directly out of bed, staggering to her feet."Oh, I really don't want to get up for work," June moaned, wide-eyed, looking at Emily."We don't have a choice,” Emily said, climbing out of bed and nudging June into the bathroom as she started to get dressed. “We're broke, we have to earn a living! We need to hurry, June, or we'll be late."As soon as the bathroom door shut, Emily busied herself in the room. She opened the fridge, found two eggs and a pack of sliced bread, immediately shoved the bread into the toaster, and began frying the eggs. By the time June emerged from the bathroom, breakfast would be ready, and Emily could take her turn cleaning up.Emily quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face, then hastily tied her hair into a simple ponytail. After dressing,
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14 Emily is Framed
"Cici," Emily's voice was calm and indifferent. "The yachts and mansions you speak of have never been mine, they belong to Issac. Living in such luxury every day, I may possess the grandeur you see, but I live in constant fear of losing it all. That's not the life I want."Unperturbed by Cici's provocation, Emily gazed around at the bustling crowd. "Now, I'm using my own hands to create my own life. It may be tough, but it's truly mine. I no longer need to worry about losing anything, because I have the ability to earn everything I need." A sense of satisfaction and pride filled her heart, a feeling she'd never felt before. "Those mansions and yachts, if you like them, they're all yours. I don't need them.""But it seems like you desire those things more than I do. Is it because you know they'll never truly be yours?" Emily straightened her back, adjusted her uniform, and then turned to leave the theater.Cici's complexion turned pale, she wanted to refute Emily, but no words came out
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15 Cici or Me? What's Your Choice?
Suddenly, Issac reached out, touching Emily's back. Emily knew this was Issac's way of stopping her from continuing, he hoped to put an end to things there.Emily pretended to be oblivious, continuing to look defiantly at Ola, as if without a definitive answer from Ola, she would never give up.Ola finally couldn't help but say, "Emily, this lady, you've met her before, haven't you?"Emily smirked, "Unfortunately, yes. She's my sister, but she seems to want to marry my husband more than I do."With a sigh, Ola decided not to get involved in the personal feelings between employees. "Ma'am, we trust our employees, but we are also deeply sorry about what happened today. How about I waive your bill for today's visit to the theater, and hope that after you resolve your family issues, you will find time to enjoy our plays again?"Upon hearing Ola's words, Cici's face turned pale. She gripped the armrest of her wheelchair hard, her face contorting in an instant. "You people..." her voice was
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16 He Still Loves Her!?
"Issac, are you willing to confront your beloved Cici, along with your ex-wife?""Issac, are you prepared to face your beloved Cici, along with your ex-wife?"Issac gently kissed Emily's fingertips, "Firstly, you're still my wife, and secondly, I've never been in love with Cici."Emily withdrew her hand, "Are you going or not?""Of course. I'm curious about how Cici found out about it."Emily waved goodbye, "Alright, see you after work."After work, Emily and Issac arrived at Helen's mansion together. The setting sun outside the door cast golden hues on the cobblestone path, adding to the grandeur and tranquillity of the mansion. They pushed open the intricately decorated door and entered.Emily had never lived in this mansion. While she was busy shuttling between her foster home and her job at the fast-food restaurant, Cici grew up happily here. The mansion was lavishly decorated; walls adorned with famous paintings, chandeliers flickering in the candlelight, and elegant furniture. E
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