All Chapters of The Billionaire Begs Me to Stay: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 Chapters
01 She Wants a Divorce
"Emily, are you feeling hot?" In a luxurious apartment situated in a bustling city, shadows danced in a dimly lit corner of the room. Emily's skin was burning under the touch of the man before her. The air was heavy with an indescribable sense of ambiguity. Meanwhile, his phone vibrated incessantly at the side, its screen flickering on and off. The person on the other end of the line seemed oblivious to the fact that this man had no time to answer any calls. Inside the room, Emily and Issac sat facing each other. Their gazes met in the soft light, igniting the surrounding air. Emily bit her lip, forcing herself not to appear too eager. Yet, Issac seemed to effortlessly see through her desires. Emily's heart raced, her hands trembling slightly as she slowly opened herself to Issac, surrendering every inch of her skin to his touch. She had once married this man for benefits, but she found herself gradually falling uncontrollably in love with him. He was always indifferent towards h
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02 He Needs her Back
Emily ended the distressing call, took a moment to collect herself, then pushed open the glass doors of the hospital. A familiar scent of disinfectant filled her nostrils, a signature smell of hospitals that always sparked a hint of unease and concern. She navigated the cold hospital tile floors with an experienced ease, making her way to Victor's room. The lights along the corridor were pale and weary, seemingly swallowed by the endless white and the atmosphere of sickness. Arriving at Victor's room, she saw the faint light filtering through the window on the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open. Victor was lying on the narrow hospital bed, holding an old, well-used book. As soon as he saw Emily, he immediately put down the book. His body seemed even thinner than the last time they met, his face was paler, and even his lips had lost all color. The bedside monitor beeped rhythmically, marking the cadence of Victor's life, but it was often drow
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03 She Comes Home with Him
After the visiting hours had ended, Emily found herself needing to leave Victor's hospital room. The angry call from her mother Helen that morning was still fresh in her mind. Perhaps it was time for her to go home and explain why she had decided to get a divorce. Despite the fact that Helen had never taken on the responsibilities of a mother as Emily grew up, she had provided Emily with the opportunity to secure Victor's first medical payment from Issac when Emily needed money the most. As the one who reminded Emily at the critical moment of Victor's life-threatening situation, suggesting that she could exchange marriage for money to pay medical bills, Emily felt that Helen deserved to know the truth about the divorce. As she opened the front door, Emily was greeted by the sight of Issac standing in the middle of the living room. Dressed in a crisp suit, a confident smile spread across his handsome face as if he had already secured his victory. Emily's heart sank; she didn't want
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04 He Starts to Beg Her
Issac glanced at his screen, a furrow settling between his brows as he hung up the call, tossing his phone into a drawer.His arm found its way back to Emily’s waist, his fingers trailing over the softness of her skin. However, he was oblivious to the flicker of change in Emily's eyes.The sudden ring of the phone jolted Emily out of her daze. She realized she could not fall for Issac’s sweet nothings again. She couldn't be swayed by his superficial charms any longer. She yearned for real change, for freedom, for dignity.Gently, Emily pushed Issac away. Her fingers traced a light path across his chest before slowly withdrawing. Her eyes, clear and resolved, left Issac a bit stunned. "Issac, I can't go on like this. Our issues can't be resolved with a bouquet of roses or a romantic song. What I need is your genuine respect and understanding, not these superficial tricks."Issac froze, not expecting Emily's resolution. His hand reached out, trying to grasp Emily again, but all he caugh
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05 She Said Yes for the Money
Emily straightened her posture, her brows furrowed. "Issac," she began, "I've always been utterly weary of the gatherings your family holds. I won't be attending your family banquet anymore." Issac was puzzled. "But aren't you the one who loves these parties? You spend hours choosing outfits and arranging your appearance before every event, and you always voluntarily stay until the very last guest has left." Emily scoffed. "None of that was ever by choice. Your parents insisted that I become the best possible assistant to you, worthy of your status. They demanded that I attend each gathering in my best attire and act as the hostess until the last guest departs." A look of bewilderment filled Issac's eyes, as if he had never heard about these stringent demands Emily had faced in their marriage. Hearing the silence on the other end of the line, Emily didn't feel like explaining further. "I am currently seeking a divorce lawyer. I don't wish to deceive a
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06 His Awful Family
"Emily, I heard you're about to be thrown out of the house by Issac?"The small-nosed, blonde girl was Lizzy Pink, a friend of the Lloyd family. Lizzy had always claimed to have grown up with Issac, but Emily had never seen her in any of Issac's childhood photos, nor had Issac ever mentioned her.This wasn't Emily's first encounter with such a situation at a Lloyd‘s party. In fact, her years in this ‘old money class’ had made her quite adept at handling such scenes. She put on a fake smile to respond to Lizzy, "I'm sorry, this is between Issac and me, and it's not appropriate to discuss it with you."Lizzy wrinkled her small, sharp nose, "If you don't tell me now, don't bother. But you'll be thrown out by Isaac soon anyway. I might as well enjoy your sadness in advance."Emily didn't want to waste any more words with Lizzy. She turned to find her employer for the day, Issac. But Lizzy stubbornly clung to her, refusing to let go, "Emily,
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07 He Realizes Her Determination
Emily could hear the babbling of the classical fountain behind her and feel the air gradually filling up with the scent of fresh greenery. Yet, her eyes were focused solely on the man before her. The sunlight outlined his perfect features in the softest manner as he drew closer. Is this...a kiss?In their years of marriage, they had shared countless kisses, but none had ever made her heart race like this imminent, yet-to-happen one.But they were on the brink of divorce. Should she accept this kiss? Would it sway her decision to end their marriage?Emily was uncertain, yet reluctant to refuse.Just as Emily was debating whether to accept his kiss, Issac decided to take away her chance of refusal and kissed her decisively. His unexpected move caught her off balance, but Issac, quick as ever, wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her firmly against him. Their cheeks pressed together, their lips met in a surprising yet passionate kiss.Emily was
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08 Throwing the Wedding Ring Away
Standing off to the side with his hands hanging down, Issac emanated a somber mood. He cautiously asked, "Emily, do you really want a divorce, do you really want to leave me?”Emily was taken aback, looking at Issac in confusion. She thought she had made it clear that their marriage was irreparable, and their relationship could only end here. "Yes, I've made it very clear," she replied.Issac looked at Emily, his eyes—unreadable to Emily at that moment—fixed on her. ""Are you truly... this angry with me?"Though she couldn't decipher his gaze, Emily felt a profound pressure. She averted his gaze, pursed her lips, and clenched her hands tightly together, as if seeking some form of strength. She silently turn her head and look out the irony gate, where the view appeared chaotic and blurry.But Emily was certain of one thing: she had to reject Issac. She didn't want to wait in the empty home for him to return home, from dusk till dawn. She
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09 A New Man?
Ever since the day Emily and Issac parted ways, Emily hadn't heard from Issac again.However, life doesn't pause. Emily decided to heed June's advice and headed towards the theatre she had mentioned before. She sought a basic stage management job, something that could at least cover her rent."June, are you sure they will hire me?" Emily's hand clenched June's arm tightly as she nervously looked at the narrow theatre side entrance, where June had told her the staff would need to enter and exit.June glanced at her and smiled reassuringly, "Emily, relax. It's just a stage management job, not too difficult."Emily took a deep breath, nodded, and then stepped through the small door of the theatre. She could hear her own heartbeat; it was a mix of anxiety and anticipation.Emily and June walked into the grand theatre shoulder to shoulder. Emily's gaze was wandering over the magnificent lights and the red carpet, her heart filled with unease.June, however, seemed much more at ease. She qu
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10 Money is More Important
"Of course, I accept!"Emily promptly took the contract, perusing it several times, then signed her name at the bottom.Ola nodded in satisfaction and asked June to show Emily around.Emily, who had accepted Ola's job offer, felt like a bird set free, her spirits instantly lifted by the anticipation of her incoming salary and the hope it represented. She followed behind June, stepping into the demanding and bustling world of theatre work."Emily, this is our makeup room, where you will coordinate between the actors and makeup artists in the future," June explained as she led Emily on a tour. Her speech was fast and precise, giving Emily a sense of the intense atmosphere of theatre work.Colin was sitting at a table halfway through his makeup process when he saw Emily walk in. He stood up, "Remember to come watch our rehearsal later."Emily nodded politely but made no promises.June led Emily further along the lengthy hallway, "This corridor connects the backstage and the front of the
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12 Protection Status