All Chapters of OMG! Substitute Mummy Is A Little Too Sweet! : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
136 Chapters
Cherry nodded her head and pressed her face on his toned shoulder, seeking solace for her racing heart. Stacy tapped Cherry on her back. "But how do we escape from them? The guards are not here and if we should call on the cops, I doubt they will make it here on time,” Stacy tried to come up with a plan to get away from them without a scratch on either of them. "Do we need to call on the cops?” Bruce chuckled. "It seems you do not know the devil you married yet,” Stacy’s jaw dropped again. "You shouldn't say such words around our daughter, Bruce,” Stacy scolded as she sneered her lips. "That's bad parenting,” "What did I say wrong?” Bruce asked, feigning innocence. "She is my first child after all. so it's normal to make mistakes while parenting the first child but you need not worry. When Pookie has younger siblings then we will be the best parent in the US,” He winked at her and Stacy momentarily forgot the dangerous situation they were in as a blush crept up her chee
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Be careful.
But Bruce didn't stop. He continued pulling the trigger as he aimed the shots at him. The Assassin tried dodging the firing bullets that were shot at him but he could not keep it up and needed some time to have a breathing break. Not able to bear it anymore, he grumbled. "Fuck! Just stop firing bullets, devil!” He cursed, as he ran and hid behind the wall of another dining room. "You're such a coward,” Bruce stopped firing the bullets and tucked the gun into the back of his pants when the assassin ran into the same room his partner had scrambled into in fear. It was clear the partner didn't want to be shot and go through the same pain again. "You and your so-called partner still can not stand up to my daughter. I will advise that both of you return back to whoever sent you guys here and tell him that I said he did a bad job in choosing assassins,” They didn't say a word. The air remained silent with only the heavy breathing of the men hiding behind the door in the room
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"Pack the bodies,” Bruce instructed and was about to return back to Stacy and Cherry when the guard stopped him. "Sir,” He called and Bruce turned to him swiftly with a raised brow. "Sir, I have a feeling that this assassination has something to do with the Hawk family,” The guard revealed. Bruce scoffed. "I thought as much. They are the only ones I might have offended recently. It's crazy that that’s the best they can do but it turns out to be very stupid,” "Yes, indeed it is. I was wondering why Mr. Hawk just decided to let us off after killing Daniel Hawk, his son, but it turned out that the old man did not really let us off,” The guard paused to hold in his laughter. "But at the same time, what he did was dumb,” the guard stated out of fact cause what reasonable person would send such inexperienced men to kill his boss if not a fool? "Yeah, if he is really serious about killing me then he should try to do better next time. I don't always have the time to handle little
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Eddie & Edward.
Bruce took Stacy’s hand into his as the other hand held onto the steering. Stacy felt a massive hand take hold of her hand that was placed on her lap when she stared out of the window Slowly turning to him, she saw a small coaxing smile on his thin pink lips as his grip on her little hand in his massive one reassuringly tightened more. Bruce didn't like the cold shoulders Stacy gave off to him and he was willing to do anything to make her happy and also make the cold shoulders she gave off stop. Cherry who settled in the backseat did not realize when she slept off as she lay flat in the backseat while Daisy rested her head on her paw's hand. "I'm sorry,” Bruce mouthed sincerely to her. His stormy eyes were filled with a genuine apology and Stacy could feel the icy cold walls she built around her slowly crumble into snowy dust. Her lips fell open to mouth out a word at least but she didn't know what to say. Bruce clenched her hand lightly as his thumb massaged the b
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Your Punishment.
"It's fine, Ma'am, he did not mean to push me. I'm fine," Eddie tried to stop Stacy from yelling at him. "No, it's not. Take a look at what he did for your head. How could he do this to a girl?" Stacy was mad at him. She looked up at him. "Did you think she's me? Do you think she's the same Stacy you and your mom had treated so badly and sent out of the estate gate under the heavy downpour of rain two weeks ago?!“ Stacy asked furiously, remembering the day Olivia and Edward had treated her like she was a bag of garbage that needed to be thrown away into a garbage bin. "What's going on here? what was that noise all about?" Bruce asked as he stepped out of the room with his hand in his pocket. He glanced at Stacy and saw that she was glaring daggers at Edward as she held onto Eddie. He glanced at Edward. Edward had an unbothered look on his face as he looked away from Stacy. Bruce sighed. "What did you do this time again, Edward?" Bruce asked tiredly but Edward didn't
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Stacy could feel her anticipation rising to its limits as she bit harder on her lower lip, her sensitive body turning on, she could feel her clit throb as she clenched the bedsheets on both sides to steady her racing heartbeat. She saw the evil and lustful look Bruce gave off as his stormy eyes stripped her naked. As he got closer to the bed, Stacy’s toes curled. Soon, the lights in the room went off and they were ripped off their clothing as smacking and sucking of the lips filled the room in an erotic sound. Moaning along with groans covered up the room as Bruce and Stacy did the deed. Sometimes, whimpering cries due to too much pleasure left Stacy’s lips. Sometime later, Bruce lay in bed with Stacy's head placed comfortably on his toned chest. Their breathing came out in sync after their wild sex which he referred to as punishment. "Stacy?" Bruce her name rolled off his tongue as his finger kept raking through her dark long hair which looked like a mess.
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Little Brat.
"I know and I am very sorry for getting you worked up. I just didn't know what to say. or rather, I didn't know how to ask you. I'm very sure it sounded weird 'cause we are already married," Bruce chuckled weirdly. "But this ring symbolizes a lot of things including my love for you, Stacy," Stacy felt her heart warm up as a tear threatened to fall off from the side of her eyes but she blinked it back. "Get up first. I don't like this position you are in," Stacy tried to laugh off the awkward and emotional moment. "No, this is the right way to propose. I can't propose while standing cause it is wrong. Accept the ring first then I can consider getting up to my feet,“ Bruce bargained and Stacy rolled her eyes. "You are so persistent,“ She shook her head in disbelief. "You must have given your mom such a headache when you were little. who knows, maybe Cherry got those traits from you after all,“ "I agree with you. I am her dad after all. That's why I always laugh it off when
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"Good girl. So now, Daddy wants you to keep living by those words. If Granny or Uncle Edward says anything bad to you just simply ignore them. so long they did not touch or hit you. And even if they do, then just let me know and I will handle them myself" Bruce instructed. Cherry nodded. "Yes, Daddy." "Good. come and have your breakfast quick before you get late for school on your first day of resumption," Bruce drew out a chair for her. Cherry walked up to the dining table and instead of settling on the chair her dad had pulled out, she asked. "The chair is for me, right?“ "Yes of course. it's yours, my little princess. I will pull out another for your mummy," Bruce told her and went to another chair to it out for his dearest wife. Cherry still had what happened the previous day in mind because Bruce had neglected her a little while caring for her new mummy and she got jealous a little. Eddie was seen carrying out a lunch bag as she came out of the kitchen. " I'
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Ethan Hills.
The guards began pulling Vanessa’s arms without warning as they dragged her out of the door. “What are you doing? Do you know who I am? You, worthless guards, can't reach up to my standards even in the years to come!“ Vanessa yelled at the guards as they effortlessly pulled her feminine body out of the building even after Vanessa struggled not to move an inch but the guard's strength overpowered hers. "Bruce Yates! Get your fucking self out of there! You dare to ruin my career over that wretched wife of yours from a stupid family! Believe me, I would frustrate you guys. I will ruin your relationship with that bitch! I will ruin you all, just watch and see!“ Vanessa screamed. A Rolls Royce Phantom pulled up before the tall glass building of the Yates company and a hefty bodyguard dressed in a black uniform and sunshade came down from the driver's side of the car went to the back seat and opened the door. He bowed before the figure who sat in the car before he stepped to the si
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"You should go.." He did not finish talking when Stacy opened the door with her fingerprint on the sensor and barged into the sitting room. The sight that caught Stacy’s gaze was unbelievable. Edward had his hand wrapped around Ethan's neck as he pressed her dad against the wall. Olivia was coughing out blood as she held onto her neck. Eddie was standing far away from the scene but the moment she saw Stacy step in, she rushed to her side. "What is the meaning of all this that I am seeing?" Stacy asked when she came out of her thoughts. " I've been asking him to let go of the old man but Mr. Yates won't listen. I've tried countless times to tell him to stop strangling him or else he might die but he turned deaf ears to my words," Eddie reported, feeling scared for the unknown old man's life. Her eyes moved to Edward and Ethan. Edward relentlessly tightened his grip on Ethan while Ethan kept fighting to pull Edward's hand away. "Get away from me, useless child! it
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