All Chapters of OMG! Substitute Mummy Is A Little Too Sweet! : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
136 Chapters
"I'm sorry but what happened? Where is my dad? Can you put him on the line, please?” Stacy pleaded, her eyes full of concern. "No can do. Your dad has crossed the line by gambling with my boss. He gambled because he had his eyes on my boss‘s woman. If your dad wins then he gets to have my boss‘s woman for the night and if he fails he must give my boss twenty million dollars. He agreed to the deal out of a desire to have my boss’s woman for the night,” The voice on the other end chuckled because he found Ethan to be very dumb. Stacy silently prayed that her dad should at least win and have the lady for the night because where on earth was she going to get such a huge sum of money? "D-did he win?” Stacy stuttered hopefully. The man on the other end laughed harder at their situation. "If he won, do you think I will call his only child to come save him from his demise? You better come here in the next forty-five minutes with the sum of twenty million dollars or else your dad will
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He took out his phone and called Bruce's line. It didn't take long before it got connected. "Is everything good? Why the sudden phone call?” Bruce inquired because it was rare for his personal guard to call his line. "Sir, did you by any chance give young. Mrs the permission to leave the estate on her own without the use of a car?” He asked cautiously. Bruce frowned at his question. "No, I did not. What happened? Where did she say she was heading to and when did you guys get back from the mall? "Not too long, sir. We didn't spend much time over there. She said she was going to visit her Dad, and that she was missing him a lot. But I don't believe her words. I also offered to follow her up but she didn't let me, giving some random excuses that she expected me to believe but it was clear it's all a lie,” He reported. "She constantly bit on her lower lip and I saw how hard she gripped her purse. These are signs of someone telling a lie,” Bruce was silent for a moment. His thoughts r
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Stacy jumped when she heard the sound of the line being cut off. "Oh no, how did they see me ?” Stacy pondered, her amber eyes darting around to at least catch a glimpse of who it was but she didn't find anything suspicious. She took in a deep breath and released all her fears. Who was she kidding? She was still damned scared and regretted the fact that she should have told someone about where she was heading instead of being so stupid and coming alone. She got to the entrance of the casino and a burly man approached her. "Follow me,” He commanded but Stacy didn't move with him as she stared at his broad back in apprehension. The burly man halted and turned around with his sharp gaze on her. "Why aren't you moving?” He questioned and Stacy shaked her head. "I don't know you. So I can't just follow you like a zombie,” "You won't even know a lot of people here but in order to get your stupid dad, then you should do the needful,” He uttered and continued walkin
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Stacy shut her eyes, gritting her teeth as she muttered out the name. "Dan Hawk. That bastard once again,” She never wanted to see him again. She just wished that he would die and everything that had to do with him would end. "Take a look at the angry face of my sweet future wife,” He laughed gesturing his hand at her and the few other guys laughed along. "Isn't she so pretty? Increase the lights in the room. I want to see her more clearly this time,” He instructed and the men did just as told. The lights came on brighter and a pleased lustful smile curved up his lips. His gaze landed on her milky legs, trailing up to her thighs just above her knee, and then the beautiful floral red dress she wore. Her dark silky long hair was let down, cascading down her back as her face turned beet red like a tomato. "Isn't she just so beautiful,” He felt attracted to Stacy more than ever. It's just been two weeks since she had stayed with Bruce Yates but she was already glowing so muc
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At the same time, she wondered why the supposed guard Dan Hawk had hired refused to do anything to stop her from hitting their boss, and she saw a ray of light shining into the room. Her gaze moved to the door and found two men standing at the entrance. Stacy immediately kicked Dan Hawk away with her shoe and stood up in shock. How did they find her there? She had lied to them about where she was heading. Could they have been spying and keeping track of where she went? "S-sir?” Stacy stuttered in shock. How did they get there? She didn't know but somehow she felt relieved that they found her. But the shock that they also found out that she lied to them was taking over her body, mind, and emotions. Bruce didn't bat his stormy gaze that swirled like a tornado in his eyes as his gaze shot countless daggers at Dan Hawk. Bruce took out his phone and made a call to his PA. Once the call got connected, he spoke through gritted teeth, fighting damned hard to hold in his fury at
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Cold Death.
Bruce returned to the car and got into the driver's seat. Stacy’s whole body went stiff the moment he got in. She bowed her head in shame, she had lied to him and could not look up into his eyes anymore. Bruce started the car and drove out onto the highway. While driving, the car remained silent with no word exchange as he focused on the road ahead. It started feeling too uncomfortable and Bruce let out a cough twice to break the silence, making Stacy look up at him and quickly avert her gaze away. "You realize what you did was wrong, right?” Bruce asked and Stacy nodded. "Yes, sir,” She responded meekly, her eyes fixed on her hands that rested on her lap. "Correct yourself,” Bruce demanded, not liking the `Sir’ she always called him. It made their relationship sound formal which he did not like at all. Stacy looked up at him with confusion clouding her eyes. "Eh?” "Correct yourself, little bird. Don't make Daddy really mad at your ass. He isn't pleased with you
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Eddie Lara.
Bruce and Stacy drove back home only to be welcomed by a worried little face. "Mummy!” Cherry screamed and ran to hug Stacy’s legs as she sobbed slightly. "I've been looking for you everywhere in the house and I thought you got lost. Or if Uncle Edward and Granny Olivia did something bad to you,” Stacy smiled as she raked her fingers tenderly through Cherry’s blonde hair. "No, I did not get lost and granny and Uncle Edward didn't do anything to me. I just went somewhere to get something,” Bruce almost rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you went to a place where you were almost raped by that donkey without informing anyone including me,” He thought to himself. "Okay, mummy,” Cherry cleaned her teary eyes with the back of her hand then turned to her Dad who was also smiling at her. "And why did you return from work so early? Are you free today?” "Yes, I am. And I thought of taking mummy on a date. Do you want to come with us?” Bruce asked as he knelt on one knee and pulled Cherry’s c
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It was something she had never dreamt of doing because she knew she could never gather up the money needed but Bruce came to her aid like an angel sent from the heavens. "You realize what you are doing is embarrassing, right?” Bruce asked with a stern face. He didn't like the way she thanked him. He did it from his heart and also because Cherry had asked him to help Eddie out. Even without Cherry asking her dad to help, if Bruce knew someone was in a situation like this and he clearly knew that he could be of help then he would support them without asking for anything in return. That was Bruce Yates for you. Hearing Bruce words, Eddie was in a trance for a second as she looked up at his expressionless face and she instantly got back to her senses but it didn't stop her from still being appreciative. "No, it's not embarrassing at all Mr. Yates. I can never be ashamed to be thankful to you. I am more than ready to worship your feet 'cause what you offered to do is something I
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Blue Dress.
Bruce got to the sitting room and kept the glass of juice on the center table. "have it, it's yours,”"Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Yates,” Eddie took the glass from the table Stacy and Cherry who had just gotten to the top of the stairs were about to climb down with a wide smile. Stacy saw Bruce serving Eddie a chilled glass of juice. The smile on her delicate face faded. she didn't realize when her fingers balled into a fist, digging her nails into her palm as Eddie accepted the glass. "Mom! Why aren't you coming along?? You look very beautiful, mummy, you do not need to be shy,” Cherry reassured not knowing that Stacy was not shy but was rather insecure about the relationship between Bruce and Eddie or maybe she was just overthinking it. Stacy released a deep sigh and released her fingers as she got down the stairs. "Bruce isn't like that. I should stop overthinking and being insecure. He can talk to anyone when he feels like it. I know he won't leave me or stop liking me. B
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A knock was heard on the door. Stacy snapped her eyes open and pushed Bruce aside but he didn't budge."Someone is at the door!” Stacy reminded, aiming to make him move away. "Mummy, Daddy?!! What are you both doing in there? Aren't we going for dinner anymore?” Cherry’s voice rang out and Stacy forcefully pushed Bruce's massive body over her away but he pressed her down to the bed again. "I know. you do not need to tell me, birdie. I have ears, don't I?” "Cherry is here, what are you doing?’” Stacy exclaimed in a whisper, shooting a chaotic look at Bruce. "She can wait outside till we are done,” He grinned.,"What the heck are you saying? You do know that there's someone waiting for you downstairs and also outside the door, don't you? Please, lets stop here. I need to get changed,” Stacy whispered, her amber eyes wide open as she looked into his unbothered stormy eyes. Bruce still didn't move an inch. "Pookie, Daddy is busy right now. I and your mom would be out once we are
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