All Chapters of The Mafia And The Fake Wife: Chapter 41 - Chapter 49
49 Chapters
41-birthday gift
Alessia Romero ------------Fear sabotaged me.  I wanted to run after the person but from the darkness, I was scared to even make a step out. I immediately shut the door, making sure to lock it then rushed back to the bed.When I managed to sit, my eyes roamed around the room and they caught something on the table beside the bed. It was a bouquet of red roses. I felt my whole body tense. I could swear with my own blood that I never left any flowers on the table.I got up and walked to the table. Every sense was knocked and I felt like someone who was about to lose brain cells. After hesitation, I picked the flowers, my eyes caught a note on the flowers, and I quickly grabbed it to check it.
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42- married off
Alessia Romero----"No! You stay away from me!" I barked at Lino who was running behind me while calling me worriedly, of course, he could do that, he could only worry because he was not in my shoes."What did my father tell you? Alessia, Ale-" I slammed the door on his face and then collapsed against it.My eyes were burning with tears that commenced sluicing down my cheeks instantly. My lips quivered as I struggled to hold the sobs from breaking through.What was I, a puppy to just toss here and there? Marry someone? Did dad agree?
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43- his visit
Alessia Romero____After turning off the lights in the room, I slid under the warm fluffy bed covers and stared into the darkness. The scent of the red roses beside the table caught me. I wondered who had given me such a romantic gift.My memories began wandering, and I slowly drifted to Rodion. The memories that I had held onto for the past week flooded in my brain. One particular memory was the night he took me to heaven and back. Crazy enough, that brought a smile to my lips. If no one had ever mentioned, he looked so damn hot when carried away. I could be stupid but I cherished the little moment of him handling me with so much need, he made me feel special and worthy a touch.I could feel my centre throbbing just thinking of his lips explori
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44-to make a choice
Rodion Konstantin ---- "Fucking asshole!" I squeezed my phone which was against my ear as it beeped again for a hundred times. What was hard for a grown-ass man to just answer the phone?The oxygen in my office felt poisoned.I hated to admit that something was wrong, no, everything. Ever since I started working with Matteo, there was not a day he never answered my phone, not until today.Matteo was half of what I was, I trained him, nurtured him, shaped him and made him something that many mafia teams desired. He was one of the best-trained men a mafia team could provide. He was much better than some of the mafia underbosses, he was way better than Romeo who was Lazza's Underboss.I dialled his number again. I always talked about patience but lately, the word was not in my vocabulary. As I directed the phone to my ear, a knock alerted me, part of me wanted to see Matteo walk in but the last time
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45- drugged
Alessia Romero-----ospitiThe event had commenced. Guests were flowing around like bees as they conversed. Every mafia event I attended ever since I got abducted, all were luxurious with people who had nothing other than money.Lino and I had a good scheme to get me out of the place. The escape plan was in motion and I sort of trusted Lino.Countless butterflies were fluttering in the confines of my stomach as I strolled to the ballroom where the event was to take place. The man who was the reason for the gathering, in other terms, Vincenzo, was not at the event yet. Rumours were that he left early in the morning and promised to return but now the night had plugged in, yet he was not around.The white dress I wore hugged every curve bringing out m
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46-in danger
Alessia Romero__—-------I was woken by the soprano voice of a woman singing. The accent and the song were both in Spanish. The persona was a singer, that was a fact.I could feel my body aching for unknown reasons. I tried to move my hands but I was tied up. Same for my legs which felt weak and were trembling.I gently opened my eyes to familiarize myself with the situation. My eyes rested on a cream ceiling above me. They felt heavy and puffy. I could see but the vision was not clear.I blinked again to adjust my sight. It was getting better within seconds, but the pain in my back head was nothing to joke with. I lifted my head to peek at what was happening. I was welcomed by a dancing woman who was busy moonwalking in front of me.She hadn't noticed I was awake because she was so drawn into her dance and singing,
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47- sudden visit
Rodion Konstantin-------informazioneInsanity had taken over all my senses. I could barely feel any part of my flesh. I couldn't even think straight or approach situations with sanity. I needed only one thing; information about where my two people were.The sight of a woman lying in front of me scratched the wounds in my heart. I never had any mission in my life that involved killing women, but that changed. Anyone whose routes led or seemed to lead me to a slight clue that they had a connection with the disappearance of Alessia or Matteo, was to get the bitter dose they deserved.The lady whose name was of no importance was seen earlier at Leonid's party. She was one of many waitresses and waiters I had sent to hell for having had touched what didn't belong to them.From the clip
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48-to amend mistakes
Rodion _____ "Start talking!" I pushed Dmitri inside my office and then banged the door shut. The idiot was not allowed in Italy, let alone in Sicily and my territory. The nerve of him and his fighting techniques, I must admit I was surprised by how he managed to take down eleven of my men."Damn, I respect you now, how the fuck did you succeed in taking me on the grou-"I cocked my gun and then aimed it at him. He held his hands up in surrender."Okay...okay. Calm down." He collapsed on one of my office seats. "You were not picking up my calls!" He uttered."Why the fuck are you here!" I seethed. What was hard for him, he was supposed to stay out of the picture. He was not gonna add more burden to what I had. I had no time to protect him while I was running out of time in finding Alessia and Matteo.
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49-black out
Alessia Romero-----"Wake her up!" A voice, that I acknowledged as Romeo's, thundered in the entire room making my sore body tense. Every part of me was freezing from being naked for hours on the hospital bed. They had stripped me so I was only wearing my briefs.My hands and legs had deadened due to the state I was clamped up on the bed. Pain circulated in every part of my flesh. Fresh bruises that covered my skin had turned dark. The putrid stench of blood, medicine, and every other nauseating smell made me sick, I wanted to die.My lazy eyes observed as Romeo approached me. He looked infuriated. Fire was fuming on his visage. He was gonna hurt me again, just like he used to do. He got to me and gripped my hair causing my head to pound so sicklily. He pulled me up and the state left my backbone aching with immense pain."Who is he?!" He forced a picture
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