All Chapters of Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
194 Chapters
Chapter 101
Max applauded me, saying, "Actually, that night when you scrubbed your face red, I only had my suspicions. Plus your acting was quite good, so I began to think I was overthinking. After all, you've always appeared very simple, pure, kind, and innocent in front of me."I nodded and asked, "So, how did you realize I was pretending?"Max replied, "When you went to the hospital to check the causes of fetal deformity and death, it was easy to suspect the doctor who did the ultrasound. It wasn't hard to figure that one.”I watched quietly as Max pulled out the chair and sat down again. It seemed he wanted to have a proper talk, which was good since there were too many unresolved doubts between us. I welcomed the chance to have a conversation and hear his story.Max cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth, then asked, "Aren't you going to eat? It's your favorite Wagyu sirloin, cooked medium-well. I specifically instructed the kitchen.""No rush. Listening to your story is more inter
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Chapter 102
Now, he appeared completely smug, reveling in his victory and flaunting his success.In a cold tone, I asked, "How did you find the bug in the car?""Of course, I had someone check it out. If I can install cameras in the house to monitor you, you can do the same to me, right? So I had someone search my car, my office, everywhere—that's just basic, isn't it? There's no need to commend me for being smart."This guy is really full of himself, isn't he?I was gripping my fists so tightly that my palms were almost bleeding.Max said, "I won't waste time discussing the things you discovered, they don't matter. I always do things flawlessly. What could you possibly expose? When it comes to finances, you'll never surpass me.""So, how much did you embezzle behind my back, Max? Let's be honest here. We've been together for seven years, you owe me some transparency," I calmly said, looking at him.Max responded with disdain, "Not much, just five or six million in profits. It's not even en
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Chapter 103
"As for you... Ha! I played the fool by your side for so long. Wasn't I good to you? Wasn't I attentive? Why couldn't he trust me to take care of you? Why didn't he agree to our marriage? Just because I came from the countryside? Because he thought I was too ambitious and unworthy of you? Who does he think he is?"Max's smile twisted into a hideous, exaggerated grin.Only now did I realize that beneath his sunny, gentlemanly facade lay a person with an extreme ego, someone who couldn't handle criticism. Max was deeply insecure, constantly comparing himself to others, especially those from affluent backgrounds like Luke.His cheerful demeanor and humble attitude were all an act.Looking back, it's terrifying how well Max had hidden his true nature for so many years.Max continued, "I asked him why he favored Luke. Do you know what he said?"I remained silent, waiting for him to continue."He said Luke would never use others for his own gain, unlike me," Max sneered. "So, from the
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Chapter 104
At that moment, I could see the outcome of certain things. All I wanted was to kill Max right then and there, even if it meant sacrificing my own life. But a calm voice inside kept reminding me, "Jen, stay calm. Now is not the time. Losing your cool will ruin the bigger plan."Max pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out, and lit it. The flickering light of the lighter made his face look even more sinister. He put the cigarette in his mouth and started smoking effortlessly.Believe it or not, this was the first time in seven years that I had seen Max smoke."Honestly, I didn't do much. I just gave Aaron some medicine. After taking it, he would feel anxious, his hands would shake, his heart would weaken, and his nervous system would be out of control. It was raining that day, and after taking the medicine, he drove back from the summit with Mandy, and suddenly there was a car accident." Max chuckled, flicking ash from his cigarette. "Jen, it wasn't really my fault. A
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Chapter 105
During that time, my responsibility was to supervise my dad's diet. He had to take photos of his three meals and his morning and evening blood pressure medication.One day, the housekeeper called me, asking if I could bring home some blood pressure medicine for my dad."Jen, could you buy some blood pressure medicine for Mr. Middleton on your way home? He hasn't taken it for three days. He finished the last batch and hasn't gotten more. I offered to get it, but he refused, saying it didn't work," she said over the phone.The housekeeper knew that my dad could be stubborn sometimes, and even my mom couldn't convince him. But he was a softie for me, and I was the only one who could handle him. So, she called me in secret.However, that day, I had a full schedule and couldn't go out. Max had just finished his part-time job and was back at school, so I asked him to buy the medicine from a nearby pharmacy and bring it to me after class.Max readily agreed and waited for me at the gate
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Chapter 106
"Haha, so you found out about the insurance I bought for you!" Max sneered, his expression vicious. "And now, you need to die!""Max, do you really think you're clever? If I die suddenly, don't you think the insurance company will investigate? Killing someone is a crime, you know," I said calmly, staring at him. I felt incredibly foolish, realizing that I had loved a venomous snake for years.Max shrugged indifferently. "Yes, murder is a crime. But if you commit suicide, what does that have to do with me? The insurance policy I bought also covers suicide. Did you think I would be stupid enough to trap myself?"He continued slowly, "Because you had a baby with congenital defects, you have been emotionally unstable, suffering from severe postpartum depression and suicidal tendencies. You didn't take your prescribed medication regularly and had multiple failed suicide attempts. I have all the evidence prepared, including your psychological evaluation, to prove your mental illness. You
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Chapter 107
The night breeze was cool.Cintail Mountain was much cooler than Johnsonville, and the cold wind on my face intensified the burning sensation from my injuries.As I wiped the blood from my face, my hand became stained red. The breeze worsened my pain, causing waves of pain to shoot through my nerves. I reminded myself to conserve my strength and stay awake. I couldn't die like this, beaten by Max before I completed my plans.Max panted, his expression sinister and dark. He kept pushing his tongue against his back teeth, causing his face to twitch. It reminded me of a killer in a famous crime movie—someone who appeared gentle but had a cold, twisted look while committing murder.He rolled up his sleeves, squatted down, and forcefully grabbed my chin, making me meet his gaze.Speaking slowly, he said, "Jen, couldn't you just accept my plan and drown in the pool? Huh? Why did you have to make things difficult for me? You used to be so understanding and obedient. Why do you have to pi
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Chapter 108
I let out a bitter laugh. "Max, even if you despise my parents, I am your wife. I have given you my heart for seven years, and this is how you repay me? You are truly heartless. Calling you a beast is an insult to animals!""Wife? Hahaha, Jen, you are about to die, and you still hope I will go easy on you?" Max snarled, gripping my chin tightly. "Let me tell you, I never liked you!"He sneered, "If I didn't know that your father was Aaron Middleton, do you think I would have pursued you? Be a simp for you? Actually, saying that might be too harsh. Watching you dance around me like an idiot, I did feel slightly guilty. I thought that if you let me handle all your money, I wouldn't mind putting on an act in front of you forever. But you, you slut, you slept with someone else in a hotel!"Max's face contorted with rage as he spoke. "All these years, every time I wanted to have sex with you, you always had excuses—studying, safety precautions. Weren't you just playing hard to get? I tho
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Chapter 109
”In the beginning, you played hard to get, rejecting me multiple times, and I gradually lost interest. After I dealt with Aaron, I became even less interested in you. Especially after I got together with Cindy. Cindy is amazing—open-minded, adventurous, and she knows more moves than you ever will. Just looking at you disgusted me," Max sneered. "Actually, that morning when you hugged me, I felt like throwing up. But then I thought, this is perfect. Everyone thought I was the lucky country boy who married you, but now, you're just damaged goods."According to Max, he was already involved with Cindy back then, which means that when he confessed everything, including the timeline of events with Cindy to me, it was a lie. They had been sneaking around long before I got pregnant.If that night wasn't Max, could it have been someone arranged by Cindy?She knew Max had given me wine, so to get back at me, she might have arranged for another man to enter the room?Otherwise, how could the
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Chapter 110
So, Max allowed his mom, Annie, to make me do all the housework and cooking. He wouldn't let me hire any help and even went on a business trip right before I was due to give birth. His plan was to be absent during the delivery, so if anything happened, he could claim no responsibility.It's truly vicious.Not even novels dare to go this far.I couldn't even put my shock into words.Max furrowed his brows angrily and said, "But you're tough as a cockroach, aren't you? You didn't die from the pain on the way to the hospital. Some idiot brought you in just in time. That really pissed me off. I had planned for so long for you to die in childbirth, and you survived. Now I have to figure out another way to kill you."That led to more and more plans, didn't it?Max tossed me aside. I lay on the ground, weakened by the pain in my head and my lack of strength.He looked down at me, pressing his foot on my head and grinding it in. "Alright, Jen, just stay here and wait for me. I'm going t
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