All Chapters of Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 191 - Chapter 198
198 Chapters
Chapter 191
When I entered the living room, I saw Luke's black suit jacket and tie draped over the armrest of the sofa. He came out of the kitchen holding a bottle of water, casually unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. The simple act was so effortlessly graceful that I couldn't help but steal a few glances.I used to be completely focused on Max. People often said that Luke and Max were equally matched, but I believed Max was sunny, gentle, and approachable, far more perfect than the aloof and unattainable Luke.However, once Max's facade was torn away, revealing his dark, violent, and selfish nature, I realized that comparing Luke to him was an insult."Mr. Walker, I'm here to pick up some things for Marianne," I said, explaining my presence when Luke looked at me.Luke unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water. "Calvin told you the password. Remember it. In the future, if you need anything, you can come in directly without ringing the doorbell."Was Luke implying that I cou
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Chapter 192
I must stay awake. I still need to inform Luke about tomorrow's schedule. I attempted to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt incredibly heavy. Despite my efforts, I eventually succumbed to the overwhelming drowsiness and drifted off to sleep.When I woke up, it was already the next morning. I lazily rolled around in bed, hugging the blanket. It felt so satisfying to be well-rested!With my face buried in the blanket, I reached for the alarm clock on the bedside table to check the time. But where was the alarm clock?I fumbled around the bedside table, unable to find it. Confused, I lifted my head."Why is my bedside table black?"My old bedroom had a warm color scheme, with a light pink bedside table adorned with three small plush toys. The table in front of me was bare and unfamiliar.I froze for a moment, noticing the matching dark wooden floor. Suddenly, I sat up straight.Last night, I had fallen asleep before reporting the work schedule to Luke. With a secretary as unreliable
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Chapter 193
"Let me see your hand," Luke said.A few minutes later, Luke returned to the kitchen with a tube of ointment. He reached over to turn off the faucet."My finger doesn't hurt anymore," I said.Based on my experience, the small, one-centimeter burn on my finger wouldn't leave a scar even without the ointment."Dry your hand," Luke insisted, handing me a dark blue checkered handkerchief.Luke's seriousness about this made me smile wryly as I took the handkerchief."The professor said you used to be afraid of pain and would cry over a small scratch.""That was in the past."Back then, I was spoiled by my parents and loved to act cute around them. Now, the only person who will spoil me is Wendy. No one else will coddle or protect me."Max is really impressive indeed, turning someone who used to cry over a scratch into a tough person who can even cook."I understood the underlying meaning of Luke's words and lowered my head. "Mr. Walker, you're impressive too. You've shown me that
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Chapter 194
In the morning, the Greenfield Building buzzed with activity. To avoid adding fuel to the gossip fire, I decided to have Luke drop me off two blocks away. I eagerly grabbed my bag and exited the car.Just as I stepped out, my phone buzzed with a message from Wendy. She had sent me a video. I opened it to find footage of two staff members from Johnsonville Business School removing Max's photo from the wall of distinguished alumni.Right after the video ended, Wendy called."Jen, the school took down Max's photo! They're practically crucifying him. He'll never be seen on the same level as Luke again!""When did Luke's image become so grand in your eyes?"Max's photo used to hang next to Luke's on the wall. Every time Max stood there, he would sneer at Luke's picture, mocking him."He's always been great. I've always looked up to him. Today is a victory. I'm going to post this video on social media and the school forum.""I'll make sure to create a fake account to watch.""Just wa
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Chapter 195
"She's not doing charity! She's causing trouble. That idiot Max, so clever that he's outsmarted himself, doesn't even have evidence of Cindy using him.""Someday, she will pay for what she's done."Cindy manipulated me like a toy, planning everything from the beginning. She kept provoking me, confident that I couldn't touch her. But no plan is foolproof. I just have to wait patiently for her downfall."Absolutely! Max is terrible, but Cindy is even worse. If it weren't for the fact that Old Mrs. Lansworth is in poor health, I would have already gone to her to expose Cindy."Old Mrs. Lansworth, Lucy, doesn't like Cindy. With her poor health, any stress could worsen it and deepen the rift between the Lansworth and Smith families."Calm down, Wendy. We'll find another way.""Jen, are you okay?"Wendy asked with concern in her voice."I'm not your favorite anymore, Wendy. You only just now remembered to ask how I'm feeling?"Feigning a pout, I glanced at the TV screen, took a bite
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Chapter 196
I ignored the call, put my phone on silent, tossed it into my bag, and headed to meet Wendy.I took a cab to in99 and had just gotten out when someone bumped into me, spilling the contents of her bag all over the ground."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she stammered, quickly bending down to gather her things.Her voice sounded familiar. "It's okay," I said, crouching to help her."Jen?" Sharon asked, looking up in surprise as she zipped her bag closed."What happened? You look so upset," I asked. Sharon, unlike Cindy, had a good character, and I had a favorable impression of her."It's Cindy... she's missing!" Sharon's eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry."She can't just disappear," I replied, skeptical."I really can't find her," Sharon insisted, her voice frantic. "We were shopping, and she was trying on clothes. I ran into an old friend and chatted for a bit. When I went back, Cindy was gone.""Maybe she went home.""No," Sharon shook her head, pointing
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Chapter 197
"The incident back then was your doing too," I said, trying to control my rising anger as I confronted Cindy, who had hurt me so many times without any repercussions."So what if it was? What can you do about it?" Cindy taunted, clearly pleased with herself. "Jen, with your level of intelligence, going against me is just setting yourself up for humiliation. You're not even a challenge. But before I declare a temporary truce, I'll do you a favor.""The identity of the man that night means nothing to me. This isn't worth meeting you over," I said, suspecting she was just trying to find another way to hurt me."If you don't come, I'll take your father's ashes abroad and bury them with my mother. He was with your mother in life; in death, he can be with my mother. That's fair.""Address," I demanded. Cindy was crazy enough to follow through on her threat. She had already proven she would go to any lengths to hurt me."That's more like it. Come to Asta Residence. I want to see you in t
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Chapter 198
Wasn't he supposed to be in the hospital? How could he be right behind me?Realizing the danger, my body instinctively tensed, and I tightened my grip on my bag.Holding my breath, I stayed still, observing his movements through the glass door.Max approached quickly. As he reached out to cover my mouth, I spun around, swung my bag at him, and stomped on his foot."Ouch!"Max cried out in pain and paused.Ever since he nearly killed me at Cintail Mountain, I had developed a post-traumatic response. When I saw him in jail, the bars between us allowed me to remain calm.Now, fear took over. I screamed and ran in panic."Shut up!" Max, now a fugitive, feared drawing attention and yelled at me to be quiet.Ignoring him, I kept shouting, "Help! Help!""Jen, you're asking for trouble!" Max, desperate and dangerous, had nothing to lose. If he caught me, survival was unlikely. I ran as fast as I could."You think you can escape?" Max's long strides closed the distance between us. I
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