All Chapters of Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
194 Chapters
Chapter 171
"A cursed fate is still fate, isn't it?" Cindy's cold eyes bore into mine.I met her gaze calmly, searching her face for traces of my father—though I hated to admit it, her eyes did resemble his."Ms. Lansworth, maybe Max has been giving you a lot of false information these past few years," I said with a light, playful tone. "I may be good-natured, but that doesn't mean I don't have a temper!"Cindy sneered, "Jen, some things don't disappear just because you refuse to acknowledge them!""Are you asking me to admit that you're a bastard from my father's affair?" I retorted, trying to disgust her. "You're not bothered by the term 'illegitimate child,' and neither is the Lansworth family?"Cindy pressed her lips together in anger, glaring at me. "Are you threatening me?""You can interpret it that way," I replied coldly. "You better not mess with me. Got it?""Why are you so arrogant?" Cindy crossed her arms and looked at me disdainfully. "Do you think saying a few bad things about
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Chapter 172
Wendy approached me, her eyes filled with concern. "Am I too late? Did she offend you?"I shook my head. "No, you're just in time."Sharon timidly tugged on Cindy's sleeve, her voice pleading. "Cindy, let's go. Everyone's watching. Don't argue with them. I've seen how tough her friend is."Cindy angrily shook Sharon off. "What are you afraid of? Why should we leave? She's the one who should go!"Sharon attempted to speak but stopped herself."You want Jen to leave? Who do you think you are?" Wendy shot a disdainful look at Cindy. "Do you think you can make her give up her seat?"Before Cindy could respond, Wendy raised her hand. "Manager, over here!"As soon as she spoke, the restaurant manager rushed over, politely asking, "Ms. Smith, how can I assist you?"Wendy appeared displeased. "When did this place lower its standards? We cater to high-end clientele. Explain to me why we're allowing unruly individuals in here, disturbing other guests. Are you tired of your job?"The man
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Chapter 173
This was my second encounter with Sharon, and my initial impression of her was not negative.I remembered the last time when she tried to dissuade Cindy from breaking up a family, warning her not to hurt the unsuspecting wife - that was me.I believed that Sharon had decent values.However, I couldn't understand why someone like her would associate with Cindy, knowing all the immoral things that Cindy had done and not being repulsed by them - that's what a true friend is.Curious, I asked Sharon, "Why are you defending her? You know how much resentment exists between us. I wish nothing more than for her to suffer."Wendy chimed in coldly, "Exactly! It would be better for her to be beaten to death by her own family than to be killed by someone from the outside. She's getting off easy."Sharon bit her lip and looked at me timidly. "I know you hate Cindy, but I think you're not a bad person, Ms. Middleton. Cindy has done wrong and hurt you, but she has had a difficult life and her h
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Chapter 174
I was taken aback for a moment, wondering why they needed me.Luke’s assistant, Calvin, called my name twice over the phone, snapping me out of my daze. I hazily agreed.Calvin said the car was already waiting for me downstairs.I quickly packed my bag, grabbed my laptop, and hurried down.At the building's entrance, a white sedan was waiting. Calvin was in the front passenger seat, so I had to sit in the back, and the only available seat was next to Luke.Pretending not to know him, I greeted him casually.Luke just acknowledged with a grunt, then told the driver to go, and we headed to MindTech.During the ride, Calvin reminded me to review the materials quickly, so I could respond better during the meeting. Otherwise, I might not understand some of the key terms related to automotive parts.I immediately started going through the documents—honestly, I had neglected my studies for two years. Even though my language skills were still there, encountering a flood of specialized terms ga
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Chapter 175
Calvin's voice came through urgently over the phone. "I wanted to go myself, but my wife just went into surgery, and I can't leave. Ms. Middleton, your place is only a few minutes from Mr. Walker's. Could you please check on him and bring some medicine?"Without hesitation, I replied, "Of course, I'll head over now. You stay with your wife at the hospital."Calvin sounded relieved. "Thank you so much, Ms. Middleton!""No problem at all."He added, "Oh, and Ms. Middleton, Mr. Walker is allergic to penicillin. If you need to take him to the hospital, make sure to inform the doctors."When Calvin mentioned Luke's penicillin allergy, I froze for a moment, recalling an incident from many years ago. A face from that time came to mind, although it was now a hazy memory.I remembered my mom and I rushing someone to the hospital, unaware of his allergy. After he was given penicillin, he broke out in hives and struggled to breathe, nearly suffocating. Thankfully, I was by his side and quic
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Chapter 176
He was burning up so much that it felt like he could be cooked!Luke, who usually had pale skin, now had a fever that turned his face as red as a boiled shrimp. It was a pitiful sight, difficult to reconcile with the cold and aloof Luke I knew."Hey, Luke... Luke?" I gently shook his arm. He groggily opened his eyes, but they struggled to stay open, and his gaze was unfocused.He furrowed his brow. "Jen, why are you here?""Yes, it's me, Jen. Luke, you have a fever. Let's go to the hospital, okay?"I reached out to help him sit up, but he suddenly grabbed my arm and shook his head, refusing. "I don't want to go to the hospital."Despite being ill, he was still quite strong, and it was clear that he genuinely didn't want to go."But you're burning up. You need to go to the hospital, Luke. Come on, let's be reasonable," I said, gently patting his hand and using a comforting tone. "I'll take you."He looked at me weakly and shook his head again. "I don't want to go to the hospital
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Chapter 177
Even though I had mentally prepared myself, the moment I lifted Luke's shirt and saw his body, my heart couldn't help but skip a beat—I instantly felt my ears burning.I was sure my face turned beet red.I have to admit, Luke’s physique was amazing, like something out of a comic book, with perfectly defined abs, clearly the result of regular workouts.I'm not a nun, and it's hard not to blush and have my heart race when seeing such a perfect body.I’m sure any woman who saw this would be awestruck.I felt a bit disappointed in myself. Jen, get a grip! This is Luke, Mr. Walker, your boss! Calm down!I swear, this is a normal reaction. If I didn’t feel a bit flustered, it wouldn’t do justice to Luke. If I could stay completely indifferent, it might even come across as disrespectful to him.What followed was truly a struggle for me. Given the difference between men and women, I managed to wipe his upper body with my eyes half-closed. But what about the lower half?I thought about
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Chapter 178
Still shaken and feeling unsettled, I saw Luke suddenly push the door open, holding a glass of water. Although he looked better, there was still a hint of illness on his face. Standing at the doorway, his expression was calm and his voice as cold as ever, "You're awake."I couldn't believe it—how did taking care of a patient turn into me sleeping in his bed and him bringing me water? I felt awful."Drink some water," Luke said, stepping forward and handing me the glass.I quickly jumped out of bed, but I twisted my ankle in the process. The next thing I knew, I fell forward onto Luke.Great, now there was no way I could explain this away!Such a cliché scene from a novel, happening to me—of all people—right now, and with Luke!Luckily, fate was kind to me. I didn't knock him over or pin him against the wall. Luke just steadied me, gripping my arm tightly. I saw a flicker of tension in his eyes and a furrow in his brow. If it weren't for the fact that I had taken care of him all n
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Chapter 179
"You think he doesn't know just because he didn't ask?" Wendy teased. "Jen, you're just fooling yourself."I snorted. "I know Luke is smart enough to realize that asking would embarrass me, so he didn't.""Exactly, he's got it all figured out." Wendy had a gossipy tone. "Sometimes, when I think about you and Luke, I feel like your relationship is straight out of a novel: 'After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled by My Ex-Husband's Nemesis' or 'After the Divorce, I Married My Ex-Husband's Archenemy' or even 'After the Divorce, I Ended Up with the Aloof Genius.'""Wendy, listen to yourself! What nonsense!" I scoffed. "Please, read fewer CEO romance novels!"Wendy loved reading those domineering CEO novels and often quoted them."Don't you think it would make a great story if you and Luke were a couple?""Wendy, I seriously think you should write a novel. Don't let your PR job waste your talent," I said earnestly. "I believe in you. With your talent, you'll be the next rising star in litera
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Chapter 180
"Yes, I need to look ahead.""Don't worry, I'm here for you whenever you need me."After ending the call, I felt much more at ease. The experience of undressing Luke that had been so humiliating now seemed less significant. Talking to Wendy had shifted my focus to the future of my relationships.Maybe deep down, I'm naturally optimistic. Even after encountering someone as rare and despicable as Max, I didn't let it make me cynical. Perhaps that's a small strength of mine?As for Luke, he's smart enough to avoid embarrassing me. Since he's so understanding, I shouldn't dwell on it either. This incident is over, and I don't need to feel awkward about it anymore. Often, it's our overthinking that makes us uncomfortable.After the weekend, it was back to work.Calvin invited me to lunch to thank me for helping with Luke that night.There's a café right below the office, and I love their cinnamon rolls and salmon salad. So, I happily accepted Calvin's invitation.During our chat, Ca
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