All Chapters of Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
194 Chapters
Chapter 181
"What?" I nearly spat out my coffee when Calvin's words reached my ears. Luke has issues with his sex life?Calvin promptly handed me a tissue.I wiped my mouth and smiled, asking, "Is this... rumoured gossip?"Calvin couldn't help but laugh and replied, "Miss Middleton, are you truly surprised? After all, Mr. Walker is always single, which raises suspicions. I've been working with him for a while now and I've never seen him with a girlfriend. In fact, I've never seen him with any female friends, let alone someone he's romantically involved with. Think about it, he's an eligible bachelor in his thirties—good-looking, fit, and with a perfect background. If someone like him can't find a partner, people would either suspect he has some hidden illness or that he's been hurt before."Calvin spread his hands and continued, "Since Mr. Walker has never dated, people can only suspect he has some hidden illness!"I disagreed with that notion!Luke himself has admitted to struggling in rela
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Chapter 182
To be honest, I was tempted.But I wasn't very confident in my abilities.Being an assistant is no easy job, and enthusiasm alone won't cut it.Still, I didn't want to miss this opportunity—as Calvin said, not everyone gets the chance to be Luke's assistant.I promised Calvin I would think it over seriously.That night, I wanted to discuss it with Wendy, but she was on a business trip to Brighton City and too busy to talk. So, I had to mull it over by myself.After three days of deliberation, I finally agreed to be Luke's assistant.That afternoon, Calvin took me to the CEO's office secretary room.As I left, I could feel the curious gazes of my colleagues. They probably couldn't believe that a newbie translator like me was promoted to the CEO's office.When we arrived at the office, Calvin introduced me to the two other assistants, who were actually his assistants."Ms. Middleton, these two will be your right-hand men. This is Bryan Hall and this is Zac Palmers. They've been
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Chapter 183
"Mr. York is a highly experienced criminal defense attorney, so I am confident that I have nothing to worry about," I said calmly.The evidence chain was complete, and I believed that justice would prevail, resulting in Max receiving the punishment he deserved.Reflecting on how Stephen was introduced to me by Luke, I thanked him again. "Mr. Walker, I truly appreciate all the effort you have put into this. I promise to work diligently and handle my work responsibilities properly so that I don't—""Work responsibilities?" Luke's lips barely moved, and his voice was so soft that it was difficult to discern his emotions. The slight furrow in his brow made me quickly replay my words in my mind.Did I say something wrong? Why did Luke seem slightly unhappy?As I pondered the situation, Luke closed his eyes, showing no intention of continuing the conversation.Luke's concise manner often left me puzzled. No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't grasp his meaning.I took out my phone,
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Chapter 184
"Your expressions can be interpreted in countless ways. Today, we need to remain calm and composed, just like Luke. You've spent enough time with him, and with your intelligence, you'll handle this well," Wendy assured me."If I can't, I have you, don't I?"After being deceived so badly by Max, Wendy's encouraging words lifted my spirits, even though I still felt a bit uneasy.With the trial starting at nine, Wendy and I headed out as the time approached.As we got into the car, Wendy glanced at the nearby mansion. "Where's Luke? Isn't he attending the trial today?""He's on a business trip."After receiving Calvin's text that day, I spent my lunch break planning a week's worth of breakfast menus. In the afternoon, while buying groceries, Luke called and asked me to book him a flight to Francia City that night."You're his secretary, and he didn't take you with him on the trip?" Wendy fastened her seatbelt and started the car."Nothing unusual. I haven't been working long, and
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Chapter 185
"Didn't I mention before that I was in a relationship? Well, my parents somehow found him, gave him some money, and sent him away. In a way, they filtered out the bad ones for me. I guess dating me makes guys rich overnight. I must be a good luck charm," Wendy laughed, giving me a playful look. "Jen, we can't keep giving away this fortune to outsiders. How about I publicly express my interest in you? You'll be the richest of them all.""Let's not," I chuckled. "I'm afraid of having money but not the freedom to enjoy it. If your dad finds out we're deceiving him, he'll be furious." We chatted back and forth on our way to the courthouse, a journey that felt both long and short. I was torn between wanting to reach the court quickly to leave the past behind and dreading the painful memories that the trial would undoubtedly bring back.As the car turned onto Main Street, I straightened up at the sight of the courthouse with its imposing facade.The crowd outside was bustling. I took a
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Chapter 186
"Mr. Walker contacted me last night," Taylor said, indicating that she hadn't seen Luke either. "There are many reporters at the courthouse entrance, so we've arranged to use the internal passage. I'll take you inside.""If I had known we could use the internal passage, I wouldn't have made Jen so nervous. My bad.""It's my fault for not communicating with Ms. Middleton in time," Taylor took the blame."Taylor has done a great job," I said, pulling Wendy along. Wendy, who seemed ready to shout at the reporters camped at the entrance, reluctantly followed Taylor. She then asked, "If Max doesn't accept the verdict, is it likely he'll appeal?""With all the evidence against him, does he have the nerve to appeal? If I were the judge, I'd hammer him down in a second!"Wendy was an expert at spotting bad men. Throughout my relationship with Max, she interacted with him several times and never saw through his facade. When his true nature was revealed, Wendy felt deeply responsible, belie
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Chapter 187
"Sit down," the bailiff ordered sternly.Max stood his ground, defying the bailiff as he scanned the courtroom, his expression growing darker. He knew his family well and held no expectations for his three sisters and their husbands. I figured he was searching for Cindy.Max always believed he had everything under control, thinking that both Cindy and I were devoted to him. Even when I exposed Cindy's true motives for being with him, he remained delusional.Today, Cindy was absent, crushing his last hope.He struggled against the bailiff's grip, his exaggerated reaction catching the attention of the media, cameras flashing all around him."Stop taking pictures! None of you are allowed to film! I demand a closed trial!" Max's composure was crumbling under the relentless flashes."Your request has been denied," the bailiff reminded him."I demand it again!" Max roared incessantly.Having risen from poverty through cunning and manipulation, he had become an object of envy. Now, as
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Chapter 188
The courtroom filled with whispers as a sudden commotion erupted. I tried to calm Wendy down while Luke slowly stood up.Memories of Luke kicking Max's brother-in-law away at my front door flashed through my mind. We were in court now, repeating that action would cause serious trouble.Panic set in as I saw Luke starting to lift his foot. I turned and hugged his waist. "He's just venting because he's angry. Don't fall for his tricks!"Max was pretending to break down, hoping to provoke us into making a mistake and delay the trial. My brief satisfaction turned to anger as I realized his plan. I tightened my grip on Luke's arm.Luke froze in place, his tall frame stiffening slightly. His tense, handsome face softened a bit as he looked down at my arms around his waist. He raised his hand, then shoved it into his pocket, glancing at the nearby photographers. "Ms. Smith is on your left. You're hugging the wrong person," he murmured."Jen, you've got your left and right mixed up again.
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Chapter 189
"Is Max actually sick?" "Yes, it's true."During the trial, Max suddenly collapsed and was immediately rushed to the hospital, abruptly ending the proceedings that had just begun.Stephen informed us that Max had suffered from an allergic reaction and was still unconscious.Max was cunning, and although I didn't want to believe it, the hospital's diagnosis couldn't be faked.Given his condition, it was uncertain when the next trial would take place.While Max was being transported to the hospital, Wendy and I waited for news at a nearby coffee shop. I absentmindedly stirred my oat milk latte."I hope he never wakes up! Hopefully, he'll be trapped in locked-in syndrome, conscious but confined to bed forever. That would be worse than death.""He's broke now. Keeping him in the hospital would just waste public resources.""True. Every breath he takes is a waste, considering the kind of person he is." Wendy's phone rang. She glanced at it and said, "Jen, let's change the subject
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Chapter 190
I turned towards the sound and it was a white luxury car. The driver's side window slowly rolled down, revealing Luke's sharp profile. The dim streetlights cast a soft glow on his face, softening his typically cold demeanor.Memories of the courtroom flashed in my mind as I forced myself to stay calm. "Mr. Walker," I greeted him and hurried away."Wait.""Mr. Walker, is there something else?""It's not office hours. You don't need to call me that.""Alright, Luke," I corrected myself, sensing the subtle yet undeniable pressure in his tone.He leaned over and grabbed a shopping bag from the passenger seat, handing it to me through the window.I glanced at the bag. "What's this?""Teuscher. Your father asked me to bring back a few boxes before his accident. I didn't have time to buy them before I returned.""My dad is no longer here."Luke was a man of his word. The box he gave me earlier contained Teuscher chocolates—my favorite truffle chocolates. They were always a staple in
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