All Chapters of Second Chance at Love: From Divorcee to the Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
194 Chapters
Chapter 71
Wendy rested her chin on her hand, mischief twinkling in her eyes as she looked at me. She blinked and asked, "That night when those scumbags were having sex in the bathroom, we didn't get a chance to confront them. Since she's here today by sheer coincidence, wouldn't it be rude to let her off lightly?"I immediately understood what she meant. How could I not want to confront the mistress?Although my feelings for Max, that scumbag, had died, my hatred for him and the mistress who humiliated me remained strong. Wendy was right; this was an opportunity sent from heaven. Not taking advantage of it would be a waste.I nodded and smiled, "Absolutely!"Wendy, always quick-thinking, flashed her bright, clever eyes and immediately came up with a plan. She confidently tilted her chin at me and said, "Watch me."Just as Wendy was about to get up, I grabbed her hand and shook my head slightly, saying firmly, "Wendy, let me handle this."Wendy looked surprised. "Hmm?""She's messing with
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Chapter 72
But I was wrong.Or perhaps, when the knife wasn't in my own flesh, I couldn't truly understand the pain. But now, as the betrayed wife, I fully grasp why women, upon seeing the mistress, would want to tear her apart.Cindy laughed lightly and provocatively said to her friend at the bar, "Hey, Sharon, who do you think Max would choose between me and his wife?"The girl named Sharon sighed and looked at her, "Miss Lansworth, I really don't understand why you go after a married man. With your status, you could have any man. What's so special about Max? You must be out of your mind."Cindy, looking into my eyes with a meaningful gaze, replied, "Well, I want what I want, and I always get it."Sharon said, "I advise you to give up. What's so special about a cheating man? His wife is the real victim here.""True, but I just want what others have," Cindy said with a smirk. By now, I was less than a meter away from her.Our eyes met—hers were full of provocation, mine cold and disdainfu
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Chapter 73
Cindy wasn't stupid; she had a natural inclination towards aggression. She tried to pull and grab at me, attempting to get a hold of my hair. However, since I hadn't washed it in a few days and had it tied up, she couldn't get a good grip.In a fight, both parties are bound to get hurt. Her long nails scratched my cheek, causing a sharp pain—I most likely had a visible mark now.Fueled by anger, I fought back with all my might. There was no need for pretense or subtleties; I wanted to confront her directly. In the videos she sent me, flaunting her affair, her face was clearly visible. It would have been pointless to play innocent and look for an excuse to attack her. This confrontation was much more satisfying."Your parents might have raised you, but they clearly didn't teach you any manners. I'm not afraid to step in!" I said through gritted teeth, delivering a hard slap across Cindy's face. "Today, you'll learn that stealing from others comes with consequences."After being slap
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Chapter 74
"You’re the source of the stench!" Cindy screamed, kicking off her other shoe and lunging at Wendy.But she was no match for Wendy—who was the toughest girl in our school. Wendy once took on three guys at once and left them in the hospital for a month, with a 15,000-word reflection letter to boot.Sharon wanted to help Cindy but was too delicate and afraid of getting hurt. She just kept calling for bystanders to intervene. But who would want to help a mistress getting beaten in public?In her desperation, Sharon called the police.I was worried Cindy might hurt Wendy, even a little. So, I jumped in and grabbed Cindy’s hair, pulling her away from Wendy.Wendy, quick as ever, took the opportunity to land several slaps on Cindy.Honestly, I was a bit envious—I wanted to be the one delivering those slaps!Cindy howled in anger and pain.Seeing that Wendy had had enough, I let go of Cindy and noticed a water jug on the table. I grabbed it, opened the lid, and splashed the contents
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Chapter 75
"I'm not interested in other people's husbands; I just like stealing yours. So what?" Cindy, completely shameless, asked me, "Is it illegal to be a mistress? What can you do about it?"I frowned, almost laughing at her audacity. "You don't know about bigamy laws, do you?""Bigamy?" Cindy scoffed. "Are you trying to lecture me on the law? Jen, I haven't lived with your husband as his wife, nor have we gotten engaged, had a wedding, or registered our marriage. How does that qualify as bigamy?"Wendy and I exchanged a glance, both amazed at Cindy's brazen attitude.I said, "Really? You always stayed in hotels, right? Those expenses came out of our shared marital funds. I don't mind investigating and reclaiming every cent."Cindy smirked, "You'll be disappointed. We never used his money for hotels. I paid for it all."I couldn't help but laugh. "So you're saying you willingly let my husband have sex with you for free?"Cindy took a deep breath, her composure unshaken. "We love each
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Chapter 76
As God is my witness, I said the most hurtful things that came to mind. I have never spoken so viciously to anyone before. But Cindy deserved it.Cindy, however, was resilient. My words didn't affect her. She looked at me, took a step closer, and whispered, "Jen, remember my words. I will take anything you love away from you. If I can't have it, I'll destroy it. If I can't obtain it, neither will you."Her words left me shocked. I asked coldly, "Why do you hate me? We don't even know each other. What's your problem? If you have mental issues, see a doctor before it's too late!"Cindy snorted, "Why do I hate you? You'll find out soon enough. Don't worry."I was confused but couldn't find an answer.Since Sharon had called the police, they arrived promptly and took us to the station.Fighting in public is a serious offense.I told the truth, and Cindy didn't deny it either, maintaining her arrogant attitude. Even the officer taking our statements seemed irritated. Sharon tried to
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Chapter 77
"Mr. Walker?" Wendy asked, "The Mr. Walker you're talking about, is he Luke?"Taylor nodded and replied, "Yes, Ms. Middleton, it's Mr. Walker from JL Capital."At that moment, Taylor had already reached the car. The door opened automatically, revealing Luke's profile gradually. As he turned his face, our eyes met, and in that instant, I could see the cold and indifferent arrogance in his eyes. Today, Luke seemed distant and appeared to be in a bad mood. He was dressed in a black suit, with neatly combed hair and gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He exuded a refined yet aloof vibe. Black, often associated with mystery and coolness, seldom looked as noble and clean on anyone as it did on Luke. His fair skin contrasted well with the black suit, making him seem even more distinguished and detached.Undeniably handsome."Oh wow, Mr. Walker, what a coincidence!" Wendy greeted cheerfully, sitting next to Luke and striking up a conversation. "Although Jen and I are not in the sa
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Chapter 78
Could it be that I have to treat a bitch who deliberately tries to embarrass and provoke me with utmost respect?But in the next second, Luke said, "Is she worth your time? Isn't it dirtying your hands?"I instantly felt better. Luke, despite his sour expression, still had a way with words that was pleasing to the ear."If Prof. Middleton and Mrs. Middleton could see you today, they'd be relieved. Tired of swallowing your anger and finally striking back—it's progress," Luke said thoughtfully.Honestly, I couldn't tell if he was praising or criticizing me with that last part.Wendy rolled her eyes at me, signaling me to keep quiet. We were no match for someone like Luke.I thought so too, so I kept my mouth shut to avoid trouble.Luke first dropped off Taylor and Wendy at their homes, and then he drove me home last.The car felt emptier, and the atmosphere became colder.I huddled in the back, not daring to speak, scrolling through my phone, just hoping time would pass faster.
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Chapter 79
When I arrived home, Max was already there, sitting on the sofa with his phone, still in his business suit, looking visibly unhappy. He glanced up when he heard the door.I assumed that Cindy had complained to him, and news of our fight this afternoon had reached him. It was to be expected. Since I had dared to hit Cindy, I was prepared for Max to find out. In fact, I had already thought about how to explain everything to him before I took any action.I was ready to counter any move he made.If he wanted to put on a show, I would give him the stage and the opportunity.Given the situation of being provoked by a mistress in public and getting into a fight that led to the police station, my natural reaction would be one of displeasure. I had every reason to be suspicious that Max was still in contact with Cindy; otherwise, why wouldn't she let go?"Honey..." Max called out to me.I ignored him, changed into my slippers, put down my bag, and headed to the bedroom.Max quickly got u
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Chapter 80
But truly, Max has a beautifully sculpted face. That's exactly why I fell for him at first sight. I can still vividly recall the moment he walked out from under the dappled sunlight, surrounded by camphor trees. He was wearing a white shirt and had bright eyes and perfect teeth, smiling at me.That electrifying moment—I have to admit, 95% of it was because he was so handsome. Wendy would always tease me, saying it wasn't love at first sight, but rather lust at first sight.However, today, as I look at this still handsome face, all I feel is disgust. When someone's heart is filthy and cruel, no matter how good-looking they are, they become hideous and terrifying, causing deep revulsion."Honey, you can't judge me solely based on her side of the story, can you? She's bitter about being dumped and wants to ruin our marriage. She's plotting against us!" Max pleaded, his face flushed with desperation. "Honey, please, believe me.""Max, if there weren't any cracks in our relationship, wo
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