All Chapters of The Betrayed Ex-wife's Revenge: Chapter 91 - Chapter 99
99 Chapters
Chapter 91: Te amo
It was after I kissed him that I realised I didn't want to stop kissing him. It took all my willpower to pull away from him and regain my composure while he stood beside me.I gave a thank-you speech to everyone present and told them to enjoy the night, and after four hours of being here, I knew it was time to leave.Oliver took my hand and led me out of the party hall and into our already-waiting car. He got into the back seat after me and pressed the privacy compartment as he shut the door. He kissed me hungrily and pulled me against his body.I kissed back, giving him just as much as I was receiving.I didn't know where the driver was taking us, but since he belonged to Oliver, I didn't bother. At this point, I'd gladly go with him wherever he wanted."You don't know how much I wanted this," he mumbled into the kiss and cupped my breasts, pushing them together. "Gorgeous."I moaned, and my eyes rolled to the back when his fingers found my nipples through the fabric. He kissed me ag
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Chapter 92: A little longer
Oliver was still asleep when my lashes fluttered, and I found his arms loosely around me. I didn't want to wake him up; he looked too cute. It wasn't morning yet; I'd say four a.m. at best.I smiled, reminiscing about yesterday's memories and being pleased with them. It felt like old times, unable to keep our hands off each other. My hand trailed over the necklace on my neck, and my stomach fluttered happily. It was the best birthday I ever had, and coming home with him made it even better.He snored lightly, and I glanced at him.My boyfriend.That term felt strange. He was once my boyfriend, then my husband, and then became a stranger, but we have come a long way together. I appreciated every step and every turn that brought us here now. I wouldn't trade it for anything else."You're already awake." Oliver's hoarse voice made me shiver, and goosebumps erupted over my skin."I am." I stared up at him with a smile. "You're awake now, too.""Yeah, because you were no longer asleep." Hi
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Chapter 93: Subconscious betrayal
“No! Let me go; put me down.” I screamed and kicked as the two men grabbed me tightly and hurled my body towards the bridge. My breath cut in my throat, and my heart tightened, knowing what they wanted to do. Not again. I sought more strength—to get out of their firm grip. It was the escape I needed, but I found none. “Please, no. Please don’t do this. Don’t do this. I beg you, please. Let me go; I'm begging you!” They brought me to the edge of the bridge, and they both let go at the same time. It took a few seconds before my heavy body fell into the water, and I began to drown. I struggled to swim, but I couldn’t find the strength. I had lost all the strength and will, and just before my eyes closed, I saw her standing above the water with a victorious look on her face. Ivory. My eyes snapped open in bed, and sweat broke over my skin. The nightmare had returned, and unlike the others that ended after the men threw me off the bridge, this continued even after I fell into the wa
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Chapter 94: Justice prolonged
Nina finally went public with her abuse after three weeks of healing silently. She had acquired all the CCTV DVR a day after escaping by reaching out to Ferdinand, the security man, who agreed to help immediately after learning what she needed. With Eddie still unconscious and in the hospital then, there was the assurance the tapes hadn't been tampered with yet, and thus, it made it the best time to act. Eddie's recovery had been slow, but he was out of the hospital and back home. He had avoided the spotlight and refrained from speaking to the press about his attack.Once everything was in place, Nina made her move and also announced that she was getting a divorce from him, and this was a long time coming. She expressed the pain, shame, and guilt she felt while she went through three years of the psychological nightmare she called marriage. She was also filing for sole custody of Jesse. Eddie had never been a part of parenting him since birth, and she had carried all the responsibilit
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Chapter 95: Happiness
“Are you okay, Ms. Garcia?” Ingrid inquired, and I looked up to find her in my office, staring at me with concern. I nodded. “Yes, I am. Sorry, I didn’t see you come in.” I had gotten lost in my thoughts on getting justice and the repercussions it might bring. I wasn't sceptical about putting Ivory away, but this was more than Ivory; Judith McCartney, the former Supreme Court judge, was also a part of those going down. I thought of the heat that would follow from people and how Oliver would have to face the public after getting lost in that rabbit hole. “You were deep in thought, I suppose,” she pointed out. I nodded; it was unlike me, and she knew it too. “The Tesla files are on your desk.” She pointed to it and said, “I will be on my desk if you need me.” She also did not have her cheerful and smiley face on; in fact, she hadn't had it all week and had spent the littlest time in my presence, leaving as soon as she finished submitting files. I hadn't given it much thought until
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Chapter 96: The truth of trust
“You will be alright without me, right?” I asked Marcel one last time, even though he had given me the answer more than three times already. In my defence, this was my first time leaving Ocean's side for the weekend since we returned to the States. Marcel told me he would care for his grandson while I was gone. I believed him, but a tiny part of me felt uncertain. When I became a mother, my needs and desires became secondary compared to those of my son, and this would be the first time I’d put myself first. Marcel encouraged it, though, and advised me to do it often. He insisted being a mother was a part of who I was and not who I was. “I told you. He will be fine. Ocean has more fun without you anyway.” He replied. Benjamin walked over, picked up my bag, and walked out with it. I kissed Marcel on the cheek before stooping and kissing Ocean’s hair. “Call me if anything comes up.” “Nothing is going to come up.” He replied confidently, “Go now; you do not want to keep your boyf
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Chapter 97: How it was
After we made breakfast, we ate, and while Oliver rearranged the table, I helped with the dishes. He finished with the table and came to the kitchen to give me a hand. The dishes weren't much, and I told him I'd do them, but he insisted. I confessed I hadn't done the dishes in years, and he told me it was all the more reason not to touch them.I made faces at him, and he kissed it off.I sat on my favourite couch, which was close to the window, and read through Happy Place by Emily Henry. The book was on my to-read list while we lived here. Oliver had gotten me a collection when he noticed I loved the author's work. I couldn't take them when I was leaving, because though they belonged to me, he bought them. I was picking up where I left off.The space next to me dipped, and I glanced up to find Oliver scrolling through his phone. He took my legs and placed them on his lap so he could play with and caress them. This is how it was once. On lazy days, we took laziness to another level.I
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Chapter 98: This is us
The following day was Sunday, and Oliver invited me to the church he had frequented this past year. I agreed, and we bathed and drove over at 9 a.m. to join the service. I haven't been to a church in months, but being here was enjoyable. After the service ended, we grabbed food from the only open restaurant as we drove home.We ate after coming home, easing our hunger and regaining our strength. Oliver asked if I was up for one more outing, and when I said yes, he told me the outing time was 4 p.m. today. The weekend getaway had been great, and I knew it would only get better.I spent the rest of the day reading The Happy Place by Emily Henry. Oliver spent a longer time on his phone, and this time, unlike yesterday, he placed multiple calls and only came to sit beside me when it was almost time to go out. I didn't ask what was up because he would tell me when the time was right."Do you have a specific place in mind, or are you about to take me hiking around the city?" I cocked a brow
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Chapter 99: Death and truth
My heart dropped, and my stomach turned in a bad way as my eye lingered on the gun pointed at me. The face clicked in my head, and I gasped. Red beards, blue eyes, and a terrifying demeanour I couldn't forget. I had dreamed many times and seen this face. This was one of the two men who attacked me over five years ago and later threw me off the Harvard Bridge, hoping to drown me. He was back after five years, hoping to finish what he had started back then. Ivory probably learned I was behind her arrest a week ago and her pending trial and sent her thug to end me. How did he get in, though? The apartment was secured, and it was still locked when Oliver and I entered not long ago. He must have gotten in while we were out somehow. I stood unmoved, not wanting to risk getting shot. "Do not make a sound," he said, stepping forward. "Whatever she's paying you, I'll double it." I proposed to him, but he looked unwilling to take the offer. He cocked the gun and walked towards me. When he
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