All Chapters of The Betrayed Ex-wife's Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
Chapter 71: Bravery and fear
She was going home alone because Ceasar went home yesterday to be with his family, and Benjamin split his time between her and Marcel, who was still in recovery. Today was his day with Marcel. As much as staying close to Zion's car was necessary, the coward would likely give up his chase of her if he noticed he was being followed, and I didn't want to give him that grace. Many questions lingered in my mind, though: why was he following her? With everything happening in his world, Imela was the last person he needed to worry about. Could they have maintained a form of friendship even after their relationship ended? If so, I would have seen his smug face at the Plane Enterprise, and Imela would have slipped and called his name once in the last few months, but there was no such thing. Perhaps he needed her help. The Garcia Group specialised in saving sinking companies, and this was his way of asking for help. However, I doubt that with every fibre of my being. His eyes earlier looked
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Chapter 72: Strength in fear
Imela's POVDespite the turmoil that took place outside, it wasn't loud enough to startle those inside the house. Only Benjamin knew of the ordeal we had faced tonight, and I wanted to keep it that way. The others will learn of it in the morning.I was still shaken; this was a close call, and I wasn't a shaking and terrified mess, yet it was still a surprise to me.This event wasn't the same as the one five years ago, yet I felt the same way. If Zion had come up against me without a weapon, perhaps I would have stood a better chance at defending myself against him, but he had a gun, one that could end my life. I felt that metal press against my skull, and I thought of Ocean, my beautiful son, whom I might never see again if things were to go wrong. I wanted to tell him, 'I love you' one more time. He would never understand or fathom how much I loved him and how much he meant to me.I thought about Marcel and how devastated he would feel if something terrible happened to me. He support
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Chapter 73: Dread
Oliver's POV She mumbled the last part to herself, but my ears picked it up. "What happened last time?" "The event that led to my disappearance." She said it in a somewhat shaken voice. Flashback I walked hand in hand with Cecil as we headed for our first class together. I saw a few students gathered together, staring at a poster on the wall. My curiosity kicked in, and I wanted to check it out, but Cecil pulled at my hand when I tried walking towards it, and I turned to look at her with a smile. "Aren't you curious?" She shrugged, "I am, but we are late for class." She replied. She had a point. We needed to get to class early, and staying here would not guarantee that. The poster wasn't going anywhere, and once I finished with my first class, I'd use the break to come check it out. I walked into the class, but I couldn't take my mind off the poster, and I wondered what it was and why it attracted so many curious students. I couldn't control my curiosity at this point, and I
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Chapter 74: Monster not evil
I walked away from the kitchen, out of the house, and into the car. I couldn't even say a word to Ela after what she told me. Ivory had contributed to making her life a living hell, going against the promise she made me. I was a fool to think Ivory would be a woman of her word. I saw how she treated Ela while we were together. I should have expected an attack from her on Ela once she was done splitting us up. I should have suspected her when Ela went missing, but I didn't. I was the fool, as always. Flashback I knocked on the door and waited for it to open, and I stuffed my hands into the pocket of my jacket to keep people from seeing they were trembling. It had only been two days since I caught Ela in Seth's bed, and the scene still haunted me. I hadn't eaten since I discovered the truth, and I didn't sleep last night. I knew the path I was headed would destroy me if I kept up on it. Everything I once took pleasure in, I now hate, including life, and I knew it was only a matter
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Chapter 75: Train of thought
I contemplated calling Imela immediately after I got a little free at work. I wanted to check up on her after what happened last night, but I didn't want to interrupt her if she was busy with work or a client. The incident was a terrible one, and I wasn't surprised that it made the news this morning. Zion was still being held in jail for attempted murder and trespassing on private property. The news stayed on the Stiles and how things had gotten even worse than they had before. The Stiles airline stock fell to the eighth position following the news, and it might be out of the top ten before the day ends. I also needed to apologise for the way I left. After what she told me about Ivory, I couldn't stay and continue talking. I should have done better, and I owed her an apology. Getting a call from Vivian didn't surprise me; he was the king of gossip, after all, and since I was involved in the news, he called to get first-hand details. I told him everything I knew, leaving the details
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Chapter 76: Assignment misunderstood
I didn't leave for home immediately; I spent a few minutes asking Ingrid questions about Ela. This was our first official date after more than four years, and there was a lot I needed to inform myself on. She seemed to be more than just Ela's assistant, and if I could get a thing or two from her about what the new Ela loved, it would be great. There was no impressing Ela; she could afford everything money could offer. Besides, she never loved me for the money. "There is a reason that even after many years, she still loves you," Ingrid stated."And what's that?" I asked, curious to know.She stared at me with an absurd look. "I wouldn't know; I am not you. Figure it out, but most importantly, be yourself."I nodded.Be myself. How difficult could that be?I went home, thinking of all the ways to be myself. This had become harder than I thought.I showered and got myself ready in my khaki trousers and white shirt, thinking about how the night ahead would play out. It was the first step
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Chapter 77: Forget nothing
Imela's POV. A kiss was the last thing I expected, but it was what I needed. I didn't realise it until our lips touched, and I didn't want him to pull away. The cars passing by flashed their lights, and a few blew their horns, but my mind did not move from Oliver. He'd kissed me before, but this was different; this felt special, and even after he pulled away, I touched my lips, feeling giddy. He stared at me as if making sure I was okay with all that. I was, and he must have seen it because he didn't offer any apology and instead smiled. We returned to the car, and Jimmy silently drove us off. Oliver intertwined our fingers, and I flushed at the response my hand sent to the rest of my body. I tried to take my mind away from what was happening and focus on the road. "Where are we going?" His silence made me glance at him, "Do you trust me?" He asked with his brow arched. "A little," I replied. A hurt look flashed over his face, and he held a hand to his chest. "Ouch, that hurts."
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Chapter 78: Just because
Oliver's POV. Ela had turned the game around with one swift but smart answer. She always brought her A game, as usual. I felt hot. I didn't plan for it to happen, but it did. The thought of her undoing a few buttons played in my mind, and I wanted to enact it. It didn't surprise me when I felt a strain on my trousers. Ela did this to me. I already wanted her, and if she had perhaps gone with the pace I set, I would have made it out of the night still able to control myself. Now, the only thing on my mind was pinning her against the wall and kissing her all over. Why did she have to call me hot, and why did she use that tone? If she wanted to ruin me, she already had. I wiped my mouth off with the serviette and poured the red wine into mine and her cups on the table. I picked mine up and gulped it, then placed it down and remained silent. "You have been quiet." She said, wrapping her hand around her glass and taking the wine to her lip for a sip. She wasn't affected by the chaos
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Chapter 79: Protector and abuser
Imela’s POV The only thoughts on my mind as I wrapped up the work on my desk were Ocean, Marcel, and rest. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Ocean’s face when he saw his latest Transformers gift. His daycare sent his monthly report via email, and Ocean was the most well-behaved child there, always curious and asking questions. He was a good boy, and good boys get rewarded. Well, it was a competition at this point. Oliver has visited Ocean a few times in the past month, and the first time he visited after the attack, Marcel thanked him. He brushed it off lightly and then told him there was nothing to thank him for; it was an honour to have been able to do something. After he left, Marcel told me Oliver was a decent man, which I agreed with. The court denied Zion's bail while he awaited his trial after a professional evaluation found him unstable. A week ago, his trial began, and if he were found guilty, he would serve up to fifteen years in prison. Oliver thought he should be locke
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Chapter 80: Man and beast
Warning! Triggering chapter: violence. I didn't have to go into much detail for him to know something terrible had happened to his baby sister. "Oliver is coming," I informed her, but she didn't appear relieved by the news. She picked up the veil on her bed and threw it over her head. "We can't wait for him to get here and risk Eddie arriving home before him; we must leave. I need to leave." She rambled off. I understand where her fear was coming from and her need not to have to see her abuser or be forced to stay any longer in a place that reminded her of her abuse. That fear was unlike any other; I knew it too well, and she was not being dramatic. "Eddie has cameras all over the house. I know he already saw your arrival and will be coming over to stop us by any means necessary." I wanted to tell her he wouldn't dare lay a finger on me, but Nina knew her husband better than I did. He was probably a monster that would hurt anyone who got in his way. "Where are your bags?" I ask
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