All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
641 Chapters
Showering Together
SophiaIn the shower, we could barely take our hands off each other. If we took it to the next level, then we would never get to dinner. Luke had the same idea because even though we were kissing and caressing each other, he pushed for washing up at the same time. His hands moving over me helped clear my head.When we were done, Luke didn’t bother wrapping a towel around his waist, but out of habit or shyness, I did. I rarely walked around my apartment naked, but seeing Luke do it elicited crazy waves of tingling to move across my body.Luke pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and came over to me before landing a kiss on my lips. “Sit down.”“Don’t we need to leave?”“Yes,” he said.I raised an eyebrow but did as he said. I doubted wherever we were going would care if we were late. If they did, then Luke had enough wealth to pay for the inconvenience.I sat on the bed, and Luke went over to my dresser and into my underwear drawer.I couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you doing?”“I love
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My Sun
LukeThe look on Sophia’s face was priceless. She deserved more than an exclusive restaurant, but it was only my first full day with her. There was more to come, and I couldn’t wait to make some happy memories with her without my mother’s disapproving stare or the weight of Jaabir’s pressure on me.In the past, Father and Mother traveled all the time on vacations; one week wasn’t going to make the country crumble. That was what I had the council for.Our waitress poured two flutes of champagne and placed the glasses between Sophia and me. She walked away—as I’d already planned the menu—and I lifted my glass to the beautiful woman sitting across from me.“To forgiveness,” I said, clinking my glass with hers.“For what?” she asked.“You forgiving me,” I said.She shook her head. “We’ve both made mistakes. I say we toast to finding our way back to each other.”Sophia still surprised me in many ways.“To finding our way home,” I said. Sophia was my sun, stars, and moon. I would never be a
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Luke“Honestly, it was terrible.”She flung her head back and laughed. “That’s what you get for allowing your Mother to set you up.”“First of all, there was no allowing,” I said. “Secondly, you’re mostly right. The conversation was awful. To be honest, I imagined you were sitting across from me the whole time.”She leaned back in her chair. “You did?”“Yes, it was the only way to keep me from falling asleep.”“Where else have you imagined me?” Sophia asked, crossing her arms. Her breasts lifted, and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.I was grateful to get away from the conversation about me dating other women. While it seemed like a joke to Sophia, I wanted her to know that she was the only one I wanted to go on dates with.The waitress returned with our entrees, and Sophia’s question hung in the air between us.“In bed,” I said after the waitress was out of earshot.“What?” Sophia asked.“I’ve imagined waking up with you most every morning,” I said.She locked eyes with mine. “You go
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Back at Her Place
SophiaLuke dug his face into the space between my breasts. I grabbed onto his hair and squeezed, holding him in place. His hands moved over my breasts. One of them unhooked my bra, and it dropped to the bed.Stumbling across the room with my dress at my waist, the sucking and tugging of his mouth and hands over my sensitive peaks made me instantly wet. My lower lips burned for Luke.After the amazing dinner we had, and Luke nailing every minute detail, he deserved everything that I was about to give him. I didn’t have the money or title to curate elaborate and lavish evenings, but I did have something he wanted. And I planned on giving it to him as much as he wanted tonight.As we moved to the bed, he undressed me, and I pulled his shirt out from his pants and dug my hands underneath to feel his smooth skin. The tuft of curly hair near his belly button showed me the way down to the important part of his body. The part that pressed into my leg, begging to be unleashed.When Luke final
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Lock and Key
SophiaI kissed him again, showing him just how much I wanted to screw him right then and there. He managed to get the condom on, and I lowered myself onto his hardness, allowing him to fill me to the brim.“Fuck,” I moaned as my body stretched to accommodate him.“Fuck is right,” Luke breathed.Without my heels and the threat of poking holes into my comforter, I drew my feet up and lifted myself enough to stroke the length of him. Up and down, my body moved over his cock.Luke’s arms went limp at his sides, and his head lolled back again.Smirking, I picked up my pace. I loved watching how much I pleased him. I never thought I would be with anyone like this, never mind someone as amazing as Luke. At that moment, I knew that I would never love anyone the way I loved Luke. He had opened a part of me that was locked away to the rest of the world.We matched mentally and physically. We fit each other like a lock and key.My legs ached, so I settled in, allowing him completely inside of m
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Not Without a Fight
LukeEven though I cherished every single second I spent with Sophia, those seconds were moving quicker than I wanted. All the money in the world couldn’t compete with the inevitability of time. With each passing minute, the hard conversation came closer to us, threatening to split us apart again.After hearing Sophia tell me that she loved me and being with her, behaving like a normal couple, I knew I couldn’t go back to Qatar without her. I would do anything to convince her that being together was the only choice for both of us to live a happy life.I regretted our month-long breakup but concluded that it was necessary for us to realize how much we needed each other.Sophia wasn’t who Mother imagined I would be with, but she was the only choice for me. While Jaabir would fight me more, he had an expiration date for being on the council. I had the rest of my life to deal with the fallout if I broke it off with Sophia for good.The warring thoughts flew to the front of my mind as I aw
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Too Intense
Luke“They’re called swings,” she said. “Come on.”She flashed our tickets to the ride operator—we’d picked the unlimited ride voucher—and she sat down in one of the chairs, buckling herself in.I sat next to her, unsure of what the ride did. The swing sagged when I sat down, and I tested the chains by pulling on them. “Are you sure this is safe?”“As safe as we’re going to get,” she said.I frowned. I wanted Sophia safe forever, but I couldn’t allow her to think I was a coward. I sucked in a breath and buckled myself in, pulling the strap tight. Due to the long chain, I was able to move closer to her. Making sure she was securely fastened to the chair, I was able to release the breath lodged in my throat.The ride operator came around to each of us and visually checked that we were buckled in. I wished he would have tested to be doubly sure, but I wasn’t going to show my fears to anyone, especially Sophia.He started the ride, and we slowly rose into the air. I gripped the chains of
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A Family
SophiaMy words echoed in my mind as Luke’s face fell. The lovely family across the way entranced me enough that I blurted my question out without thinking.Have you ever thought about starting a family?I might as well have asked him if he wanted to screw on this table and make a few babies that minute. What if he didn’t want to have children and I had backed him into a corner with that question? I didn’t even know if he wanted to be with me. Now, he probably thought I was forcing myself on him and demanding we have kids. I was still young, and nothing about our future was set in stone. I was such an idiot.“I just meant…” I trailed off, my mind scrambling to bring back the serene smile on his face instead of whatever he was thinking at that moment.He blinked and then his hand shot across the table and enveloped mine. “No, don’t take it back. I was a little surprised, is all.”“I didn’t want to imply that I—we—shit,” I said, shaking my head.He squeezed my hand. “Until you came into
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Queen Sophia
SophiaShoving away all the “what ifs” for the remainder of our time at the amusement park, I fell even more in love with Luke. We played a ton of different games, ranging from group to individual ones. I kicked his ass on a lot of them, determined to flip the gender roles and earn him a big stuffed animal. Luke accepted my gifts like the gracious king he was, but I knew it bruised his ego a bit to have me win them for him.When it started to get dark and the lights on the rides burned into my retinas, Luke suggested we head back to my place.I agreed, even though I wished we could have stayed at the amusement park a little longer.Denying the inevitable could only last so long. I had to pull up my big girl pants and get the conversation over with. That would give Luke two days to figure out what he wanted.***“Are you all right?” Luke asked as we stood outside my apartment. He held two bags of takeout Chinese food that I barely remembered ordering. I was too in my head about what I
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Why Lie?
LukeI never intended to be the downer of the day, but Sophia’s admission about the phone call from her possible future employer completely blindsided me. For once, I didn’t curb my reaction. It put a wrench in my plans for sure, but I should have been more reserved. I didn’t care that Sophia had moved on with her life in a month. If she never worked again, I would think something was wrong with her.The job offer itself didn’t bother me, but why did she feel she needed to lie to me? Were my intentions unclear to her? I wasn’t against her taking the job if that was what she wanted. Perhaps I had completely miscalculated the entire situation. Without being honest and forthcoming to her, she felt she needed to keep a part of her life hidden from me.If there were a way to feel more terrible than I already did, it would be caused by leaving Sophia in Dallas while I returned home empty-handed.My reaction had terrified her.I tried to make up for it by brushing it off, but I knew I came a
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