All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
641 Chapters
Taking Care of Her
SophiaI turned around, expecting him to push his cock inside of me, but instead, a warm tongue slithered along my lower lips, and I let out a squeak of pleasure.He spread my cheeks and flicked his tongue across my clit. He moved up higher until he reached a place I’d never had anyone touch before. He slowed his rhythm before his tongue disappeared for good. “That will be for another day, my queen.”He shoved his cock inside me, and I moaned as he filled me up. He grabbed my hair and twisted it around his hand, pulling slightly so I could lock eyes with him in our reflection in the window. He let out slow breaths as he thrust inside of me over and over. He moved much slower, pulling out until his tip was barely inside and then pushing again until our bodies became one.Shivering with pleasure, I rocked my hips, beckoning for him to stay inside of me.“Patience,” he said and smacked his hand against my butt cheek. He squeezed them harder, and my moans became louder and hoarser.Liftin
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In Flight
LukeI had spent so much time making sure that Sophia was calm, but I had forgotten to do the same for myself. We barely had an hour’s rest before we had to get ready to catch our next flight. Sophia and I made love again in the shower at the hotel and took our time getting ready, knowing there was a comfortable king-sized bed on the plane for us to sleep in during the long haul to Qatar.We knew a long flight was ahead of us, so we both dressed casually. Jeans and a T-shirt for me, and leggings with an oversized sweater for Sophia. She looked amazing in all styles of dress, and her legs looked amazing in the tight fabric.When we were safely in the air, Sophia headed to the bedroom. I had told her that I would be there soon, but I never ended up fulfilling that promise. The television wasn’t much of a distraction, but I ended up staring out the window, watching the clouds roll over the wing of the plane as I contemplated my future.I knew in my heart that I had made the right choice
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Mother's Approval
LukeWhen the palace came into view in the distance, I squeezed Sophia’s hand. Mine was slick with sweat, but I didn’t let go.“I love you,” Sophia said. I snapped back to reality and looked at her. “I don’t know what else to say, so I wanted to leave you with that. No matter what happens, I’m not going anywhere.”“Thank you,” I said. “That helps.”“Here we go,” she muttered as the palace gates opened for us. “This view never gets old.”She stared out the window at the palace grounds. Even though I’d spent a majority of my life living in the palace, we had the same view of it. Each time I returned home, I always marveled at the beauty. The palace had been my second chance at life, and I had promised myself I would never take it for granted.Either the car moved at warp speed, or my sense of timing was off. Before I knew it, the driver was out of the car and holding my door open.One of the valets was already helping Sophia out of the car.As I didn’t want Mother to attack my fiancé fi
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SophiaMy stomach sank the longer that Luke and Gia argued with each other. I didn’t miss the disgusted glares thrown in my direction. As much as I wanted to catch up with Abir, I couldn’t allow Luke to be utterly alone in this. I wasn’t going to stand back if he needed me.The conversation between Luke and his Mother was one of the most brutal ones I’ve witnessed. She held firm in her decision to hate me. I didn’t care so much about my feelings, but if I could protect Luke’s, I would at all costs.I would have stepped in if I thought it would help, but one look from Luke told me he would handle this. I held my ground while Abir attempted to keep the conversation far away from his mother.Even though I wasn’t taking part in the conversation, I still kept one ear leaned in Luke’s direction. If Gia went too far, I would be forced to step in.Luke and I were a team, and we would have to be if we were going to make it through the family drama surrounding our relationship. If only Gia got
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SophiaEven though Abir didn’t appear fazed by the request, Luke’s tone held a heavy weight. For once, I didn’t want to know what was on his mind, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.This was what I was here for, to be Luke’s rock like he was mine. This was what a real relationship looked like, for better or for worse.When Abir left and closed the door behind him, Luke collapsed onto his bed. He rolled over onto his back and raked his hands through his hair.“Penny for your thoughts?” I asked, intending for it to sound like a joke.Luke wasn’t smiling. “The council wants to meet with me,” he said.“Okay? Don’t you meet often?”“They want to see me now.”“Now?” I asked. “You just got back. They can’t give you a second to get settled?”Luke sat up. “That’s what Mother said. A king’s duty never rests.”I sat down next to him. I didn’t touch him for fear he would shrink away from me. I wanted to be there for him but not to make him more uncomfortable than he already was.“Are yo
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A Spy
LukeI walked toward the conversation I dreaded, and my heart pounded in time with my footsteps.As I approached the meeting room, I glanced down at the suit I wore. I hadn’t even bothered to change. Would it have made a difference? I didn’t want to keep the council waiting longer than necessary, since they were adamant about meeting me the moment I arrived from a long-ass flight into Qatar.If they didn’t like the suit, too bad. This was my house, and if they were going to make ridiculous demands, then I wouldn’t completely bow down to them.Shoving open the doors a little harder than necessary, the doors smacked against the wall and came back quicker than I’d intended.At the noise, the other council members turned their heads in my direction.Jaabir looked particularly smug while the other members had serious frowns on their faces.Shit.Normally when coming into this room, I received smiles of greeting, at least from everyone except Jaabir.“Take a seat, King Luke,” Qadeem said as
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LukeThe closing of the meeting room door signaled the end of the conversation between myself and the other council members. My head swam with questions about what the fuck had just happened. Leaving Qatar and going to America to reclaim the love of my life Sophia was supposed to be a joyous occasion. Returning to the palace with her had more than turned my world upside down. While I thought Jaabir, the oldest and most traditional council member, was my only foe in that room, it turned out that all the council members weren’t fond of my decision to marry a woman outside of our culture.Their final ultimatum was clear: either I give up Sophia to keep the throne, or I give up the throne to keep Sophia. If I chose to keep Sophia, then my sixteen-year-old brother Abir would be forced onto the throne. Other than Sophia, no one else knew that Abir didn’t want the crown. Father’s dying wish was for me to take the throne. Mother had supported the decision too, which was why I made Sophia leav
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Hiding From Her
LukeWe walked along the winding pathway toward the massive structure on the west end of the grounds. It was a beautiful sight with a beautiful woman, and I didn’t want Mother to ruin it, even in spirit.“Sophia, she will learn to live with it, or she can live her life without us.”“Might be hard living in the same house as her,” Sophia said.“We don’t have a normal home,” I said. “When I was a teenager and pissed off at them for whatever reason, there were plenty of places to hide.”“You, the king, are going to hide from your mother?”“No, but if she doesn’t want to be involved in our life together, then she can do all the hiding.”“Our life together,” Sophia said, looking down at the ring on her left hand. “I like the sound of that.”I pulled her close to me, never wanting to be more than a room apart from her ever again. “Me too.”We wandered through the manicured flowers and other plants that were native to my land. The first time I had brought Sophia home to the palace, we preten
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Sophia“What was that about?” I asked Luke. As quickly as his adoptive brother entered the room, Abir left again.Luke walked over to the table and lightly kissed the top of my head. I leaned against him. “Abir wants us to meet his girlfriend.”Sophia’s eyes widened. “Alda?”“Apparently, she’s a frequent visitor to the palace.”“It must be serious then,” I said.“I’ll be the judge of that,” Luke said.I touched his hand. “Down, boy.”He smirked. “I just want to get to know her better. I haven’t been a very good big brother.”“You’ve done just fine.”Something flashed in Luke’s eyes. Before I could identify it, the look was gone.Even though Luke had told me that everything went okay in the meeting with the council, I had a strange sensation that he wasn’t telling me everything. Luke only hid things from me when they directly affected our relationship. I thought we were over doing that, but Luke was a kind and intelligent man, and if he needed to work through something, he would do it
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SophiaWe said our goodbyes, and the two of them left without a second look. Abir took Alda’s hand as they walked down the hallway together.“Oh my god,” I said. “How cute are they?”Luke turned from the hallway to face me. “He’s head over heels for her.”“I’d say it’s mutual,” I said. “When I was sixteen, I never felt that way for someone.”“Never?” Luke asked.“Unless they were on the movie screen and out of my league, sure. Those were crushes. Whatever Abir and Alda have is for life.”“Like you and me?” Luke asked.He puckered his lips, and I met him halfway, melting into his kiss. “Like you and me.”Even though we were years ahead of Luke’s brother, finding what he and Alda had was the dream. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.Luke stared into his mug as if he were trying to conjure something from it.“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” I asked him.He shook his head and blinked as if coming out of his own mind. “What?”“You seem distant today,
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