All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
641 Chapters
To Be With Her
LukeUnlike last time, I didn’t leave Qatar without speaking to Mother or the council. At least they wouldn’t think I was doing anything rash. If they thought I was running away with Sophia to marry her, all hell would break loose.I spoke with Mother first, informing her that she would be rid of Sophia for a few days while I attended to Maddox and the business. I hadn’t heard from my friend for some time, and I wanted to see him again. To Mother, it probably appeared like I didn’t trust him, but she could think what she wanted. I had a life outside of the palace, and she didn’t. She would never understand.“Feel free to come back here alone,” Mother said before walking away from me.She always liked to have the last word, and in an effort to not leave in a shitty mood, I allowed it.I contacted Qadeem and informed him of my trip. The council had a small hand in the oil business, and in the years I’d run it, they had no issues. Going back there would only improve relations with our cl
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What Did the Council Say
LukeFocusing on Maddox and the business would distract me for a little while. And of course, there was always Sophia’s body to make my mind wander.I lowered my gaze to her chest. The shirt she wore was wide open at the neckline, showing off the top of her breasts. How I wanted to touch the smooth, silky skin. I knew what bra she had on, a cream-colored one with lace at the top. I wanted to tear it away from her body with my teeth.“Luke?” Sophia’s voice broke through my thoughts.“Yes?”“Where did you go?” she asked.“Nowhere. I’m here.”She pressed her lips together.I hadn’t convinced her. “I was thinking of what you were wearing under that shirt.”She blinked in surprise. “You were?”My tongue darted out and dragged over my bottom lip. I grabbed my wine glass and sipped from it. “You’re rarely far from my mind.”“I just thought…” she trailed off.“What?” I asked, concerned that I’d offended her somehow.“You’ve been distant since the first day we were at the palace,” she said. “I
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SophiaThe feel of Luke’s lips against my skin set it ablaze. A numb, light feeling took residence in my brain as Luke dragged his lips over me. He peppered my jawline with kisses, and each press of his lips caused another electrical pulse to zip through me. My chest ached with the pounding of my heart.I was sure he felt my throbbing pulse under his kisses.My hands moved of their own accord, unbuckling his belt and popping the button of his pants. His rock-hard cock sprang up as I shimmied his briefs down. Grabbing him, he sucked in a breath. I stroked his length, needing him to feel what I felt at that exact moment.He captured my lips again and sucked hard on my lower lip, dragging his teeth across it.Opening my eyes, I caught the flash of desire in his. Locking gazes, I slowed my hand and forced him to watch me touch him.The hairs on my arms stood up as a wave of tingles washed over my skin. In his eyes was my future. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated his love and how
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It's Love
SophiaWith the same idea, he removed the rest of his clothes, and as he pulled the condom over his very-ready cock, I admired his broad chest and chiseled good looks. How the hell did I ever get so lucky to have this man in my life? While the riches and title might have been enough for some women, there was nothing compared to the deep connection that Luke and I shared. I wouldn’t have cared if we’d met as two normal people in any other situation. I would still care for him the way I did. His kindness and generosity meant more to me than expensive hotel rooms and the future possibility of being the queen of a country.Though our surroundings were nice. I had to give that to him.I hooked my finger at him, and he dropped down to me.“You sure you don’t want to do this on the bed?” he asked.“I can’t wait that long,” I said, grabbing him and guiding him inside of me.He groaned and pulled my butt closer to him as he filled me to the brim. He slid in so easily, both of us completely rea
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Back in the Office
LukeComing out of a dream-filled sleep, I opened my eyes. It was still dark in the room, courtesy of the blackout curtains I’d closed at some point in the night. A sliver of light peeked through, and I knew it was at least morning.Turning over, I checked the clock on the side table, and it was nearly seven in the morning.Sophia stirred and rolled over to face me. Her eyes were still heavy from sleep. “What time is it?”“Time for me to go,” I said, holding back a groan. I didn’t want to leave her, but coming to see Maddox and how the business faired in my absence was the main goal of the trip.“No,” she moaned, barely opening her eyes. She reached for me, and I pulled her close and kissed her. She melted into me, and I had to extricate myself from her before we had a redo of the night before. I planned on fucking her again later, but I would never leave if I didn’t do it now.“I’ll be back as soon as possible.”“Okay,” she conceded and snuggled into the pillow.“What are you doing t
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Telling Maddox
LukeThe interior of the office was exactly how I left it. I wasn’t sure what I expected. A pool table perhaps? Maybe a stripper pole? But other than Maddox’s jacket hanging by the door, I could have sat down at the desk, and nothing would have changed.In the short time I’d spent in the building after coming back, my mind wandered once again to the possibility of never accepting the position as king. Only then would I have Sophia and the job that I loved. I could live my life out as the company’s owner and be happy with that.Why the hell did Father have to die? And why was Abir the way he was? I loved them both, but at that moment, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d lost everything for the both of them.“You told me you were coming in, but you never told me why,” Maddox said, leaning next to his desk. “What’s going on? Everything okay in Qatar?”Raking my hand through my hair, I nodded. “Everything is fine.”“Come on, mate,” Maddox said, indicating the chairs in front of his desk. “
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Finding a Dress
SophiaLuke left the hotel room around seven-thirty, but I couldn’t force myself out of bed until nearly eleven. I felt like I was judging a competition for who could make the softest bed. Out of all the hotels we’d stayed at and the palace, this one was the best. It didn’t help that I was sore as hell, and the mere idea of moving made me groan in protest.I wasn’t sure how long we would be staying in England, but I wanted to make the best of it. I called room service for breakfast and took a long shower. By the time I came out, my breakfast was already in the sitting area of the room.My skin crawled thinking that someone was in the room while I was naked in the bathroom, but I quickly got over it when the amazing smell of bacon filled my nose.Flipping on the television, I ended up on BBC News while I ate my breakfast. Sitting back on the plush couch, I kicked my feet up and enjoyed the momentary solace. While I wished Luke was with me, I hadn’t had much time alone since he scooped
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Made for Someone Else
Sophia“I have a few if you want to take a look,” she said. “And if you’re up for it, we can try a few on.”“I’d love to take a look,” I said. “But I want my sister to be with me for the fittings.”“Of course,” Marie said, totally unaware of my lie. I knew if I tried something on, I would love it, and I would hate to be disappointed if I was to wear something different.Marie led me across the room where the bride and her mother had been before. Now they were sitting on the couches, sipping from champagne. I shivered, unable to imagine having anything but a hot drink on a day like this. They were probably used to the weather in England. I wasn’t so fortunate.The phone rang behind the front desk, and Marie put up a finger. “I’ll be over here if you have any questions.”“Thanks,” I said as she ran off to get the phone.I sifted through the elegant gowns that were taller than me. The fabrics were so silky, and the embellishments were probably more expensive than everything I owned.I co
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The Crappy End of the Deal
LukeSophia had texted me almost an hour ago, telling me she was on her way back to the hotel. I timed it perfectly as I walked through the lobby doors and saw her walking toward the elevators. I took a moment to admire her from a distance. I still couldn’t believe I was marrying that woman.The swish of her hips caught more than just my attention. A group of Asian men in business suits stared at her as if she were their next meal.I cleared my throat. “Sophia!” I called across the lobby.Several people—Sophia included—turned my way. A broad smile stretched across her lips.After seeing me, the businessmen quickly returned to their conversation while staring at their shoes. I smirked.Sophia strode over to me and stood on her toes to kiss me. “I think you just gave everyone a heart attack.”“There are other people here?” I asked innocently.She smirked. “You think you’re so cute, don’t you?”“I do.”She shivered in my arms, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the weather or what I’d said
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Slip Up
Luke“Yes,” I said. “Admittedly, he’s made the environment a little more fun and light. Everyone still works hard, but I suppose his personality has bled into his managing style.”“You were also the boss’s son,” she said. “There’s more stress to that than people know.”“True.” My shoulders relaxed. For some reason, I always underestimated her and how she understood me so well.“I bet you feel relieved that he fits in so well. I know you were worried.”“Not worried, exactly,” I admitted. “It was a rapid transition, and I wanted to make sure that he was ready. From what it seems, he was ready and has thrived with more responsibility.”“Too bad you don’t get a lot of time with him during this trip.”“I know.” Again, I wondered what it would be like to stay in England permanently with Maddox and Sophia. How much different would my life be? I knew I would be happier.“Maddox did say that I could come back to the company if I wanted to. He’d be ready to give it up just like that.”Sophia tu
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