All Chapters of A Night with a mysterious stranger : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Chapter 11
As the days stretched into weeks, Selene's attempts to reach Ethan grew more desperate. Each time she and Sia approached the palace gates, they were met with the same unwavering refusal from the guards.“We told you before,” one of the guards said firmly, “the Alpha has made it clear. You are not to enter.”“But it’s important,” Sia pleaded, frustration evident in her voice. “She needs to speak with him.”The guard shook his head. “I’m sorry. The orders are strict. No visitors.”Selene clenched her fists, fighting back tears of frustration. “Please,” she implored, “just let us in. It’s urgent.”The guard’s expression softened slightly, but his resolve remained firm. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”Defeated once again, Selene and Sia turned away, their hearts heavy with disappointment. They walked back home in silence, the weight of their situation pressing down on them.---Meanwhile, in his study, Ethan listened as the guards reported the latest attempt by Selene and Sia to gain entry. His jaw
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Chapter 12
As the days turned into weeks, Selene's condition worsened. Her werewolf nature began to affect her pregnancy in ways she hadn't anticipated. Waves of nausea were accompanied by bursts of uncontrollable anger, her emotions swinging wildly from one extreme to the other. It was as if the wolf inside her sensed the turmoil and responded with aggression.One evening, as she sat at the dinner table, the anger bubbled up unexpectedly. Her father, ever the stern figure, pushed her again for answers. "Selene, I won't ask again. Who is the werewolf responsible for this? You can't keep hiding the truth from us."Selene's eyes flashed with a golden hue, a sign of her werewolf side coming to the surface. "I told you, Father, I need time," she snapped, her voice tinged with a low growl."Time? You've had enough time!" her father retorted, slamming his fist on the table. "You're putting this family in danger with your secrecy."Her mother stepped in, her tone soothing but firm. "Henry, please, she'
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Chapter 13
Back at Alpha Ethan's palace, tensions were running high. Ethan had grown increasingly irritable and unpredictable, his frustration boiling over into his interactions with those around him. His cousin Bella, who had been persistently questioning him about Selene, found herself on the receiving end of his anger."I don't want to hear another word about Selene," Ethan growled, his eyes blazing with barely controlled fury. "You are forbidden from seeing me until I say otherwise. Guards, ensure that Bella does not enter my study or my room under any circumstances."The guards exchanged uneasy glances but nodded in compliance. Bella, shocked and hurt, stared at Ethan, unable to comprehend his drastic change. "Ethan, this isn't you. You're pushing everyone away."Ethan's gaze hardened. "Leave, Bella. Now."Reluctantly, Bella turned and walked away, her heart heavy with worry and confusion. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong with Ethan, something beyond his frustr
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Chapter 14
Back at Alpha Ethan's palace, tensions were running high. Ethan had grown increasingly irritable and unpredictable, his frustration boiling over into his interactions with those around him. His cousin Bella, who had been persistently questioning him about Selene, found herself on the receiving end of his anger."I don't want to hear another word about Selene," Ethan growled, his eyes blazing with barely controlled fury. "You are forbidden from seeing me until I say otherwise. Guards, ensure that Bella does not enter my study or my room under any circumstances."The guards exchanged uneasy glances but nodded in compliance. Bella, shocked and hurt, stared at Ethan, unable to comprehend his drastic change. "Ethan, this isn't you. You're pushing everyone away."Ethan's gaze hardened. "Leave, Bella. Now."Reluctantly, Bella turned and walked away, her heart heavy with worry and confusion. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong with Ethan, something beyond his frustr
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Chapter 15
Selene paced back and forth in her room, her thoughts consumed by worry and uncertainty. It had been weeks since Ethan had banned Bella from seeing him, and Selene hadn't seen him either. The news of the human attack on the palace only added to her anxiety. She knew Ethan was capable of defending himself and the pack, but she couldn't shake the fear that something might go wrong.Her werewolf nature surged within her, a primal force that gave her strength even as her pregnancy continued to challenge her. Waves of nausea and bouts of anger still plagued her, but she found solace in the deep woods surrounding the pack's territory. The moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as she moved with a grace that belied her condition.Meanwhile, her father's persistent questioning about the identity of the father weighed heavily on her. Henry Reynolds, ever the stern figure, confronted her again one evening at the dinner table."Selene, you can't keep a
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Chapter 16
Selene staggered back, the pain from the silver blade searing through her arm. The hunter's eyes widened in surprise as she shifted into her werewolf form, her transformation rapid and fierce. The primal power surged within her, giving her strength despite the pregnancy.The hunter recovered quickly, lunging at her again. Selene dodged, her reflexes sharp, and she countered with a swift swipe of her claws, knocking the blade from his hand. The hunter stumbled, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. He grabbed a second weapon from his belt, but Selene was faster. She tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath her.The hunter struggled, but Selene's strength was overwhelming. Her claws dug into his shoulders, and she growled menacingly, baring her fangs. "Why are you here?" she demanded, her voice a guttural snarl.The hunter's eyes flickered with defiance. "We came for the Alpha, to end his reign of terror. You're just another monster."Selene's anger flared, but she
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Chapter 17
Selene staggered back, the pain from the silver blade searing through her arm. The hunter's eyes widened in surprise as she shifted into her werewolf form, her transformation rapid and fierce. The primal power surged within her, giving her strength despite the pregnancy.The hunter recovered quickly, lunging at her again. Selene dodged, her reflexes sharp, and she countered with a swift swipe of her claws, knocking the blade from his hand. The hunter stumbled, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. He grabbed a second weapon from his belt, but Selene was faster. She tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath her.The hunter struggled, but Selene's strength was overwhelming. Her claws dug into his shoulders, and she growled menacingly, baring her fangs. "Why are you here?" she demanded, her voice a guttural snarl.The hunter's eyes flickered with defiance. "We came for the Alpha, to end his reign of terror. You're just another monster."Selene's anger flared, but she
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Chapter 17
The moon cast a silver glow over the Reynolds' house as the family settled in for the night. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension. Selene's father, Henry, paced the living room, his thoughts troubled by the recent events. Elizabeth, her mother, tried to keep a brave face, but the worry lines etched into her features betrayed her inner turmoil.Selene lay in bed, her mind racing. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her since her encounter with the hunter in the woods. She had let him go, but the look of hatred in his eyes haunted her. She felt her baby stir within her, a reminder of the life she was carrying and the danger they faced.A sudden crash from downstairs jolted her from her thoughts. Her heightened senses detected unfamiliar scents and the sound of footsteps. Selene's heart pounded as she leaped from her bed, shifting into her werewolf form. She moved silently down the hall, her claws barely making a sound on the wooden floor.Hen
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Chapter 18
As the night wore on, the house was eerily quiet. The aftermath of the attack left the Reynolds' home in shambles, but the resolve of its inhabitants was unbroken. They gathered in the living room, strategizing their next move."We need to find out where they're taking Mom," Selene said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "There has to be a way to track them."Henry nodded. "We'll start with the local hunters' network. They must have a base or a hideout nearby.""I'll reach out to some of our allies," Sia added. "There are packs who owe us favors. They might have information."Selene's eyes burned with determination. "We're not stopping until we bring her home."As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the Reynolds and Sia set their plan into motion, driven by a fierce love and an unbreakable bond. The hunters had taken Elizabeth, but they had underestimated the strength and resolve of the family they had torn apart.The fight was far from over, and Selene was
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Chapter 19
As the dawn broke, they made their way back home, their hearts heavy but their spirits unbroken. The fight was far from over, and they were ready to face whatever came next to save Elizabeth.The next day, Selene felt a renewed sense of purpose. The pain of her mother's death and the sight of her wounded father fueled her resolve. She bandaged her arm and joined her best friend Sia and her father Henry, ready to avenge her mother and protect her family.Henry looked at his daughter, seeing the determination in her eyes. "We need reinforcements," he said. "The humans are too many and too well-armed.""I know a nearby pack," Sia said. "They owe us a favor. I’ll speak to them."Henry nodded. "Good. Selene, stay close. We can’t afford to lose anyone else."---Sia and Henry approached the nearby pack's territory cautiously. The alpha, a massive werewolf named Marcus, greeted them with a guarded expression. "Henry, Sia," Marcus acknowledged them with a nod. "What brings you here?""We nee
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