All Chapters of A Night with a mysterious stranger : Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 Chapters
Chapter 20
We need a barrier to protect our camp," Henry said as they approached the witch's dwelling deep in the forest. The witch, an old ally of the pack, greeted them with a knowing smile."I can create a barrier that will keep the humans out," she said, her voice a blend of wisdom and power. "But it will require a significant amount of energy.""Do whatever it takes," Henry insisted. "We can't let this happen again."The witch nodded and began her incantations, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. A shimmering barrier slowly enveloped the camp, its glow fading as it settled into place."This will protect you," the witch said, her eyes locking onto Henry's. "But I will come with you to face the hunters. My powers can dismantle their weapons and give you the advantage you need."Henry agreed, grateful for her support. With the barrier in place, they set out to find the hunters' hideout, determined to rescue Elizabeth.The witch's presence was a game-changer. As they neared the hun
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Chapter 21
---Ethan’s body shuddered as he leaned against the cold stone wall of his study. The isolation and stress were taking their toll, and he felt a fever building within him. His vision blurred, and he stumbled, catching himself on the edge of his desk. The sickness gnawed at his strength, weakening him in a way he hadn’t felt in years."Bella," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I need Bella."Within minutes, Bella arrived, her face a mask of concern. "Ethan!" she exclaimed, rushing to his side. "You look terrible. What's happening?""It''s something inside me," Ethan said, his voice weak. "I can't fight it alone."Bella's eyes widened, recognizing the signs of a werewolf sickness, a rare but severe ailment. She called for Connor and the others, who quickly assembled in the study. "We need the werewolf treatment now," Bella ordered. "Bring the herbs and prepare the ritual."Connor nodded and hurried away, returning moments later with a small group carrying bowls of herbs, s
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Chapter 22
The walk back to their camp was somber. Henry carried Elizabeth's body with a mixture of reverence and sorrow, while Selene and Sia stayed close, their faces etched with grief. The witch followed silently, her presence a reminder of the power they had harnessed, but also of the price they had paid.As they reached the edge of their camp, the barrier shimmered briefly, acknowledging their return. Inside, the pack members who had stayed behind rushed to meet them, their expressions shifting from relief to sorrow as they saw Elizabeth's lifeless form.Henry laid Elizabeth gently on the ground, his hands lingering on her, as if reluctant to let go. "We will hold a ceremony to honor her," he said, his voice steady but laced with pain. "She deserves that and more."Selene knelt beside her mother, her hand resting on Elizabeth's still-warm skin. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I wish I could have saved you."Sia placed a comforting hand on Selene's shoulder. "You did everything you could, Selene. Elizab
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Chapter 23
Ethan's resolve to protect his pack and maintain peace with the humans was tested in ways he couldn't have anticipated. As tensions escalated between the werewolves and humans, skirmishes became more frequent, each encounter leaving wounds—physical and emotional.One fateful night, Ethan led a scouting mission near the edge of their territory, hoping to gather intelligence on human movements. The air was thick with tension as they navigated through dense woods, wary of ambushes. Suddenly, the forest erupted in chaos as arrows flew from the shadows, catching them off guard.Bella, always at Ethan's side, took an arrow to her shoulder, grimacing in pain but staying on her feet. Ethan's heart clenched at the sight of her injured, his protective instincts roaring to life. He swiftly assessed the situation, barking orders to his pack members to cover their retreat. They fought fiercely, using their enhanced senses and agility to evade the human attackers.In the midst of the chaos, Ethan s
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