All Chapters of Alpha's slave, the eternal submission: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Princess Yeri.After the bed broke, King Ozar rose from me and left the room. I stayed in the same position, wondering what the hell just happened between the both of us and what would have ensued if the bed didn’t break. Right in between my legs, it felt moist—wet. If I am not mistaken, my governess has told me about what happens between a man and woman during intercourse. For men, the jewel in between his legs would double in size, harden, and erect. I cannot even say this out but it is exactly what I felt when King Ozar massaged himself against me.And for a woman, the sign that I would be ready to have a man would be the moisture in between my legs. I moaned, I held onto his sleeve and my breath was restless. I have never been as close to a man as I was with him. A moment before we found ourselves in such a position, I stared at his build and feared for the woman who is obligated to take him in between her legs. I didn’t know that in a few minutes, I would be bound to know the mag
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ContdPrincess YeriThe carriage comes to a halt outside the grand castle of Orizon. As I had been peeking from the windows, I had caught sight of its imposing stone walls that are adorned with torches, ones that flicker brightly in the evening air. I can hear the hum and noise celebration—an array of laughter emanates from within. They are enjoying and celebrating their homeland after taking mine away from me. It takes everything in me to not start weeping at this very moment.The door of the carriage opens and I step out. My lips quiver as I raise my head to look at the castle that stands proudly against the evening sky, its formidable silhouette is outlined by the soft glow of twilight. Knowing whose king Orizon has, I can tell that the castle has the temperament of its ruler. When we entered the first entrance of the castle, I was able to see the thick stone walls that surrounded it axis, a huge landscape of land that felt like I was looking at a battle field. It is weathered by t
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Alpha King Ozar.The hall is vast. It is as wide and imposing as a war ground, capable of holding an entire army yet tonight, it is filled with sounds of revelry. Long tables are laden with food and drinks stretching across the room for the nobles, aristocrats, officials and minsters across the entire villages who are subjects to my throne. The air buzzes with occasional laughter, as well as the clinking of mugs.My seat is elevated on a dais, a position that gives a fine and clear view of the entire hall. Tall candelabras casts a warm, golden light around me which illuminates my rich attire and figure. My eyes are occasionally bored but still, they are sharp and watchful, missing nothing as they sweep over the space. I am wearing a deep, crimson robe trimmed with fur. As an accessory, my crown sits heavy upon my brow—a symbol of my authority and power.After several apex of tAs the celebration reaches a fever pitch, it is time for the performance of the harem dance. Never in my life
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Princess Yeri.I run through the shadows of the castle, breathing in ragged gasps. My heart pounds in my chest as I find myself being pursued by an invincible hand—my footsteps are loud in the silence and it causes me to be afraid that someone might catch up to me. Sweat trickles down my brow, stinging my eyes as I dart between the statues and trees, seeking the safety of darkness.I scan for any sign of guards. At different towers, they are flickering torches that brighten the shadows. I am already close; I just need to keep hiding in the shadows until I map out the path. I get to a central fountain where I crouch low behind a statue, peering around the stone figure. I can see and hear guards patrolling nearby, their conversation are low murmurs—the end up standing in the space, obstructing my flee. I wait and I can feel every second pass. My muscles tenses as I wait for them to move past. Finally, they move on and I head to the next obstacle.I duck into the shadow of a large oak; i
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Alpha King Ozar.“Your majesty!”“Your majesty!”“Your majesty!”“Enough!” Agnes squeals at Yeri, landing a slap across her face and she squeals in shock. I do not look back at the scene and neither do I say a word. I have had it up to here. Collins was smart enough to run when he saw my men sniffing the area. And if I were to bring him here, he would clearly disregard Yeri like he has never seen her before.Yeri is dropped to her knees and Agnes steps beside me.“Punishment for a slave who tries to escape her masters is either to be flogged or to be stripped naked and imprisoned to pass a message of discipline.” Agnes says and I nod.I haven’t said a word yet. I haven’t turned to look at Yeri because it bothers me. If I were to turn, I may feel that chord in my chest and it by force me have mercy on her. But I have to remember that I am Ozar, I am king and leave no room for repetitive mercies. This is not the first time I am forgiving her. Tonight, was the day I picked to reject her
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Princess Yeri.It has been two days.Two days since I accepted my fate. The words of the king are still fresh in my ear and I cannot do anything to turn it off. After that night, Gladys issued a royal decree that stated my new title. Yeri of Elanor, the dragon wolf’s consort—a fancy name for concubine, mistress, whore, harlot and more. I bowed and I accepted a title that made me bite my tongue. I was upgraded into the Diamond floor and since then, I have shut the door from the face of everyone.The only time I open the doors is to accept food from the kitchen workers who would come in with a variety of everything. Just yesterday, they brought silk, jewellery, dress and shoes that are supposed to amount to honor but they are nothing compared to what I own in Elanor. My only solace is that I am on the highest floor where I cannot hear their voices, their music, their arguments or banter. It makes me feel like I am trapped but in my own world.The Diamond floor is wide. It is unlike the
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ContdPrincess Yeri.“Your job is to soothe his nerves.”“Due to your kingdom and it’s problems, the king has double responsibility to take care of.”“Plus, we must not forget how you tried to escape and how you are such a headache. If at any point in time, I hear the king yell, or growl at you. I will get that whip and let it be one with your skin.” Agnes says, her face is resolute—you would think she was a leader of the king’s warriors. There are lines of wrinkles on her forehead and a mouth that only ever demanded discipline. I know she is cruel. I saw how she did not think twice about lashing me. I should be wary of her.“Yes.” I answer. “Take the left to meet the king. And next time, wear something that fits your station. I have provided you with harem dresses but you still find a way to make them modest. You ought to dress for the king, not yourself.” Agnes says and I don’t reply this time. How dare she tell me to do that?Thankfully, the doors to the king’s private chambers a
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Alpha King Ozar.I cannot mention it.I cannot say it to anyone.But it happened.I would have never thought she would pull such a move. A daring move I might add but did it work? It did. It was embarrassing that the woman I call enemy pleasured me with her hand and I dared to cum. I dared to soak her hand in my hot seed, groaning and letting her know that what she has perpetuated has worked. Yes, my mind was plagued by the new responsibility that I have taken on after conquering Elanor. From Orizon, I am directing and redefining law and order in the kingdom that has no legitimate ruler. My initial plan is not to be oppress the people of Elanor, they have nothing to do with the clash between Magnus and I.Thus, I am holding law and order. However, I am not oppressing the culture and traditions of their commoners who just want to go about their day-to-day life. I expect surrender from the nobles, the minister of war, the ministers of farewell and their scholars that spread over their a
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Princess Yeri.“All for her!?” Jessica yells, she is one of the harem women who has filled the space, they are gathered in numbers and thier eyes are following the trail of royal servants who walk into the courtyard. A few minutes ago, I was called downstairs by Teresa to receive the verdict of King Ozar. At first, I was afraid as to what she meant by the verdict of King Ozar but to my surprise….“Behold."“For Consort Yeri, the king has sent a chest of treasures. Inside, you will find the finest gold jewellery, crafted by the kingdom's most skilled artisans.” Gladys says in a loud voice, pointing towards the carved chest.The ladies gasp when they hear this.The next servant steps forward, holding the shimmering bolt of silk."From the king's personal collection, a bolt of silk dyed in the deepest of royal blues. This fabric is so rare and exquisite, it is intended to create gowns that befit your new status." Gladys says and the ladies shriek again, in an even greater manner. Next
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ContdPrincess Yeri.“Three other brothers?” I ask.“Yes. Kaine is the eldest, King Ozar and Prince Collins were born on the same year by different mothers. King Ozar was actually a bastard and Prince Asher is the youngest.” Gladys says and Teresa crunches her second serving of chips as she sits on my bed.“What are they like?” I ask, listening to the piece of information.“Everyone believes Prince Kaine is kind, mature and has a heart full of empathy. It is why the late king did not give him a chance to became king, he didn’t have the virtue of ire or rage. However, Prince Kaine doesn’t hold any grudge due to his father’s wishes. Instead, he is what we know as the closest advisor to the king. King Ozar really trusts Prince Kaine and respects him.”“Prince Collins…well, I’m sure you know about him.” Gladys says.“No—please tell me. I haven’t gotten a chance to know him in the slightest.” I say.“Oh, okay. Prince Collins is the most different out of his brother. Just as he and Ozar wer
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