All Chapters of Alpha's slave, the eternal submission: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
48 Chapters
Alpha King Ozar.The grand doors of the council chamber open and their weighty hinges groans in protest. Emerging from the dimly lit room, I step into the corridor and I realize it is dark already. My regal stature is now slightly hunched bearing the invisible weight of the day's taxing discussions with the minister of affairs. My eyes are framed by deep lines of weariness which shows the extent of my toiling and the countless hours I have spent deliberating over matters of state. My large robes rustle as I walk out along with the ministers of affairs who follow closely behind. I walk into the courtyard after leaving the halls to inhale a bit of fresh air before heading back into the fore walls of my bedroom where I would have to study a bit more.I walk into the expansive gardens; my boot makes a crunching sound along the gravel path as a cigarette is lit for me by a male servant who disperses from my side immediately after doing so. I take it between my fingers, inhaling deeply an
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Alpha King Ozar.“Yeri…” I say but I wonder if anything I say is really passing through her ears.Her small hands grip my robe and she nestles her head against my chest. Quickly, her breathing slows and there is evidence that she is slipping into a sleep, proven by the gentle rise and fall of her chest. We are so close to the point where I can feel the warmth of her body against mine. I can smell her powdery perfume; I can essentially cup her weight—we are too close.Proved that she is falling asleep, I try to extricate himself gently, shifting my weight and attempting to slide out from under her grasp without waking her. But Yeri, even in her half-conscious state, seems determined to hold him down. Her grip tightens each time I move, and a faint murmur escapes her lips, a plea to stay. Strands of her hair fal messily across her and I am too tired for this.The longer I stay on the bed, the faster my body is beginning to repose, taking it as our resting place."Yeri," I whisper, tryin
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Princess Yeri.I step out of the room after King Ozar has stepped out and I can still see him in the hallway. I pause when I see Lady Camille and an older woman who is standing in front of him. She looks like a dowager, perhaps, his grandmother or grand aunt. They have spotted me; therefore, I cannot run back into the room even if I wanted. I want to retreat, to avoid the scrutiny which would come in a matter of seconds, but it is too late. The dowager's sharp eyes spots me first, and a slight nod of her head directs lady Camille’s sight to me.With no other choice, I begin to step forward despite the apprehension knotting in my stomach. King Ozar’s attention is on me too, and it is nothing but steel—as if he regrets being caught in this entanglement. Well, he is not the only one…I feel the same way too. Feeling the weight of their gaze, I dip into a deep curtsy, lowing my head as my eyes fixes on the ground.“She is your newest consort? I thought it was a lie when the servants told m
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Princess Yeri.“Strip.”The dowager says and her eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that brooked no argument.There are no other options as I register her command. I thought the only thing between me and the king, was my honor. I didn’t know there was aged woman who had the reins of the kingdom, enough to shame me. I glance around the room and my eyes meets the curious and judgmental gazes of the assembled servants. As a princess, my nakedness is a sacred thing. The only person who has ever seen my nakedness is my governess and now, this woman is disgracing me by commanding this and gathering her servants to be of witness.I swear, I will make her pay for this. "Must I do this here?" I ask, one more time, begging for the slightest change of heart from her. My voice is trembling despite my effort to sound composed.Her expression remains stern. "You will do as you're told.” She says.Swallowing hard, I know there is no escape. If I ever want to turn the reins around in the time
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Alpha king Ozar.“What!” I yell after Agnes whispers into my ear.The assembled courtiers around the round table flinch and they look at me in devastation."A procreation calendar?" I ask. It feels as though I have heard it incorrectly.“Y—yes, your majesty.” Agnes stutters.My courtiers exchange nervous glances, none daring to meet my gaze."Where is the dowager? will not be treated like a mere stud to be managed at someone else's whim.” I say, rising from my seat and Agnes has something to say.“Your majesty, you made Yeri your consort. What are arguing for?” Agnes says and I take a moment to pause. I look around the table and I see that the ministers are looking at me in shocked expressions.“This meeting is adjourned.” I say, and in a hasty motion, they rise up and begin to exit the council room.“When did she do this?” I ask.“I heard from the servants that she took Yeri into the purity room. The dowager checked her.”“Checked her?” I ask, wondering the depth of her checking.“Sh
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Princess Yeri.From the kitchen, I can hear the conversations the harem women are having about me. I just returned from the castle and I still haven’t gotten a hold of myself. I haven’t gotten over what the dowager did to me and how she stripped me. And why? Because of the king, the same one whose hands hold the people of my kingdom. At every juncture, all I face is because of him. All the pain that resides in my chest is because of Ozar and I will never forgive him for this. It is why I will never be able to accept him as my mate. It is why I will pretend to be somone I am not to get what I want. And tomorrow night, I will allow him to disvirgin me.Perhaps, it is not solely a curse that the moon goddess made us mates. In my circumstance, the mate bond is the hold, the advantage that I have over King Ozar for it is the male wolves that are usually possessive and protective. Thus, when I begin to get intimate with him, I will open a portal that he cannot close. I will make him fall
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ContdPrincess Yeri.The day has come.I step out of the carriage at the castle’s entrance, the path is lined with palace lanterns. I am wearing a white gown. It has thin sleeves and it clings lightly to my naked shoulders. Over it, I am wearing a matching robe which saves my shoulders from the cold of the night.The attendants of the dowager, older women with years of experience and a solemn demeanor, help me out and straighten the dress before I head in. Unlike the looks on their faces, their hands are gentle but fir, and they reek of tradition. As my feet touches the ground, I am able to feel the cobblestones through my delicate slippers. Hours before I entered into the carriage, the white dress was sent to me by the dowager and Teresa explained to me that it was for purity and it is what I should have worn before I lost my virginity to the king.Other than Teresa, no one knows that I didn’t actually sleep with the king that day. However, the king knows that nothing has happened be
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Alpha King Ozar.The door opens with a click and I let go of the whiskey in my hands. I am wearing a white robe, and a pair of loose pants. Undeneath, my chest is bare and the muscular expanse of my chest gleams with a faint sheen. In one hand, I am holding a glass of whiskey and I set the glass down on a nearby table. I take a look at her as I rise to full height, the robe parts as I do this movement. Further, showcasing my sculpted torso.The attendant of the dowager gently reach up with practiced hands and grasp the edges of Yeri's veil. With a careful, deliberate motion, she begins to lift the veil away. As the veil is slowly removed, my breath gets caught in my throat to see her smooth and flawless skin. Yeri’s cheeks are tinged with a natural blush, bight eyes that holds the weight of the world and her lips, soft and slightly parted, they tremble ever so slightly. The subtle rouge enhanced their natural color, making them look inviting.The way her hair cascades in soft waves ar
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Alpha King Ozar.I begin to begin to loosen my pants. The sound of fabric shifting is amplified in the stillness of the room. On the bed, Yeri watches me and her chest is rising and falling with rapid breaths. I just broke a hungry kiss and her thoughts are still misplaced from it. If my kiss would leave her in such a delirious state, imagine what my royal cock could do to her?The dim light in the room plays over my features and casts shadows that accentuated the sharp angles of my face, darkening the hue of my eyes which is a portal to a depth of desire that is almost tangibleWith his pants finally loosened, my movements slows.“Open your legs.” I mutter and she blinks multiple times.“What—what do you want to do?” Yeri asks. From my face, her gaze travels down to my sculpted torso and down to the open waistband of my pants. It is not benign to believe that a sense of awe and trepidation is filling her right now.“Yeri…” I murmur and she looks back at my face.Slowly, she begins to
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Princess Yeri.The moment I open my eyes, I remember who I am lying with before I even see him. After last night, he fell atop of me. We stayed together to control our breathing and I was tired, I was exhausted that I closed my eyes, not knowing that I would fall asleep in his arms. Regardless, I didn’t wake up by myself—it was by the accord of an attendant of the dowager who tapped me on the bed, whispering that I left to wash up. I didn’t look to my side to see if the King was asleep or not.I rise from my side of the bed, covered in the bed sheets because the king completely tore my dress to shards."Good morning, consort Yeri. I have brought a robe for you." She says and I accept it. The garment is of fine silk, soft and warm against my skin. The color is in burgundy, rich and regal, embroidered with delicate gold threads. I slip the robe over my shoulders and the attendant gently adjusts it for me, ensuring it fits properly.I place my leg on the floor to get up when I hear someo
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