All Chapters of Married To Her Sister's Grumpy Finace : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
"Mom I need to go home now, I will come check up on you tomorrow" she stood up and went to kiss her mother's cheeks " Alright take care of yourself and don't worry about me. I am doing okay here" " I know that but still i can't help but worry, it's because I love you Mom" she gave her mother a bright smile " I love you too honey, what is in that bag?" Emily suddenly noticed the extra bag Charlotte was carrying "Ah" she turn the bag in her hands casually "I used it to carry some things I will be needing at work" She cursed in her mind when she realized that she was beginning to lie a lot recently. She was even getting so good at it that she did not need to think too much before coming up with a good and believable lie "Alright goodnight my dear and be careful on your way home" her mother waved at her " To Dalton's house" she said as she got into the car parked outside She winced at how the name sounded in her mouth. She needed to practice calling him by his
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A calculating smile came up Charlotte's face as she got a crazy idea. She opened the bag containing her clothes and after bringing out one of them she proceeded to push one of his suit to hang the gown beside it She did the same with all her clothes until they were all in between his suits. She left her underwear In the bag as she would die of embarrassment if he was to see them She moved back to admire her hand work with a smirk on her face. She has always been a girly girl from a young age but she has never liked the pink color. She prefers purple and royal blue "Now there is a little bit of color" she clapped her hand at her thought After putting on her night wear she proceeded to lay on the bed and wait for her husband. Though she knew not when he would leave his study to return to the room, she was planning on waiting for him. Maybe they could talk for a little bit and get to know little things about each other since they were going to be sharing a room and sle
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Charlotte woke up early the next morning. The first thing that came to her mind was her husband whom she waited for a long time for before falling asleep 'Did he return to the room?' she thought as she sat up and turned to look beside her. The bed was empty which mean that he did not return She sighed as she proceeded to get down but paused when her eyes went to the indentation on the pillow She grabbed it wide-eyed and sniffed it. Her face broke out in a wide smile when she perceived his cologne on it. He really returned She, who was moody some seconds ago, was suddenly happy. She stood up and began to prepare for work all the while whistling happily She thought that because he woke up early he must have left for work but she was wrong. She met him at the dining table having his breakfast, he was already dressed for work "Good morning husband" she smiled widely as she moved to sit where she sat last night by his right hand side "Hm" he grunted and continue
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Charlotte was beginning to feel uncomfortable under Walker's gaze. She was in his office to hand him a document. Instead of receiving it from her, he was staring at her with s strange expression Che touched her cheek with her free hand, she was confused at the looks he was giving her "Any problem sir?" "Walker" he corrected " Right" she drawled but continue to wait for his answer to her question Walker sighed as he collected the documents and placed them on his desk. Folding his hands across his chest, he leaned back on his swivel chair "what's with the rumors going in about you having a sugar daddy?" Charlotte nearly rolled her eyes " someone started it, I do not know what it's about" she entwined her hands behind her back and told him with a solemn expression "Oh? And then what of the one about a very expensive car dropping you off at work?" " It's true sir" she told him " Hm" his eyes searched her face "I know it's true, what I want to hear is how you g
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With a groan and an angry upward tilt of her lips, she march up to Andrew and Peter who were lost in some discussion and have not noticed her presence "What the hell are you guys doing?" She scowled darkly "You are done with work madam, where would you like to go?" Andrew asked ignoring her question Charlotte thrust her chin up, the scowl on her face deepening "I asked a question didn't I?" Andrew and Peter, who were leaning on the car, stood up straight at her tone of voice "what was your question ma'am?' Andrew asked " I asked what the hell you guys are doing" she repeated herself Andrew brow crease with confusion "can you please explain? We are just here is pick you up of course" "In this?" Charlotte sighed when she turned back and saw that everyone's eyes were still on them. She got into the car and they followed her "Did we do something wrong? " Andrew asked looking at her through the rearview mirror Charlotte realized back on the comfortable seat of
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Peter and Andrew were surprised to see her walking out of her mother's hospital room. She normally stayed with her mother for hour's, until it was late before she would go home "My mother chased me away" she shrugged nonchalantly when she saw the questions on their face They wanted to ask why but they thought otherwise and instead followed her out Charlotte dropped on the bed dead tired when she got home. It was still ealy and Dalton was yet to return so she had the room to herself She was tired and hungry and she also wanted to take a warm bath but she was too tired to get up from the bed. Within some minutes she was asleep still wearing her work clothes and with her legs hanging off the sides of the bed "Has my wife returned home?" That was the first question Dalton asked when he got home from work "Yes madam came in a few hours ago but she has not come out of the room since then" With a frown on his handsome face, Dalton turned his wrist to check his wa
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Dalton said nothing so she left his study room and went in search of a stool. Luckily for her, she met Mrs Brittany who helped her to find one. The both of them bickered over who would carry the stool to the study and she won at them end His head was dipped low as he read through the files on his study desk when she entered. The stool was heavy but she managed to carry it to where she wanted She climbed on it as she reached out to pull the frame from off the wall. She gradually climbs down with the frame in her hand and walked to the chair opposite him She sat down and admired his frame. Everyone in America knew of his family and when she was still the young miss of the Enfield's family she has mingled with the rich and has seen him once when he attended an event that her father dragged her too She was just sixteen by then and all she wanted that night was to be home and reading the new novel that as just been released by her favorite author She never paid attention to
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Charlotte got down from the Bentley and walked into the hospital with Andrew and Peter by her side. Her step's were light and bouncy. After she went downstairs to eat, she and Mrs Brittany had a big fight about who would reheat her food and just like their fight about the stool, she won. After reheating her food and eating, Mrs Brittany showed her the house It was way bigger than she thought but it was no surprise to her as she knew that rich folks tend to live in big houses. There was thirteen rooms in total and she wondered if his family do visit him and stay over because only their bedroom looked like it has been used, the rest looked empty even with the furniture inside. The maids and guards had their own quarter and only Mrs Brittany lived in the mansion with them There were two pools in total and a gym house. When Mrs Brittany showed her the gym house she felt tears prickle at the back of her eyes. Mrs Brittany told her that Dalton always hit the gym every morning
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Charlotte sighed tiredly as she turned her hands to look at the watch on her wrist. It was getting late but she had to work overtime because she made a mistake on a document while typing. She had just submitted that last file and was planning on leaving "anything else Mr Walker?" Walker raised his head from the document he was flipping through and looked at her with piercing honey brown eyes "how is your mother?" She smiled, he was a good boss "She is fine sir, thank you." Walker frowned at her polite reply. No matter how he tries to make her feel comfortable enough around him it seems impossible. There was that line that she still couldn't cross even if he so much wanted to to "when will she be discharged?" Charlotte shuffled her feet. She was already tired from going up and down in high heels since morning. She felt like her legs was on fire "I don't know for now but the doctor says that she is healing fast so I presume she would leave the hospital soon" " That
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Charlotte turned to Mrs Brittany "can you please leave for a while? I need to speak with them privately". Mrs Brittany did not want to leave " but Madam…". She knew that they must have done something provoking to make Mrs Brittany hesitant to leave her alone with them "I can handle them". Mrs Brittany stared at her for a while before relenting. She threw a dirty look in Amarie and Bethany's direction before walking out. Charlotte turn to them when she was sure that Mrs Brittany was out of eat shut "cut that bullshit about coming here to check up one me. What do you want?". " Why are you so uptight?' Bethany asked as she popped an olive in her mouth. "We just came to see how you are settling into your new life as a married woman" Amarie went back to sit down. Charlotte eyes them wearily "what do you want?". "Well, this house is so beautiful sister" Bethany stood up and walked round the dining table to stand in her front "I had one of the maids show me th
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