All Chapters of Married To Her Sister's Grumpy Finace : Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
Twenty one
Mrs Brittany walked back inside the dining room and saw that Charlotte's hands were on the dining table and her head was bent, her hair shielding her face from view. She could almost feel the anger on Charlotte. She had heard everything that was spoken loud and clear. Charlotte was not Dalton's real fiance but that mannerless woman. Charlie was deceiving Dalton because her father and the other woman including her daughter who was Dalton's fiance forced her to marry him. Apparently the other woman, Bethany, dumped Dalton because she heard of his accident. She was not going to report it to Dalton because she already liked Charlotte and she knew that Dalton likes her too. If not why would he suddenly be returning back home early after they got married. She thought that after everything that has gone wrong in Dalton's life since his accident he at least deserves love and if Charlotte was going to show him that, fake or not she was not going to destroy it. Charlotte has not d
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Twenty two
Hughes looked behind him when he heard the sounds of approaching footsteps to see Amarie coming down. "What have you been doing in the room that you have to keep the whole family waiting for you?" Amarie gave him a seductive smile, a smile that never fails to calm him down anytime he was mad at her. "Oh honey, I had to do a thing or two" she told him as she stepped behind his chair and placed both of her hands on his shoulders to give him a massage. Hughes was about to respond to her but Bethany spoke first. "Mom, Grandma is going to be eating with us today, you should have waited till another time to do that thing you were doing" Angelina Enfield smiled widely and she adjusted her glasses when she heard what her granddaughter just said. "You are too kind Bethany but it's okay. Now that your mother is here we can just start eating" " Alright Grandma '' Bethany nodded, her heart filled with joy at her grandmother's words. Hughes did not say anything anymore but gestur
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Twenty three
Charlotte grabbed her aching head with her hands. She woke up sick this morning and even after taking drugs she still felt sick. All she wanted to do was go back home and curl up on the king size bed she shared with Dalton. She was startled and nearly went flying out of her office chair when her phone rang, the sound causing her already aching head to ache all the more. "Hello". She groaned into the phone. "You useless piece of shit, how dare you block my number? You think I won't be able to get to you after you block my number? What useless daughter blocks their father's number?" The one who sold his daughter out to a crippled man she has never met before in order to receive funds for his business. Charlotte bit her lips at the comeback that sprang to her mind as she moved the phone away from her ear that was buzzing from her father's scream. "Why did you chase your mother and sister away, you ungrateful thing? If not for your sister giving up her place for you to m
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Twenty four
Charlotte woke up some time later in the middle of the night to someone pressing a cold towel on her forehead. Her body was no longer aching as before nor was her head heavy again. She was feeling cold but was painfully aware of her clothes sticking to her sweaty body. That was what woke her up. She was not feeling comfortable. Whatever the doctor fed her when she was asleep had definitely worked. "Dalton?" She murmured as she blinked her eyes at the man sitting on his wheelchair beside the bed. He was about to dip his hand that was holding the wet towel that had been pressed against her forehead some second ago into a bowl of cold water. He paused and looked at her. "How are you feeling?". She ignored his question, "what are you doing?". She was confused. Did she just see the almighty Dalton Moore taking care of her when she was sick?. "Wiping you down. You were sweating too much and won't stay in one place". He grumbled as he dumped the towel into h
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Twenty five
Dalton was not on the bed when she woke up and she was grateful because she would not have known how to face him if he was the first thing she saw after opening her eyes. Especially after last night's episode. She sat up and found that her bag has been placed on the bedside table, she reached for it and brought out her phone when she heard a notification sound. "You don't have to come to work today. I know you are tired, take today off and rest". The message was from Walker. She dropped the phone back and threw the covers off before getting down from the bed. She would have happily relaxed back on the bed and gone back to sleep. She knew that she would regret it later. She would die of boredom and then she would have work piled up for her when she resumed work tomorrow. "Oh God why?". She nearly wailed when she met Dalton in the dinning room. Turn and run back to the room or don't eat breakfast so just pretend like you did not see him, turn and walk out. Just as she
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Twenty six
"Mrs Moore, you and Mr Moore were invited for dinner at your in-laws house". Mrs Brittany told Charlotte immediately she got back from work."In-laws?". Charlotte gasped in surprise. Mrs Brittany nodded with a smile, "yes, Mr Moore's parents are holding a family dinner tonight to celebrate your marriage to Mr Moore". Charlotte's breath caught in her throat at the word marriage. She had thought about Dalton's parents the day she was touring the mansion and discovered the plenty of rooms that were unoccupied. She had wondered if they ever came to visit and now they were inviting them to dinner."Mr Moore would be waiting for you at his parents home. A gown had been laid out for you. Mr Moore bought it". Mrs Brittany gave her a wink before leaving. Was it going to happen faster than she thought?. His grandfather was the one that announced Bethany as Dalton's bride that day. She knew that she and Bethany looked alike but they had different names. Dalton calls her Charlotte, what if his
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