All Chapters of The Lycan King's Forbidden Fruit.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
94 Chapters
Bold Or Stupid
[Diego’s POV]I stare into the woman’s eyes as I wonder if there is something more she is trying to get at. When she continues to stare at me unflinchingly, I know that she is truly convinced that the answers we seek will be there.Sighing, I turn to Giddeon as he waits for orders.“Get a team together,” I announce, deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to do what the woman suggested. “In a few days time we will head back to the outer village.”“Yes, sir,” Giddeon says, giving a slight bow. “And what if we don’t find anything?”“We will cross that bridge when we get to it,” I respond, suddenly feeling exhausted.“Who are you to make commands?”Tensing, I slowly shift my gaze from Giddeon to my father, who is watching me with narrowed eyes. Of course, he would have an issue with me doing what I felt was best, especially if he didn’t agree with it.“Hasn’t enough damage been done?” He continues when I don’t speak. “Your sister is now missing, and many members of our pack are already dead. I th
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Stay With Them
[Rosalie’s POV]“That’s enough.”Diego’s voice rings out as I open my mouth to argue more, and with it, I feel almost as though my throat is being constricted. Shit. Having his mark on my skin was going to prove to be an issue, but this wasn’t the first time that he used his command against me.Shivering, I try not to remember how fucking helpless I felt laying on that floor, fingering myself for his enjoyment. As long as I was more cautious, something like that wouldn’t happen again.“The two of you arguing isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Diego says now as his father fixes his narrowed gaze on him. “We need to act soon.”“Then you and the woman go stay in the village until you can find the source of the plague,” his father announces.“Are you really suggesting that?”“Fine,” I snap, cutting Diego off before he can finish. “We’ll do just that.”At my words, Diego’s disbelieving gaze comes to rest on me. I have to stop myself from smirking at how annoyed he looks, but if he truly wan
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Take Pity
[Diego’s POV]I try to ignore the uneasy feeling that is beginning to build in me due to what the hell I just felt erupt between the woman and myself. If that wasn’t bad enough, how Giddeon was acting was pissing me off as well.“Go and prepare,” I snap when he continues to smirk at me. “You’ll be accompanying us along with a few others.”For a moment, Giddeon doesn’t speak as he finally drops his amused attitude, and shock flashes in his eyes.“I’m… what?” He gasps, his face paling. "What did you..."“You heard me,” I smirk, turning and beginning to move. “You’ll be accompanying us on our endeavor to find the source of the plague.”With that, I don’t wait for any more responses before I’m tugging on the woman so that we can begin to pack for our journey.When we arrive at our destination, I release her and head into my closet so that I can begin to rummage through clothes. Once I’ve grabbed the essentials, I head back into my room to find that the woman is standing in the middle of t
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Their Silent Pleas
[Rosalie’s POV]The ride to the borders of Diego’s pack lands is silent as the heaviness of the situation weighs on all of us. And when we grow closer, the damage from disease and famine due to the darkness becomes evident in the gazes that watch us as we pass. They scream a silent plea to be saved from that which is tormenting them, and it is so damn loud it makes my heart ache.Beside me, I can feel Diego’s aura shift as he too takes in what I’m seeing, and despite his seeming indifferent earlier on, it becomes increasingly clear that he does truly care for these people, even if he doesn’t believe he can save them.When we arrive at our destination, we are greeted by elder Marin and healer Murdoch. Both men look as exhausted as the villagers that stare at us from their homes—at least the ones whose homes weren’t destroyed by the giant snake. Those who were left with nothing huddled together inside tents that lined the streets, making it impossible to travel any further by car.“Welc
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A Sad Lullabye
[Rosalie’s POV]Diego’s words settle into my mind, reminding me that my time on this earth is limited. Although I never feared death, that didn’t mean that I wasn’t nervous about what would come after I were to pass. Would I find myself in the arms of the goddess, or would I be in the fiery pits of hell for my sins?“No,” the agonized cry snaps me out of my daze and draws my gaze to the far corner of the large room I’m standing in, where a small child fights two figures who are fully dressed in hazmat gear. “No!” the child repeats. “I don’t want to die! Please! Don’t let me die!”The words cause my heart to break as I continue to take in the scene.“Aren’t you going to stop them?” I ask Diego. “They’re only frightening the child more.”“They’re doing their job,” he counters. “The child is making a scene, and they’re trying to calm it.”“But to be so forceful.”“If you have a problem with it, then you do something.” Diego shrugs, clearly unphased by what he is seeing.Frowning, I conti
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Help Her
[Diego’s POV]My gaze stays fixed on the woman as she continues to cradle the deceased child in her arms. Her expression screams everything she is feeling, and I can’t help but wonder how she can care so much for someone she doesn’t even know. It was unsettling and inspiring. Even despite everything, she was still capable of having so much compassion, unlike me, who became a cold-hearted bastard.Did you really? The small voice in the back of my head counters. Since the very beginning, you’ve only wanted to do what was best for your pack.Did I? I push, knowing that my reasons for trying to find a cure were selfish and were only because of my sister falling ill from the plague. Or did I just use that as an excuse to hide the very compassion that could make me a target?Tearing my gaze away, I turn to Giddeon, who is giving me an annoying look.“Why are you just standing there?” I snap, causing his creepy smile to broaden. “Shouldn’t you be helping prepare the child for her sendoff?”“
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[Diego’s POV]I continue to watch as the woman obliviously sleeps. She really wasn’t very good at knowing when danger was near, was she? Here, I was able to gobble her up entirely while she slept so soundly, and she didn’t even know it.Sighing, I reach out, preparing to wake her up, but stop as she lets out a shuttery breath and flips over, curling in on herself as if she is attempting to stop something from happening.“I guess you aren’t as oblivious as I thought,” I chuckle, dropping my hand once again. “Wait, why the hell do I even care?”It was well known that she found herself in prison because she killed an alpha and his subordinates. There was absolutely no reason to feel anything but disgust toward her, yet the more time we spent together, the more I couldn’t help but find myself pitying her. She truly was dealt a bad hand when it came to life.“…” she whimpers, snapping me out of my head. “Please…don’t…”Frowning, I watch as the woman’s face begins to contort with what
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Make Herself Useful
[Rosalie’s POV]I stare in disbelief at the door as it closes behind Diego. The man truly was hot and cold. One minute he was kind and caring; the next he was venomous as a snake. Did he have multiple personalities or something?Sighing, I collapse on the couch while pressing my fingers against the cuts on my cheek and pulling away so I can examine the blood on them.“He went all out,” I sigh, rolling over and curling in on myself. “I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.”Closing my eyes, I once again see his enraged expression, but it quickly shifts to that gentle one that he has used around me a few times. I truly was a fool to let my guard down even for a second just because he showed that expression, but it wasn’t only that expression that was making me do something so crazy.“What is it that I keep feeling?” I whisper, touching my lips as if that thrum of delicious energy would come from my own touch. “Is it a desperateness for some sort of human connection?”I didn’t know, and hon
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Mixed Emotions
[Rosalie’s POV]I keep my gaze fixed on Diego’s as he continues to stare me down, clearly uncertain of what he is even hearing and seeing. I had to admit, it was kind of amusing seeing him so perplexed; it definitely looked a lot better than his normal scowl.“Who said that you could leave the hut?” He asks slowly, composing himself once more.“No one,” I respond. “I got bored, so I just left.”“Just left,” he repeats, raising a brow. “And the guards I set there just let you?”Not really, but it was better that I didn’t tell him that I easily climbed out of a window because it wasn’t being watched. I was more than aware that would just make him angrier, and even now I feel bad for my guards since I knew they would suffer his wrath.“Uh…” Gabby stammers, reminding us that she was also there. “I can handle things from here.”Her words make my heart squeeze, and I wonder if Diego will blame her as well for allowing me to help. I couldn’t let that happen, and I wouldn’t. I was the one who
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What Are You
[Rosalie’s POV]I don’t move as the woman throws herself against Diego, wrapping her arms tightly around him. With a sigh of contentment, she squeezes him before peeking around his large body and eyeing me.“Oh,” she gasps, as if remembering once again that I was there. “How rude of me!”Releasing Diego, she moves forward and holds out a hand.“I’m Chanel; it’s nice to meet you, uh...”“Rosalie,” I say slowly, eyeing her.Now that I was getting a better look at her and she wasn’t bent over Diego’s desk with her face contorted with passion, she truly was a beautiful woman. With her long, raven black hair and glowing golden eyes, she was quite a looker. Add in her lean frame and height, and she truly was a knockout.“It’s nice to meet you, Rosalie!” She beams, shaking my hand vigorously.“Chanel,” Diego warns as she releases me and takes a seat beside me. “What do you think you’re doing?”“I already told you,” she responds, leaning against me while grabbing my chin so she can get a good
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