All Chapters of The Lycan King's Forbidden Fruit.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
94 Chapters
Into Oblivion
[Rosalie’s POV]I look from Diego’s mother to Diego as my heart shatters into a million pieces. This was it. I was really leaving and would never see him again. Would he be okay without me? Would he come looking for me? I didn’t know, but a small part of me hoped he did.“Time’s ticking.” Diego’s mother purrs. “Get dressed and come on.”Nodding, I climb off the bed, grabbing my clothes off the ground and quickly pulling them on. “I’m coming.”Once I’m dressed, I follow Diego’s mother out into the hall, where Kate waits wearing nothing but a robe and a look of triumph.“I guess you aren’t as dumb as I thought.” She says, tossing her long, dark hair over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you that you slept with my fiance. Just do me a favor and stay gone.”I don’t bother responding as she shoves her way past me and into the room. After she shuts the door so whatever happens next in there is hidden from the world, I turn and meet Diego’s mother’s gaze."Remember, this i
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Where Is She
[Diego’s POV]My head fucking pounds, and my body feels like it weighs a ton as I fight to regain consciousness. With each passing minute, my panic grows as I worry about what has happened to Rosalie.“Rosa…” I husk, twitching my fingers, and then reaching my hand. “Plea… be…”Be alright, I think inwardly, continuing to reach out until I find a warm body beside me. Instantly, the fear that I’m feeling disappears.“Thank… the…” I manage, prying an open so I can take in the blurry form beside me. “I’m so…”“Diego!”The voice reaches me through the haze that still clouds my mind, but it isn’t the one that I want to hear. Instead, it is the one person I don’t want beside me.Prying open my other eye, I blink a few times until she comes into view, and I can make out the worry in her eyes.“Why?” I growl, attempting to move but finding that I’m still too fucking heavy. “Why are you…”“Diego!” Kate says quietly. “How can you be so mean to me? Especially after attacking me like you did.”Atta
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A Manic Man
[Diego’s POV]I jump out of bed while my lycan rages, threatening to take control as my panic and fear that something happened to Rosalie grows.“Diego!” My father snaps, grabbing me.“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I roar, letting my aura explode from me, so it sends him crashing backwards.Ignoring the yells of everyone else in the room, I move, extending my senses as I do so in hopes that maybe, just maybe, Rosalie is nearby, but there’s not a single fucking trace of her.“Dammit.” I growl, taking the stairs two at a time. “Where the fuck is she?”Bursting out of the packhouse, I look around, hoping that she may be there, but when I come up empty, I turn my gaze toward the small house where Anthrose and possibly Chanel should be right now.“That’s right.” I hiss, breaking into a full run.When I reach the house, I burst inside, drawing Chanel’s gaze toward me.“What the hell?” She says, eyeing me. “What the hell is going on, and why are you naked?”“That isn’t important.” I snap.“It is.
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[Rosalie’s POV]The soft sounds of machines beeping reach me in the darkness that I’ve been trapped in, beckoning me to fight my way toward them. However, my eyelids and body feel so heavy. It’s like there are a ton of weights holding me.‘Wake up,’ a soft voice murmurs. ‘It’s time to open your eyes, Rosalie.’‘Hana?’ I whisper inwardly, feeling more strength drip into me. ‘Is that you?’‘Time to wake up.’ She repeats, sending waves of warmth into me.Gasping, my eyes fly open, and a bright light threatens to blind me.Blinking a few times, I clear my vision to find that I’m staring up at a white tiled roof.“Where?” I whisper, causing my throat to burn and a coughing fit to hit me.“Careful.”Trying to stop my fit, I look in the direction of the voice to find a handsome man with glowing blue eyes that almost resemble my own. Even his light blonde hair is similar.“Who?” I rasp, trying to make sense of what is happening. “Where…”Shifting my gaze from the man, I begin to take in the r
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Five Years Later
[Diego’s POV]I stare at the city in front of me while letting the scents of it hit my nose. After five fucking years, this was the only lead I got toward Rosalie’s location. Five long, fucking years of searching with absolutely no results. It was like she disappeared entirely or never existed at all, and it was so fucking infuriating!Turning, I watch as Giddeon gets out of the car I’m standing in front of and comes to join me.“Ready?” He asks me, pulling out a piece of paper that contains the address of our informant. “I’m sure that Kate and your mother are probably have a coniption over your sudden disappearance.”“I don’t give two shits.” I huff, taking the paper from him and eyeing it. “I wasn’t the one who allowed Kate to live in the walls of Moon Storm.”“Maybe,” Giddeon agrees. “But what about Landon?”For a moment, I don’t respond as the young child's face pops into my mind. Although I was certain that nothing could have happened between Kate and me, she ended up pregnant on
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A Meeting
[Diego’s POV]“Is this the place?” Giddeon asks, staring up at the large building in front of us. “Who knew that your princess wasn’t only the daughter of an alpha, but even a conglomerate princess?”I don’t bother responding to him as I continue to take in the building in front of me. With luck, Rosalie would be somewhere inside it. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing that I finally found her, but why did she stay gone for so long and work so hard to keep herself hidden?“Are we going to go in?” Giddeon asks, snapping me out of my head. “Or are you just going to stand here pining.”“Who the fuck is pining?” I growl, beginning to move. “Don’t speak such nonsense.”“Right.” He laughs, beginning to follow me. “I forgot that my dear friend is an emotionless bastard.”Rolling my eyes, I don’t bother countering his words as I push open the large glass doors in front of me and begin to stroll straight to the reception desk.When I arrive, the woman sitting behind it lets her dark eyes begi
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He Found Me
[Diego’s POV]Rage rushes through me as Gil keeps his gaze calmly on me. Was this bastard being serious right now? He was actually threatening to ruin me if I were to find Rosalie. Well, he could try it.“I’ll accept your challenge.” I grin, getting to my feet. “Thank you for taking the time to see me.”“Leaving so soon?” Gil asks, leaning back in his seat. “When we were just starting to get to something interesting.”“Sorry, but I have important matters to take care of.” I respond. “I’ve already gotten all that I need.”“So you will stay away from Rosalie?”“Not a chance.” I chuckle. “Don’t you know that when someone tells me that I can’t do something, it just makes me want to do it even more?”Not bothering to say anything more, I start to move while Giddeon jumps up and follows me. It is only when we reach the elevator and are inside that he fixes his gaze on me.“What are you planning?” He asks. “Are you really going to go against Blue Moon?”I was. If Gil De’Evangeline thought th
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[Rosalie’s POV]I reach out and pull Geo against me, letting his pure presence calm my heart as my eyes dart around the area around me. Although I was certain he wouldn’t be hanging around here or that Gil would even allow that, I can’t stop the anxiety that is beginning to build in me.“Is everything alright, mommy?” Geo asks, pulling away to fix me with his eyes, which resemble Diego’s so much.“No.” I respond instantly.Straightening out, I reach out and take Geo’s hand while Helga watches us.“Thank you for bringing him here.” I say, giving a smile. “We’ll be heading home.”“Of course.” Helga responds. “But shouldn’t you visit the master first?”Frowning, I don’t miss the hint of insistence. Even if I was completely free from Diego all these years, I owed Gil and my extended family quite a bit. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have made it this far or rebuilt my life after all the suffering I went through. I was forever indebted to them, not only for myself but also for my mother
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An Irrational Decision
[Diego’s POV]I stare down at Rosalie, taking her in as the urge to reach out and grab her bubbles up in me. After five years, she looks almost the same, aside from being more rounded out and much more alive than she did back then. Her eyes, which are wide and unwavering, are exactly how I remember them, but there’s something in them that makes my heart ache.“How?” She asks quietly.How. Was she asking how I found her? Was she really that upset that we were back together after being apart for so fucking long?“Disappointed?” I ask slowly, my lips twitching into a frown. “Were you that hell bent on staying away from me forever?”As the words leave my lips, the pain that I’m feeling increases, and anger mixes in as well. Although I didn’t want to believe that she stayed away for so long by choice, every fucking thing in front of me was saying that she did.With each passing minute, I could feel my lycan stirring and, with him, the rage that I always feel bubbling in me.“Tell me!” I hi
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Her Decision
[Rosalie’s POV]I watch in horror as Diego begins to move with Geo in tow.“No!” I gasp, understanding what he is planning. “STOP!”As the words leave my lips, I’m moving, attempting to rush in the direction that Diego has disappeared, but strong arms stop me.Gasping, I let out a snarl and whirl around to find Oscar, Gil’s beta, holding me in place.“Let go.” I hiss, trying to keep my temper in check. “NOW!”“I have orders from Alpha to keep you here.” Oscar counters. “He will retrieve the boy.”Gil would retrieve the boy… That was exactly what I was worried about. If he and Diego went up against one another, I knew it wouldn’t turn out well. At least if it were me to approach Diego, things wouldn’t end in blood shed.“Geo is my son!” I snap, beginning to fight against his arms. “As his mother, it is my responsibility!”“I’m sorry.” Oscar drawls in his monotone. “I am to follow Alpha’s orders.”Cursing inwardly, I listen to the sounds of shouting in Geo’s room.“STOP FUCKING AROUND!”
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