All Chapters of The Lycan King's Forbidden Fruit.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
94 Chapters
Go After Him
[Rosalie’s POV]Panic rushes through me as I try to determine whether or not the darkness was randomly possessing Rio and Oscar or if... No. I couldn’t think like that, not after everything Gil did for me.Shaking off my unease, I continue to move in hopes of shaking off the two that are diligently chasing me.As we move, those around us work to get out of the way, while others yell and pull out their phones. Luckily, this was an area that was populated only by wolves; otherwise, there would be a lot of trouble to clean up later.Gil, I think inwardly, deciding that was the thing to focus on right now. I needed to find him. I was certain that once I did, I would find Diego and Geo as well.Picking up my pace, I extend my senses until I feel Gil.Bursting forward, I head in the direction his energy is coming from at full speed until, finally, I see him.‘Gil!’ I call, hoping that he can hear me. ‘I need some help here!’As the words leave me, Gil’s gaze comes to rest on me, and when it
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An Illegitimate Brat
[Diego’s POV]A slow smirk begins to spread across my face as I watch Kate’s cheeks turn from pink to bright red due to just how pissed she is over what Geo has said.“You…” She whispers, her voice shaking. “What did you just say?”As she speaks, her gaze comes to rest on me, and I simply nod.“It’s as he said.” I respond, moving to stand beside Geo so I can lift him into my arms, which he allows since we are currently going against the same person. “This is my child.”“Your child.” Kate sputters, clearly in disbelief. “YOUR CHILD WITH WHO?”Remaining silent, I watch as the gears begin to turn in Kate’s head, and when her eyes widen with both shock and outrage, I know that she understands.“Hey,” Geo whispers while Kate continues to malfunction. “Who is this crazy grandma?”“Did you just call me a grandma?” Kate growls, her gaze narrowing. “I’ll fucking…”“You’ll do nothing.” I snarl, grabbing her hand as she raises it to hit Geo. “Who the hell do you think you are to touch my child?”
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Her Next Move
[Rosalie’s POV]I reach down and pull Geo into my arms while Diego takes me in with an unreadable expression. However, when he opens his mouth in an attempt to say something in response to my words, Kate is leaping up and rushing toward me.“Don’t,” I warn, letting my aura explode from me so that it sends her skittering backward. “Don’t come any closer.”As I speak, her eyes grow wide, and outrage fills them, but I don’t care. I wasn’t the same woman from the past who continuously bowed down and let others walk all over her. Since having Geo, I knew that way of thinking and acting couldn’t continue. I now had a little life that was entrusted to me to protect, and I planned on doing that.“Whatever you plan on saying or doing, save it.” I continue, narrowing my gaze. “If you’re worried that I will barge in and ruin your perfect little family, you can save it. I have no intention of doing that. However, I would appreciate it if you could keep your man in line.”At my words, a growl of a
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A Familiar Face
[Rosalie’s POV]Anger rolls through me as Diego’s words settle around us. I wasn’t a thing to be kept yet, but for most of my time in Moon Storm, I was a thing to be kept. It was only at the end that I was treated fairly, but even that was short-lived due to his mother's threat.“Don’t touch me.” I snap, pulling free of Diego’s hold and grabbing Gil’s arm. “Gil,” I continue, ignoring Diego as he stares at me with a look of hurt. “Let’s go.”Nodding, a slow smile begins to spread across Gil’s face as satisfaction and triumph flash in his eyes.“Alright.” He responds, turning his gaze to Diego. “I think my sister has made it clear that she doesn’t want you to hang around her. So, be a good man and just leave us alone.”Finished speaking, Gil begins to move, leading the way around Diego and toward a car that is waiting for us. As I allow myself to be led toward it, I don’t dare look back.It is only when I’m in the car that I finally dare a peek at Diego, who is watching on with an unrea
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An Old Friend
[Rosalie’s POV]I stare on, watching as Annemarie gets into the car in front of me. While she moves, she doesn’t dare look at me, and I’m not sure if it is because she truly doesn’t remember me or if it’s because of the man with her. Even if they were trying to come across as a loving couple, it was clear there was a power dynamic between the two.Frowning, I feel the sudden urge to kidnap Annemarie from that car, but before I can actually act, it begins to move, taking Annemarie away while I stay in place, being utterly useless.“Rosalie!” Gil calls as I continue to watch the disappearing car. “What are you doing?”“I thought I saw someone I knew.” I explain, fighting with whether or not it was actually Annemarie. “But I was mistaken.”“That’s too bad.” Gil murmurs, clapping my shoulder. “If that’s the case, then you should just forget about it.”Forget about it. That was easier said than done, especially given the circumstances surrounding Annemarie. Well, at least, the ones that we
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A Realization
[Alassandra’s POV]A chill races through me, starting from my heart and traveling throughout my entire body, freezing me in place as the familiar surroundings of the Netherealm start to appear. Feeling my heart begin to beat rapidly, I try to make sense of why I’m back here.Looking around, I try to find the one who would have summoned me. However, she is nowhere to be found.“Hana!” I call, fighting against the icy tendrils that hold me in place. “HANA!”‘I’m here.’ Hana’s familiar voice murmurs, but she’s in my head and not in the world in front of me. ‘This isn’t my doing.’Her words are like ice-cold water slapping me in the face as a terrifying realization hits me. My five years of peace with no dark beasts or creatures were over.First, it was the possession of the members of Gil’s pack, and now this, but who was the one who brought me here if it wasn’t Hana?‘Just ahead.’ Hana whispers.Bracing myself, I let my gaze trail forward until it came to rest on the shadowy form of a h
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His Last Straw
[Diego’s POV]My eyes grow wide as shock rushes through me over what Chanel has just told me. After so many years of searching for Annemarie with no luck here, she was in the same fucking city as Rosalie. What were the fucking chances?"Diego, are you still there?” Chanel asks when the silence drags on too long. “Or have you already run off to search?”“No, I’m still here.” I say. “Thanks for the information.” I continue. “If you get to know anything else, be sure to tell me.”“Roger that.” Chanel chirps. “But do me a favor and bring my friend home.”For a moment, I don’t speak as her words make my heart squeeze painfully.“I’m trying.” I sigh. “Anyway, I’ll talk to you later. There’s something I need to do.”Hanging up, I head out of the room and then into the living room, where Kate and Landon sit watching cartoons. Or rather, Landon watches cartoons while Kate stakes out my room like a hawk.“Diego!” She chirps, jumping up and knocking Landon to the floor. When he hits his face fir
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Have To Go Back
[Diego’s POV]I barge into Lester’s building, not bothering to announce myself, and when he comes out from the back with a look of annoyance on his face, I reach out and grab his shirt, pulling him close to me. Maybe I was being a little too rash, but I feared if I wasted too much time, whoever had Annemarie would disappear, taking my sister with him and leaving us without a lead.“Cameras now.” I growl, starting to pull him toward his back office. "There isn't any time to waste!"“Hello. Nice to see you too. How may I help you today?” Lester asks in annoyance. “Do you not know common curtesy?”“Fuck that.” I snap, shoving him into the back and following. “There’s an emergency, and I don’t have time for that bullshit. Cameras NOW!" I repeat urgently. "Get moving."“An emergency.” Lester repeats. “Did your woman run away again?”“She…” I begin, realizing that was actually a very strong possibility. “I’ll worry about that later.”For now, I knew that Rosalie was safe, as was the child t
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Call Him
[Rosalie’s POV]When the jet lands, I grab Geo and begin to move, but the minute the door opens, I find Gil standing in the way of my exit.“What is this?” He demands, glaring into the jet at Francine, who cowers behind me. “Rosalie?”“I’ll explain later.” I say quietly. “But not here.”Although I knew Gil trusted Francine, I couldn’t bring myself to discuss my abilities and what I was capable of around her. To this day, Gil was the only one who knew about me.For a moment, he doesn’t move as he examines me, clearly searching for some type of hint toward what is wrong, but when he doesn’t find it, he nods.“Alright,” he sighs, kneeling down and opening his arms. “Let me help you by taking this little stinker.”As he speaks, he picks up Geo, who isn’t the least bit happy about what he has been called, and cradles him against his chest.“Come on.” He says, motioning me forward. “We will talk along the way.”Nodding, I peek behind me to find Francine glaring, but she doesn’t speak. Inste
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Meet Up
[Rosalie’s POV]My hand shakes as I stare at Diego’s number. Although I resolved to go through with this, now that it was actually happening, I couldn’t stop the waves of emotion that are beginning to rush through me.“If it’s that hard, you don’t have to do this.” Gil points out. “We can figure out another way to...”“No,” I say quickly, hitting dial and bringing my phone to my ear. “Excuse me.”Ignoring the look that Gil gives me, I start to move, making distance between us until finally Diego picks up.“Rosalie,” he breathes, his voice tickling my ear despite two phones and many miles being between us.For a moment, I don’t speak, as I find myself getting lost in the sound of it. Even after all these years, I can’t stop my heart and body from reacting to him. Dammit. I was truly weak.‘Don’t forget the reason you called.’ Hana urges me, snapping me out of my daze. ‘We have to stop the darkness.’‘Right.’ I murmur, pushing aside all the emotions that are attacking me.“Rosalie.” Die
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